I see most use this board as a legit form of complaint, however it has come to my attention for the past several years of Curt Gehm trying to destroy the reputation of ragdoll breeders whom wish to breed other colors than the traditional colors. He has called us unethical and more, well curt take a look in the mirror and your own ethics, (you are not the only one who knew ann baker) and contemplate that you broke verbal (if not written agreements with Ms. Baker when you took those cats and left to create your own standard. Because you could NOT use the Ragdoll name You chose a rip off name of Ragamuffin (I guess u were to un original to come up with one on your own that set this new breed apart) Ragamuffins DID come from Ragdoll lines but over the years have used and I quote from your friends website "RagaMuffin breeders aim to produce a rounded, more heavily boned cat and have used Persians, Himalayans, Ragdolls and unregistered domestic longhairs to broaden the gene pool. Currently only registered cats may be used, and breeding to Ragdolls will cease as of 2010." So fo ryou to come here and trash the rest of us when a whole range of cats is being used in the ragamuffin breed, how dare you criticize us. Yes I breed minks and am proud of it, not all clients want a traditional ragdoll as to some those seem generic. Minks are SBT registered in TICA (just like the traditionals, however they cannot be shown, in most cases a buyer only wants a pet and not a show cat so color dosent matter to them only the temperment, socialization of the kitten!! And to your other rude remarks about some of us not showing, with me that is true becasue of personal reasons BUT find out the whole story first as all of my cats came from Show breeders (one whom even sits on the TICA board of breed standards for Ragdolls)she didnt have a problem with my breeding her trad w minks. And Another breeder who bred best ragdoll kitten of the yr in the late 90's You seem to worry much more about what other people are doing with the Ragdoll than with your own breed of Ragamuffins, which in the beg were nothing but a rip off on the ragdoll breed!!! This is America Curt, I have the freedom to choose and do as I please, I also payed a great deal for my breeding cats and dont need you to try and direct ways in which I should have to stay with a certain color or pattern. In the end ragdoll and ragamuffin breeders have ALL made a profit off the work Ms Baker had started, who are you to know what her future breeding plans were for the Raggies breed had she lived longer.You are nothing but a BULLY !!!