Churchmouse‘s Profile
Posting History
[New Complaint]
Slow loading,not giving tokens,just says your entry is confirmed. Please get someone that knows what the hell they're doing to fix these games. T...
[New Complaint]
Please fix the games. I try to play and end up getting kicked out for tech problems. I then lose turns,and tokens. Just now relied to play my VIP inst...
[New Complaint]
Although I like the addition of new games,I am very upset over the fact you put them out with so many problems. All of them don't load ,unless yo...
[New Complaint]
I started playing on the app,and before my first game,my tokens started disappearing. Took half or more before it stopped. I had over ov...
[New Complaint]
The lotto games are so slow to load,that is if they load at all. I've reported this several times,the problem is still there,and I've never ...
[New Complaint]
I keep getting emails for lotto games,I play three games then they will not load. This has been going on two weeks,I've put numerous posts on thi...
[New Complaint]
For a week your lotto games have not worked! I,and I see numerous others,have sent messages about this problem. Received an email for lotto game,and i...
[New Complaint]
For three days I'm unable to play my lotto games! I can play one or two,then they stop loading. What's going on? Please fix this ASAP!!...
[New Complaint]
Once again lotto game not loading! Please fix!...
[New Complaint]
I have been trying to play games all day I can play one or two games,then get sent to a page saying you're doing great,then I need to type in som...
[New Complaint]
Responded to an email for games,playing Majhone Minute,no credit or score,keeps telling me I am already playing a game and need to close it out before...
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