Was literally grabbed with a tiny sample place in my hand and ushered into the store, set in front of a mirror and my eyes and neck critiqued. The a young man calling himself, ‘Guy’, proceeded to place large amounts of cosmetics on the skin under my eyes, hands and arms. Then he hard, hard, hard pressures a sale even after I asked him to allow me to do some research on Orogold. He brings out the Ororgold Magazine and states “this is all the research you need. Then, he says ‘I’m calling my spa employee to come in and give you a facial. I refused. He insisted. They put me in a room, resembling spa atmosphere, the scantily dressed, harse speaking female comes in and puts approximately 6-8 layers of cosmetics on my face and calls it a facial. When I left the store I had a crusty film on my face and heavy crust on my forehead hair line. The next day, I woke up with pencil eraser sized raised areas on my forehead, chin area and nose. My scalp near my forehead was flaky and itchy. I called the spa person, Taryn, immediately. She yelled, screamed, hollered and threatened me, therefore I cancelled the call. She emailed me three times, texted 21 times and called 14 times. Absolutely, completely, flatly refusing to refund my payment.
There are so, so many complaints against this company and their despicable behavior. There is even a video on YouTube where a poor elderly fellow with dementia was pressured into purchasing thousands of dollars worth of cosmetics. A television reporter in Tampa Bay, Florida created a story about and there was a huge outcry on social media and the news.
Stay far, far from Orogold. Evil and greed lives at Orogold. Seriously.