Rajesh Manickam
102-28 sangster Blvd,
Regina SK,S4R 7B4
Phone number: 306 216 8592
Email id:
Sub : [Complaint about car Battery warranty]
I bought a new Battery on September,16,2013 at Regina Battery Depot , 980 Dewdney Ave, Regina SK, S4N0G8, Phone number: 306 -522 -2221 and the battery says 5 years warranty. I had problem with my battery on 23th Feb 2016 so i took my car to the shop on 24th Feb 2016 by checking my car battery they said battery was dead and ask me to replace the battery while replacing the battery they said they will charge for the battery because of two and half years of usage. so they charged $55 during replacement. before paying the bill on the bill counter they said they will charge $ 34.95 as AVR charging while that time i ask them why they are charging me they answered me if i bring the battery alone without the car only its free off charge since i have bring the battery with the car they will charge $34.95. so totally i payed $ 98.95 actually the new battery cost is only 119.85 so they charged nearly the cost of new battery in-spite of during my warranty time .I am under the low income family category so please kindly help me to get my money back.
Thanking you
Rajesh manickam