chrispate‘s Profile
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[New Complaint]
Sorry.They just need to round up all the criminals and corrupt government officals and lock them away for good.....
[New Complaint]
The government had the abiltity to fix all this but they did not.
A lot of my neigbors and friends are going through this same stuff....
[New Complaint]
I think alot of the government is totally corrrupt otherwise how coudl lenders get away with all the stuff they are doing to the people...
[New Complaint]
I so sorry theydid that 2 u.I wish there was a way to make them pay...
[New Complaint]
Now it makess perfect sense why lender woudl not help me.Lender kept telling me the only way they could help is I was struggling.I asked the person on...
[New Complaint]
I read all of these articles.How are lenders able to get away with this stuf. The broker that got me into my current loan has vanished & I have be...
[New Complaint]
no problem. I have a son as well and he is always able to fix anything wrong wth my computer....
[New Complaint]
I cant read the you have any other way of making it bigger? I need any advice I can get....
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