Very rude and disrespectful General manager
I have a very rude and disrespectful manager at my store and she is very unprofessional. She don't hardly be in the store and she have other people doing her work she will call the store to see what's gone on instead of being in her store. For the last 6 months we have had 10-15 employees to quite and it's because of her in professionalism she take her perspective of people from her little snitch and she yells and fussed at employees in front of other employees and customers. She have people to clock her in when she's not there and she have employees working off the clock which is illegal. She always late like hours late, she has to leave in middle of shifts to take her dogs to the vet, to go get her haircut, and to go get a tan really. She can't keep nobody at the store cause of her rude and nasty attitude. Please corporation can u check up on this Saraland, Al sonics please. Thanks for taking the time to read this and her name is Robin