Go to Gla$$D00r and you will find a review from a Senior Manager at TT @ Home that illustrates the ongoing problem with that company. This manager complains in one breath about not having any work/life balance, and in the very next breath complains about too many captains at the helm. It probably never occurred to this person that sharing the helm would allow for better work/life balance. And then the manager takes a side swipe at Millennials, like, who do you think you are, and exactly who do you think you need to be recruiting for the lower level jobs that ensure you remain a manager? Let me tell you something TT managers, you want lower level employees who think and act like Xers, but Xers are a very small population and there just aren't enough to go around. You need to suck it up and court Millennials and you need to understand that you would not be privileged to be managers if not for the lower level employees who ensure your job description exists in the first place. TT has been purging lower level management when it's clear they need to be purging upper level management, because people like the one who left that review need to be fired tbh. They are holding TT back from its full potential.