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PCH Games
United States,
Consumer complaints and reviews about PCH Games
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Apr 7, 2019
too many video commericals
Please don't punish me for likeing to play your games. Maybe only one every thirty minutes. I enjoy your site but if I have to listen to that girl talking about her life chats yikes...I enjoy seeing different adds sometimes. I know there are plenty of other aids to see. Please consider your main clients---also we don't care about Hillary Clinton her time is over!!
[email protected]
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Feb 26, 2019
PCH always freeze up
A couple years back they say I won 10,000.00 dollar by email and then sent me a second email saying they made mistake...It always freezes up . The most i have won is $30.00 and i have being playing a very long time. Is this company a scam or what...
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Feb 25, 2019
ad assault
I love dropping in and playing games for a bit. I have an ad blocker, tried without it but ads were too overwhelming and too time consuming. Recently PCH had a popup ad blocker. They've come up before. I thought I closed the popup but apparently I gave them permission to overrule my ad-blocker. No matter what I do, ad blockers will not work on PCH. And they have for years.
Now I have one minute commercials before and after each and every game, and after contest entry. It is too much. Watch 2 minutes of commercial to play a minute game.EVERY time. It has certainly taken the fun out of it.
Then all of the surrounding ads flashing and moving. It is sooo distracting. I know they have to have ads to pay for it, but why not just the surround ads in the background. And quit with the glitter and moving ads. I feel like I'm being assaulted. And if something doesn't change with the forced ads, I will quit. It's not enjoyable and it takes too long. Can't pop in for a game or two.
Going to QUIT now!
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Feb 16, 2019
Problems with tokens and entries into contest.
I am happy I found found this website-thanks!
I thought only I was having technical problems!
I feel bad for the person who said they have played 29 years!!
That just makes me want to quit for good!
I get frustrated everyday because of glitches, broken games, errors, not getting correct tokens.
I did win $20. gift certificate the first month I started. Received it. But, I won $10. and never got it!
So I doubt I am going to get Millions.
With all of Your complaints I just can't see why I should play anymore!
Thanks for opening my eyes
FYI- Todays problem I swear just happened a couple hours ago. It said I won- Second time this week.******
*******"""You Scored!
That's the Way,
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Jan 31, 2019
Pch Site is a mess.
They sent me links of ways to get ahold of them:
Please use the information below to email us:
• For, please click here:
• For PCHSearch & Win, please click here:
• For PCHGames, please click here:
• For PCHLotto, please click here:
• For PCHApps, please click here:
• For PCHPlay&Win, please click here:
• For PCHKeno, please click here:
If you would prefer to mail us, Please use the information below:
Publishers Clearing House
101 Winners Circle
Jericho, NY 11753
Phone : 1-800-476-4724 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m & Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.
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Jan 31, 2019
site is a mess
They emailed me these links for anyone trying to get ahold of them.
Please use the information below to email us:
• For, please click here:
• For PCHSearch & Win, please click here:
• For PCHGames, please click here:
• For PCHLotto, please click here:
• For PCHApps, please click here:
• For PCHPlay&Win, please click here:
• For PCHKeno, please click here:
If you would prefer to mail us, Please use the information below:
Publishers Clearing House
101 Winners Circle
Jericho, NY 11753
Phone : 1-800-476-4724 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m & Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.
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Jan 16, 2019
WILL YOU PLEASE GET SOME TECHS THAT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND PUT THE GAME SITES BACK UP THAT WORKED BEFORE ALL THE NEW STUFF ...OH AND WHEN DO YOU PLAN TO TAKE DOWN KENO AND PCH LOTTO~ now that you aren't showing daily winners like you quit doing on the other sites you took down~whats UP WITH HAVING HAPPY CUSTOMERS instead of making everyone jump thru hoops just to play your games and all the ridiculous ads that make it impossible to play
Who wants to COME AROUND when all you really want is for us to buy cheap crap we get at EVERYTHINGs a $1 for 59 cents
even they know it isn;'t worth what you charge on here
Sandy Miller
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Dec 20, 2018
New Games
New games will not expand, are slow, glitchy and downright no fun like the old ones were.
