ripping us off money wise
Don't use these folks for roofing or anything. They are a bunch of scammers and will rip you off if you are not watching. They never got a permit from Greenville County, so we can't have the roof inspected until they go get one. They act like they know nothing about the 1500 Fed tax credit for using the . Go to the BB website and check out all the reasons they have had problems with. It will blow your mind. When theyy were using the name Building EMT'senergy star rated products. And they use illegals!
They tried to use the rotted existing frame to put an 8x10 building up, they shorted us because the insuance company paid them to put up the same size we had, an 12x14. When I saw them using rotted wood, i called allen vaughn, he said he had to cut corners some where. That man is a lying thief, if you ever come across them, get asay as fast as you can. Also, I gave them a referral, they were supposed to give me $50.00 and I have yet to see the money. I was a family right across the street from us, they have put a complaint in to the BBC. They have had their license in October. When theycame to my house, it was a young man named Timothy Bruss, he was using theBuilding EMT's logo, said they were affilated with them, the BBB has a letter from the building EMT's from Florida, asking them to cease and desist using their name, because they are not part of that company. Go to the BBB website and type their name in. It will blow your mind. But please, don't use them!!