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Pizza Hut delivery
Consumer complaints and reviews about Pizza Hut delivery
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Dec 25, 2016
Service amat mengecewakan
Saya ada order pizza hut delivery ke Taman Jasmin jam 8.11 malam td. Sy order 3 set Regular Combo + ADD ON 1 BOTTLE AIR PEPSI. Bila dah nak mkn...baru kami tersedar yg air pepsi takde dan sy trs col pizzahut jam 9.08 mlm dan mereka janji akan menghantar semula air tersebut. Jam 9.54mlm, kami msh TIDAK TERIMA air pepsi tersebut dan sy kol semula pizzahut dan mereka kata akan follow up dgn restaurant pizza yg berkaitan dan mengatakan yang manager tersebut akan kol sy semula. Kami tunggu sehinggalah pkl10.34 air tersebut TIDAK juga sampai ke tangan kami. Sy kol semula pizzahut dan pekerja tersebut memberitahu sy yang Rider dah keluar menghantar air tersebut ke rmh sy. Rumah dia Kajang tersebut adalah rumah ibu mertua sy. Saya terpaksa balik ke shah alam kerana dah malam dan menyuruh adik ipar tunggu air tersebut di rumah Taman Jasmin Kajang. Dlm perjalanan sy menerima wassp dari adik ipar sy mengatakan yg air tersebut still tak sampai2 lg (masatu jam 11.34mlm). Sy betul2 tak faham dengan pihak pengurusan Pizza Hut nie...Game apa yg u all nak main sbnrnya? Sy order air pepsi utk makan bersama2 dengan pizza yg sy order tp kalau dah macamni...u all fikir2kan laaah macammana perasaan sy sekeluarga..air pepsi tu bukan FOC yea...saya bayar!!!!!! Disini sy lampirkan bukti2 panggilan sy ke pizza hut, order dan wasap adik ipar utk rujukan pihak pizza hut...Sy inginkan penjelasan dari Pizza Hut Malaysia ASAP!!!!
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Aug 10, 2016
To whom it may concern
My daughter suffer food poisoning from the pizza she ate in homeschooling on August 4, 2016 and same goes to the other kids also suffer from the same situation too. It was my daughter's birthday celebrating her birthday there. The homeschooling that she goes to is Kairos Resources Center. No 8 Jalan SS1/22A Kampung Tunku. You can also verify this matter to the Person In Charge : Mdm Ruby Liu (012-3796401). The pizza guy delivered the pizza at 11.45am. Thank you.
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Oct 1, 2015
2 hours not receive.
I ordered at 1.42pm 1st Oct 2015 and wait till 3.30pm still not yet receive. During waiting I have called 2 times to ask time to deliver but they replied the order was in delivering while the online status checking showed already delivered. After 1 hour and 48 'minutes waiting, I felt so hungry and frustrated with Pizza Hut delivery service, therefore I called up to canceled the order and went out for eating. Pizza Hut delivery service was too bad and not responsible at all. They should call me if unable to deliver or process instead of keep customer waiting without any notice. This kind of service quality is totally unacceptable.
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