Will be holding off ordering until you put the old ones back. Toy Chest and everybodies favorites.
Norma Samiotes
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Dec 15, 2018
Games majong
I am very frustrated! I try to play a game which should be enjoyable as it used to be a long time ago! Now I try to play I click on the item to match and nothing happens! The time clicks away but I can’t play! Very frustrating, why do you have the games but we can’t play them! Plus there are too many ads!! Please don’t ask me to play a video of Hillary Clinton, I don’t like that corrupt evil witch, and I don’t want to see her while I am playing a game! Dispickable!! Pretty soon I am going to stop as a customer with you ! An other thing is I buy some items from you. But you charge too much money for shipping so I am not buying any more things for this reason. Please fix the games or I will stop everything! A dissatisfied customer! Norma Samiotes from
[email protected]
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Dec 8, 2018
Games not working right
I have been playing PCh games & ordering from you most of my life. I started buying from you back in 1947-48 , and still do SO I would like to know what is going on?
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Nov 22, 2018
ripped off 40,000 pch welcome tokens
I play pch every single day since 2014 and they added the welcome tokens of 40,000 and I got ripped off again tonight. Every time I'm on pch before the midnight switchover I get ripped off. Plus since adobe updated the other day I can't play a lot of the games I've always played. They won't load now. What's up with that? I wish pch had better technical support too. I clear my cookies and cashe a lot and it doesn't help much.
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Oct 24, 2018
PCH Online Game SCAMs
For the past two years that I've been playing every PCH online game, I have won absolutely NOTHING!
Their PCH slots have never issued more than 300 tokens, never a cash winning.
I've earned millions of tokens via their variety of games and have attempted to redeem those tokens in hopes of winning CASH cards, and haven't received a one.
Their PCH sites manage to stuff constant advertising down your throats, while providing only a glimmer of hope to ever winning anything. Even many of their advertisements fail to load properly, wait-wait-wait while that circle spins and spins.
Who are these people who manage to tally up over two or three hundred thousand tokens in a day, and PCH claims they've won a hundred bucks. Nobody I know could could ever spend that much time playing PCH games and amassing that many tokens in a day. It's probably another one of their tricks to keep you into their online sites, while getting cut-backs from their internet providers.
Poor Ed McMahon must be turning over in his grave after seeing how PCH no longer seems to be a reputable company.
[email protected]
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Oct 7, 2018
entry confirmation
I never know when I search for entries if I received an entry, there is no confirmation that I did received an entry for my searches..
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Sep 29, 2018
PCH are Fraudulent Games
Technical Difficulties with Instant Win, Scratch Offs, Sweepstakes games and Danielle's Token Surprise,
That is FAKE, this Technical Difficulties means that you not get win or cash. It is real fraudulent games.
They just give you "ALL" the tokens and that PCH NOT let you win the games. Also at "Instant Win Games"
are full of the FAKE games, I saw fit that PCH never let you win, Just all that token's.
At "drawing tonight" win a gift cards, other items, They are never send you a gift card in the mail. Scam.
ALL these people saying about PCH's Ad banners. I let you know that I WARN this about ADS Banner
that CAME ON VIRUS and MALWARE itself install your PC computer/Apple Computer. I catch that Ads Banner
was a fake show images with hidden scripts. Just be careful with this PCH site's. They never listen to you
on the rep. telephone. That PCH are NOT real cash/winner sites, they are all FAKE games.
Marianne Pisarski
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Sep 13, 2018
Aggressive ads during play
After absolutely EVERY action the ads start whether it is each card and after each set of cards and after each game change. It is unnecessary and quite frankly predatory. PCH wants every one to play view videos (without providing closed captioning for those of us who cannot hear)
The adds glitch whenever an add uses .options like flashing. It is quite disturbing.
