RESERVE BANK OF INDIA Customer services
Our ref: Cub/Hog/Oxd1/2014.
Payment file: RBI/id1033/2013/2014
Payment Amount: (£500,000.00GBP.)
Dear Beneficiary:
The Foreign Exchange Transfer Department (RBI) hereby brings to your attention the payment of your deposited fund here in the RBI. You were listed as a beneficiary in the recent schedule for payment of the past edition email award incurred by the BRITISH GOVERNMENT, which is yet unclaimed due to some circumstance according to your file record. Your payment is categorized as: Contract type: Lottery/inheritance/ Undelivered Lottery fund.
Recently on the 15th Of July 2014 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor, Dr Raghuram G.Rajan and Ban Kin-moon Secretary-General of the United Nations met with the Senate Tax Committee on Finance RBI Mumbai/Delhi branch regarding unclaimed funds which have been due for a long run. At the end of the meeting (RBI) Governor, Dr Raghuram G.Rajan mandated all unclaimed funds to be released back to the beneficiaries stating that it is an unfair practice to withhold funds in government coffers for one reason or the other. e.g., tax accumulations.
Therefore, we are writing this email to inform you that (£500,000.00GBP.) will be released to you in your name, as it was recommended by (RBI) Governor that the Beneficiary is required to pay an Approval Letter Fee of Rs. 18,700/- Only, You are given (4 working days) to claim this fund from the date of receiving this mail notification. Also reconfirm your details for crediting. Fill the form below and send it immediately to our foreign exchange transfer dept. Email: (
[email protected]) or Verification and transfer of your fund. For more information, copy /visit: unclaimed-deposits/1/22791.html
Transfer Fund Information:
Total Inheritance Amount to Receive [In Words]: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Total Inheritance Amount [In Figures]: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Bank Account Details:
Name of Bank: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Branch: ________________________________________________________________________
Bank Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________City: ___________________________________________________________________________
State/Province: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Country: ________________________________________________________________________
Account Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ifsc Code: _______________________________________________________________________
Account Number: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Bio-Data / Personal Details:
Name: _____________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________ State/Province: ___________________________________ Country : _______________________
Age: ______________________________________ Gender: ________________________________Date of Birth: ___________ /_____________ /__________________/ Place of Birth____________________________________
Contact Address: _____________________________ Zip Code: ________________________ Mobile Phone Number. : _______________________________Mobile/Pager: ____________________________________________
Fax No.: ____________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________ Social Security Number: _________________________________________________________________
Marital Status: ____________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________ Any payment made in the past to recover winning price? Yes/ No. (Specify amount if yes: ________________
NOTE: Pastor John Anderson is the assigned British Agent (foreigner) to monitor the transfer upon crediting of your account. Every other document including certificate of funds or company brochure will be couriered to your home address immediately after transfer. This Bank management will proceed after your swift response to this mail for security purposes in your best interest without delay. Your urgent response is highly anticipated.
The management Mrs. Anila S. Kumari Pst. Tony Jackson
Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan Transfer Manager British Agent (foreigner)
R.B.I Governor
Please reconfirm to us a proof of your identification, any of the below, Scan Copy...
International Passport ____________
Driver's License ________________
Pan card _________________
Note: Please do not reply to this notification mail box. Mails sent to this mail box are not monitored and cannot be replied. Please reply only to the Reserve Bank Foreign Exchange Department Management as instructed above. Congratulations from me and members of to Reserve Bank Foreign Exchange Department, We have millions of funds unclaimed price.
I, ___________________________________________________________________ hereby affirm that all the information submitted by me in this form is true at the time of submission.
___________________________________________________________ (Applicant’s Signature)
(Authorized Signatory)
The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments there to ("e-mail") is sent by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and is intended to be confidential and for the use of only the individual or entity named above. The information may be protected by federal and state privacy and disclosures act or other legal rules. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. By federal and state privacy