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Target Corporation
United States,
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Apr 9, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
lol, well done trolling OP.
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Apr 7, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
Call the OP a waahmbulance.
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Apr 7, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
Don't try to play the military service card. Cop out.
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Apr 7, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
Tascha! Behave yourself or you'll be in "double-trouble" by the slimster.
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Apr 7, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
There was nothing at all in your original post about bar codes not matching, or that being the reason you couldn't get a refund in cash when you made the purchase with a debit card.
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Apr 7, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
". Whatever happened to the customer is always right?"
The saying went out of date when little boys such as yourself threw a temper tantrum when you did not get your way, or when you tried to scam the company. Once you try to scam a company you are no longer a customer. In other words that saying is outdated because of bullies like yourself. Frankly they would rather lose you as a customer than keep you. Hence the reason they kicked you out of the store and told you not to return without adult supervision.
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Apr 7, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
When you are walking down the street in 120 degree heat, blink your eyes and awaken to being drug across the road, freezing cold, with the the taste of blood, total loss of hearing, the side of your face numb, the smell of gunpowder, panicking because you lost your weapon, and wondering if that boot laying in the road with the splintered bone hanging out the top is your own or not, then can we talk about temper tantrums. Funny thing is none of you had a problem with viscous attitudes when we were dealing out justice in sandland. And just so you know, you can't just snap your fingers and become the same person after war. In addition: I am not the one who initiated the calling of names to ANYBODY. My original post briefly detailed a customer service failure at Target, that is all. And on that note: it was indeed Target's mistake. Apparently the bar code between the product and the receipt was incorrect. All it took was for the cashier to MANUALLY key in the code. Whatever happened to the customer is always right?
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Apr 6, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
I always get a kick out of people commenting about others only being tough on the computer, and then talking tough on the computer. The irony always makes me laugh. Of course, in this case, corey's response was very weak. Corey, you seem like the type who only calls out people who are in their car, already driving away and then saying something like "yeah you better keep driving." even though they were completely ignoring you.
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Apr 6, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
Blow it out your ass OP.
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Apr 6, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
corey, your response is...Limp.
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Apr 6, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
I doubt you are much of a man yourself usa1corey
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Apr 6, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
Your e-penis is unimpressive usa 1 corey. If you're going to try and flex it helps to have something to flex. Fail.
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Apr 6, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
IronMuffin you faggot. How about talking that shit to somebody's face instead behind the security of a computer? I am tired of people like you that are so big and bad inside your car or at your computer, but you shit your pants if somebody calls you out in real life. That's why you send people to war in your place, because you're a scared little bitch. Man-up or shut your cunt mouth.
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Apr 6, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
You have to be a real tool to get thrown out of a retail store. Your parents must be proud.
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
My comment was directed at the OP. Apparently the OP thinks that telling her "no" you are not allowed to do this is rude.
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
well i am kinda a dumbass i wont lie i am dumb as a doorknob and yeah i guess that was whining. i mean, i didnt think it took a mind reader to see someone would be frustrated and to know firsthand what blind fury is like but im obviously getting no where. oh also Tasha4 i have no idea who your last comment is to but im gonna assume its me. i actually wasnt talking to you i thought your comments were just fine and kinda funny.
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
Look dude - you come off as a dumbass. What are you, a mind reader now? Know what the OP and everyone else is thinking or means, do you? Don't give up your day job. Leave the clairvoyance to the pros. You have contributed nothing useful to this thread, and to add insult to injury you're freaking whining now.
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
Also you are another example of someone who acts as if she is eight years old. Telling you no that you cannot do something is not rude. You can't always have your way and not giving in to your temper tantrum is not the same as being rude.
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
i...didn't... say my opinion was worth anything i was just saying why i said what i said. why is everyone trying to make an argument over this all i did was try to give the guy sourced facts? is it because i sound like im defending him? because I'm just trying to put myself in his state of mind and tell what i think he will or wont read. i mean yeah, the second chance thing is defending him but that's not really exclusive. but there is always the chance I'm only interpreting these comments as trying to start an argument and really they are just giving criticisms.
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
Also did they really kick you out of the store, or did they tell you that you are only allowed in the store with a parent or adult to keep an eye on your temper tantrums?
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
Eight year old's throw temper tantrums an demand things. An adult would be able to ask for what they want without demanding something.
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
Second chance at what? The OP blew his chance. And what you think doesn't matter. Your opinion isn't worth squat.
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
well I'm not saying weather or not he deserved to be thrown out of the store or weather he threw a tantrum I'm just saying that he is obviously in a frustrated state enough (after being thrown out a store you have to be) and probably wont read comments he considers "rude" but i want to let him understand simply because i think everyone deserves an educated second chance.
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
What we got here in Colorado45... folks is an ejukated idjit. What is clear, and the obtuse Colorado45... missed or is unable to wrap his little head around is the fact that the Op acted inappropriately for him to be kicked out of the store. The policy was undoubtedly explained to him and he threw a little tantrum when he didn't get his way.
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Apr 5, 2012
Rufusal of refund/Rude Manager
^ What comment wasn't clear as crysta Coloradol? Can't get any clearer than the above comments. Nobody has to show proof of anything around here derp. The OP has online access and he can get off his lazy azz and look it up himself. Nobody would listen to an idiot like you.
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