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Aug 23, 2018
PCH Lotto did not pay double tokens as stated
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Aug 23, 2018
played all Lotto cards did not r3eceive double tokens
PCH stated "Play all lotto cards receive double tokens" On 8/22/18 I played all lotto cards but did NOT receive double tokens.
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Aug 23, 2018
Did not receive double tokens
I played all Lotto cards on 8/22/18 and DID NOT get double tokens
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Aug 18, 2018
Won $200 gift card that was never received
This the third time that the points or conditions, for gift card(2) and an Iphone were satisfied but never received!?! Filing a complaint did not generate a response from PCH or National Consumer.
In addition there is no explanation as to how winning numbers are identified. What is the real deal?
[email protected]
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Aug 6, 2018
PCH ripoff
Have you ever seen (Here's 1,000 tokens for your patience) playing Keno? It seems really nice of them but nothing was wrong to have patience for. It's like they know I am going to win something by removing the keno card and giving me a 1,000 tokens. I might get several more so I wouldn't be suspicious. Also when I play Keno to fast they remove some of my 5 bonus cards at the end (the ones that give out big tokens). I stop playing lotto when they started to put advertisement on about every card. Today I had played everything I could between keno cards but lotto. So I thought I'll play lotto. They didn't give me any tokens for the cards I played. So I quit. I have ad remover. The people I bought ad remover from made a deal with pch. So when you play lotto you see a black block where the ads are and stare at it til the ad is done. Same thing for pch sweepstakes. Some days I ignore it and other days I just want to quit pch forever.
I miss Mahjongg TOO (@!
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Aug 3, 2018 hasn't had one day that I've played that I didn't get ripped off on tokens because of technical issues. Every single day pch has technical issues! What's up with that? Why doesn't pch work on their site? It gets real frustrating when a site doesn't work right. I'm hoping that they fix their site and in the near future but I'm not counting on it because they haven't done anything yet over these years. Wishful thinking....kinda like winning on their site....questionable and not fun anymore.
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Aug 1, 2018
Pch never pays ANYTHING EVER
I have been playing with PCH for 29 years... Very disappointing. Its not just games of odds, they also badger and harp on a person if they don't play or Search, and essentially threaten people and behave like we have nothing else on the planet to do EVER! I can give it my all and go for broke with the best of them, but after awhile you gotta wonder wheres the incentive. And what drives them to send threatening emails?? Whats their end game? What are they hoping for??
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Jul 23, 2018
Pch has too many technical issues
Pch needs to work on their site issues! Slow, too many pharmaceutical commercials, crashes all the time, and no tokens when ever there's a technical issue-which is lots of times a day! Getting sick of how crappy the site works! Is pch a scam anyways? I wonder.
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Jul 23, 2018
Pch has too many technical issues
I play pch every day and every day they have too many technical issues! Lots of excuses but nothing ever changes! Why don't they fix their issues?
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Jul 11, 2018
Publishers Clearing House { Keno Rip Off }}
Publishers clearing house is now having to take many of the players off the Keno board at the last minute.The so called Top Token leaderboard. Even if you are the top token leader and get the email saying you have won they will not contact you and tell you why just you have violated a rule. About four months ago they did a update on the Keno game in which many extra cards that you can play. It is a problem that was done in house. So people play the cards that come before them. No rules on even how to play keno. So not real sure how you can break the rules. Now they are so called monitoring the game when ever and are alienating players and customers and will not even give a reason. Got me and my wife for over $2,500.00. Stop payment on Tournament games and Keno?? which rules were broke??? Now they block you can not win on anything They will not tell you that either if you just wasting your time playing anything.. But no Tournament games or Keno. All the games are a 24 hour games. Tournaments and Keno. So after us senior citizens sit up and do a full days worth of work. They just decide they don't want to pay seems like. Players beware as they are taking off players for no reason. Not a rich person or wouldn't even be playing the site for extra cash but anyone now aof a way to get any justification on this problem please let me know. They have let this Keno problem go on for about 4 months now when it should of been fixed by the website developers.
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