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SLS Mortgage
United States,
Consumer complaints and reviews about SLS Mortgage
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Nov 16, 2016
SLS is forcing me into foreclosure
I have been trying for months to do a loan modification on my mortgage with SLS and I have not been able to get in contact with them I have called several times I have been getting the run around for months I have been sending in the documents since July 2016 trying to modify my home loan with no success I have been getting the run around for months I have called several times to speak the person that is over my mortgage I never receive a called back from the person. Last month I received a foreclosure letter saying that my property will be auctioned off on December 6,2016 I called trying to do a deed in lieu of a foreclosure since they do not want to help me modify my home I was trying to avoid a foreclosure so I called in on last month trying to give them the deed to the house to avoid a foreclosure it took me a few days of calling before someone answer the phone and the person that I spoke to told me that it would be better for me to try to do a short sale on the house. They need for me to resend some paperwork so that is what I did but when I called to confirm that they receive my I would be put on hold and sometimes the phone would drop, I would call back only to be put on hold again. I know that SLS is trying to force me into a foreclosure, I have been trying to work with SLS but haven't gotten anywhere with them. They are trying to force me into a foreclosure even when I am trying to do everything I can to work with them about the house. I receive a letter yesterday stated that they would not help me and that because the sell date for my house is less than 38 days then there is nothing that the date that they receive my request for help then they are unable to cancel the sale of the house and they can not help me with my foreclosure prevention option. I since my request for help six months ago with and SLS has refused to help me and they are forcing me out on the streets. I email them with the paperwork, I have faxed them with the paperwork and they would tell me that the fax machine was not working. I took the advice of on the person that I talked to someone on last month and they advise me to do a short sale instead on a deed in lieu of a foreclosure and I found a real estate agent that Specializes in short sales and she has the house listed and I have multiple offers on the house but SLS is being very difficult about doing that . I have recorded conversation one where I called and spoke to someone about the letter that I received telling me that SLS was not going to help me because my sales date is less than 38 days I spoke to someone there and she was telling me that I did not have a sales date and that the later was not what it said when that is exactly what is on the paper said. SLS is forcing me until a foreclosed after I have tried for months to modify my home loan I know that I have sent all the documents for the modification, I called but the person and signed to my loan was never there and never returned my phone calls. I was told that I need to resend documents only to resend them and to be told that I sent the wrong documents are to be told that they never received the document that is why I started to email my documents instead of faxing them. I have been getting the runaround and being lied to about my loan when they are supposed to help people in my situation. I knew that they were not trying to help me now I have in writing. This company should not be in business when they are forcing people out of their homes and refusing to help them. My foreclosure date is for December 6,2016 is there anyone that can help me. The same person that sent me the letter is the same person that is my person of contact the same person that never is available and the same person that never returns any of my phone calls. SLS has been playing the waiting game to keep me from trying to save my house so that they can force me into a foreclosure and that is not right and it is not fair, but I did record the conversation of the people that I were able to talk to when I called so that I can tell them to court I want the government to shut down SLS and to force them out of business so that will never do this to anyone eles. If we can get enough people to do a class action lawsuit SLS will never do this ever again so I am writing this letter to not only warn others of SLS but to shine a light on what SLS is doing to others because I know if they are doing me like this then there are thousands they are doing the same thing too.
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