made me think i won
I enter the contest in 2014 I search day & night everyday every night until May 22-2015,I stop for a few days my sister died,so I really didn't want to search but I remember the promise I made to my sister.I TOLD HER WE'RE GOING TO WIN we won't be poor no more.So I started searching again the same way day & night week after weeks. Well I won 2 candles the company refused to give then to me,I also won a mattress that I never seen,but other people we're using it. Then the topper I had so many token they told me to go for it so I kept winning I have over 4 millions in tokens I was sent to this place on internet yelp mahe restaurant Well things we're going the way Danielle Lam wanted I got nothing. 2 years no sleep not eating and this is what I there trying to say I owe money I swear on my sister Michelle I never bought a thing.I would sit a games waiting 2 3 hours to get the bonus because I won't paid for tokens.I think this is wrong .very wrong
Thank you Patricia DeRobertis