To Quest Diagnostics complaint department, I went to your diagnostics facility on
September 20th, 2014. at 1450 Barnum Avenue, Bridgeport, CT. I gave three tubes of
blood and a urine sample in which the person (nurse) had me sign off on the paper for
giving of the blood and urine but never put the proper labels on the blood or sealed the
urine speciman properly and when I questioned the nurse which had taken the the blood and
urine that it might get mixed up with previous persons urine which was also not sealed with
a label at the time and was on the same counter my own and less than two feet away from my
speciman, she only replied as she left the room unattended with bothe the speciman's on the
counter unsealed mind you is "leave it there I will take care of it. In closing, Ijust wanted
to ask if I can get bothe the blood test and urine sample done over again at "no cost" at the
Stratford,Connecticut facility, and the previous test discarded and that that nurse be repremanded.
Sincerely, Robert Pittman
[email protected]