adiahaβs Profile
Posting History
[New Complaint]
There's a girl who is bullying me and calling me names. her home name is Royal ocean and she is on level 100. Her π is fluffypup28 .
[New Complaint]
This random person posted on my wall b**** . Their π is emilybarriee...
[New Complaint]
There is a girl who I told to stop bullying my friend because she was name calling. I also told her in a polite way and then she started saying realy...
[New Complaint]
There's a girl that keeps going around and calling people "b*****es", saying their house is ugly, and more mean things. Her home name i...
[New Complaint]
Team Lava you need to add a block button. There is an uncountable amount of harassment, bullying, spamming, and rudeness on the game Home Design and e...
[New Complaint]
SASSYWORLD is a big bully. I agree with the girl below. She is bullying both of us and she is very mean. She has called at least 10 people horrible na...
[New Complaint]
So there is this girl named Rihanna hangout on the game. I'm a very nice tone I told her that she needed to stop complaining because she was bein...
[New Complaint]
So there is this person their house name is Unicorn269 and they are bullying me really badly. they told me to go to hell and rot in a hole. Also some ...
[New Complaint]
I have been reported for bullying I am girl please. I am not mean or rude in anyway. I was mean to people bc they were mean to me and they were gangin...
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