samsung s duos
IMEI NO-352985056421288
Rupan Balaji Jan 6, 2014 |
name : rupan balaji.a
address: no11, vaigundam st ,MG nagar2, west urappakkam, chennai 603211.
model: MICROMAX A110 (canvas2)
lost sim used : 7418781616,9940219199
stolen date: 26/09/2013 9am in Tnagar
email: [email protected], [email protected]
deborahassea Jan 6, 2014 |
Name: Debora Hassea
Addres : Jl. Farel pasaribu siantar marihat
missing date: 06.01.2014
Imei :336835/05/133151/9
Email: [email protected]...
am2014 Jan 6, 2014 |
WWICS scammers have fraudulent procedures that have an intention in disguise to fool innocent people. With WWICS fraud procedures people gain nothing but only lose their precious money, time and most importantly their peace of mind. Placing your trust in this fraud company is nothing but inviting...
savita Jan 6, 2014 |
Prize Redemption Center -
56 Old Broad Street,
London EC2M 1RX
United Kingdom
website: www.samsung.com/uk
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------...
LettierRobenson Jan 6, 2014 |
My Name Is Mrs Lettier Robenson, From USA, An X-Scam Victim and how i get back on my feet and be a personal business owner with cars and landed properties…. This is to announce to the general public about a legitimate lender online.
Art T Dash Jan 5, 2014 |
I filled the external correctly. When I went to check who are buying the product, the link goes to somebody else. That means I am working hard somebody is making money.
I have sent him several emails. He ignores me. He does not reply my emailsh
Art T Dash
fiaz ahmed khan Jan 5, 2014 |
sir fiaz ahmid khan chairman press club hasilpur phone 03007851471 jinab sngpl bahawal pur walay demand notice rakam k bal botay par daiy rahay hein. jin logo nay aplicatitaion jan. 2011 may dhe the on ko abhi tak demant notice ni mila aur bad walo sal 2013 k metar tak lag gay hein g. agant...
Sophea Zadora Jan 5, 2014 |
6TH January 2014
Dear Dato/Datuk/Tan Sri/ Sir/Datin/Madam/Miss,
Refund: Unable to use Refunds for the reservation TE6LGN- Air Asia Malaysia-
With reference with the issue above,my wife and I , Mr Gurdarshen s/o Jaspal Singh (IC: 801208105451) along...
syreta english Jan 5, 2014 |
Can some one call they just did a transaction on my card...
couchronald Jan 5, 2014 |
Purchased a used 2012 Titan. I signed all of the financing papers wrote the check for the down payment and went home happy with the deal and my new used truck. I was contacted six days later and was told credit union would not finance truck according to the deal I approved. They wanted me to...
Sari Jan 5, 2014 |
I was quoted one price and after the work was done they charged me 3 times the amount that was quoted. I do not appreciate this tactic that they have in place. I do like the work that they have done but I will not recommend them to anyone. If I am quoted a price that is what I am expecting...
snsvmurthy Jan 5, 2014 |
Your name:S Pavan Kumar
Address:s/o Chinnamnaidu,simhadripuramvillage, chodavaram mandal , visakha
patnam district, AP, pin:531023
Phone model:GT-S7562
Make:samsung galax's dous
Last used No.:9866561939 and 9705068511
E-mail for communication: [email protected]
Rizwan Abbasi Jan 5, 2014 |
Dear Sir,
I amRizwan my NOKIA c5-06 Balck colour mobile phone theft some body while bus stop.
Details are as below:
Mobile model : NOKIA c5-06
IMEMI No. : 354613050202797
Invoice No. : 0006610355/khi
Invoice Date :01-12-12
sunitha Jan 5, 2014 |
Hi there,
I bought a pair of Prada cuff links worth Euro 280/- from an authorized shop of PRADA in Paris.
There is a discoloration around the cuff link, and the pair is new (purchased in September 2013).
Have not worn it even once, kindly advice me on the same.
rainy Jan 5, 2014 |
i have been recieving annuity amount for the past many years but now since the last 5 months even after submitting existence certificate i have not recieved my annuity amount. annuity no 5690 46022...
Malotanaj Jan 5, 2014 |
On the 13th of December I bought a blackberry and Nokia for teenage cuzins that were visiting me before Christmas. The Nokia works fine but the Blackberry did not work we were told we have 7 days to come back to the store if the phone did not work and we came back 3 days later where we were...
Munagala Rajasekhar Jan 4, 2014 |
my name is rajasekhar completed degree .my final year scholorship was sanctioned.
so i kindly you to send me a duplicate ez pay card.for getting my final year scholorship
my account number 4216870107643247.final...
chericleans Jan 4, 2014 |
This is not a complaint, this is a statement in regard to "RISE, Services" in Mesa and Phoenix Arizona. this is not to be confused with Arise services.
Rise used to be Arise, and Rise is a company for the disabled and the elderly. This is a wonderful company that has nothing...
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