Fraud Company
I have worked as manager in the company, they have a foolish policy of 100% refund ahh bloody ethical bastards, they used to make the refund of the client, I tried hard and worked with my zeal leaving my small daughter at my home to earn good some of money as all immigration company use to do it, they offer bloody less fee to the client and then they not even single time think before refunding back the money to the client blaming executives and managers for the refund and putting up pressure of clawback on manager for the refund, if client is taking refund that is his problem why the manager should become culprit for the same, what manager has done wrong and they simply throw the margin ratio of 2500 Rs. upon our face, if they wanted to earn less then why they have opened the company they should have gone for opening a retail merchaint shop selling out pulse and flour the rascals. They even do not know how diffiult is to pitch for immigration to the new prospects they siomple say that it is their money and you do not have right over that it should be refunded back, they will definitely earn huge loss and definitely company would be closing soon as they want to be more ethical and loyal to the client. This is not the way of business, i have worked into several immigration company and earned more and more incentive on monthly basis going the numbers up till INR 125000, but these rascals will not let us earn even INR 12.50.
Please donot join the company they are simply idiots. Fake and fraud and a serious blott in the name of immigration.