Faizjalal Send email
Jul 30, 2017
Cant connect to wifi
I have paid the wifi bill and still could not connect to the internet. I've tried calling tm and they never answered.
anotech Send email
Jun 11, 2017
My case here start since Sept 2013...i reiceved i call call from person intruducing himself as a debt collection agent tat tm hired to collect outstanding from tm customer..i was shocked bcos i never use any service from tm..he told me tat i have a outstanding unpaid..i asked him once again to double comfirm my details on the account tat he was following and i realise that was some mistake n i told him tat the account was not mine and also told him i did't use any of tm service.The person then accept what i told him since my reason is acceptable...He then ask me to make a police report about this case and send him the photocopy of the report to him so he can delete my account.i when to make a police report as was told by the agent.later i have fax the copy of report to the agent and the agent told me that he will delete my acc as he promised earlier.i even keep the sms he send to me noted he had receive the police report.i taught it was setteled there..And once again on june 2017 i received a letter from a legal debt collection firm regarding the same case again..i was been shocked again with the same case.asking me to pay the outstanding bill that i had setteled on 2013.What happen to the police report i send to the agent on 2013?i once again call up tm and check this case with tm and the Tm person incharge told me that they never received any report or anything regarding my case.i was so burn up..i went home n printed out every single sms shows that i have send the police report to the agent that handle my case on 2013.(luckily it was on my old phone memory)i went to tm and pass over it to the person incharge..this time i want my my insurance.i ask the person incharge to delete the acc on the spot and even ask a black and white letter..at first he refuse to proceed the letter and i started speaking loudly to the person incharge asking him to proceed the letter infront of Tmcustomer counter.maybe bcos there was a few customer at that time he at last agree to proceed the letter...i thanks to the person incharge and also apologized i was talking with to him a little bit rude.finally i setteled my case..Why Tm induct such irresponsible agent to handle their cases...maybe their job is only to collect money same like debt collector outside(Along collector) pls take note that i m also a duty payer and also hoping this such of case won't happen again..Malaysia Boleh!!!!
cibai123 Send email
Jun 3, 2017
TM net new package: 15 hours disconnect ADSL service per day!
For the past 2 weeks, i experienced the most PLEASING internet service in our country. The service operate from around 9 a.m to 5 p.m with frequent disconnect in between. By holy right, TMnet decided to stop the service around 5 p.m to next day morning(together with the phone service, note that the phone has no dial tone at all). With this excited new package, i pay full price(RM120 something), while i actually only getting RM 40 worth of service.
Every time i report the issue via MyTM, all TMnet did was send SMS to my phone as if sending SMS will fix the issue. The staff told me that local outage causing my problem. Yeah yeah yeah, local outage happen during every night(5 p.m - 9 a.m). Maybe the outage cause by an equipment that connected to an timer?
After i report the issue to TMnet for 5 times via MyTM, i found out something fishy. TMnet's worker told me that in order to make a report, i MUST choose from 2 options. First option is sign another 1 year contract with tm and they do it for free!(renew the contract). Second option : i will be charged in my bill next month together with RM53 of on site service charge. Let us take a good look at the first option. Are you serious? Sign another year contract before knowing the source of the problem just to lodge a report(is it a tactic to prevent losing another customer for a year?). When such an wonderful option is provided, i doubt they have nothing to do with the problem i'm currently facing. I bet they knew what is going on, and they don't intended to fix it. If this problem persist, TMnet going to lose another customer next month.
gauri Send email
May 31, 2017
rude with cutomer
i have received message that i haven't pay bills.once get the message i already call this number 03-21824462 and talk with the person.31/05/2017 i received call from this number 0129807216 say im calling from tm.i ask her name she refused to tell her name.i tell her that im working.she talk very rude to me that u no pay your bill.pay your bill and do your work. itz this the way to talk with customer?hope will take any actions.
thank you.
logazx Send email
May 22, 2017
bad words in channel
Polimer channel never sensor thevediya word
kh.leong@streamyx Send email
Apr 26, 2017
Default case not settle but status is being updated done repaired
I been making report of faulty service of Streamyx internet lost connection seem every month once. the services usually takes up 1-2 working days. but lately getting worse and delay.
The recent record, i reported faulty case under 03-91715014 on 21th April evening, same issue same faulty. At my Modem ADSL line stable but no internet connection, to avoid the same issue happened, i change new TP link modem for streamyx type after the report while waiting the technicals to do their repairing, apparently there are no feedback that they use to contact line owner to verified the cases. so I patiently wait till saturday and call to 100 to check status, they entertain me with the answer, soon will be technical to fix the line. Apparently until today 26/04/2017, i call up to center to check my case repairing status, the CSA is kind enough to feedback me that my line have been repaired. if the problem still remained, she will re-open my case to escalate again, HELL? When did they repaired?What have they repaired? why didn't i been inform to close case and verified the internet is working? The fact is my internet still not fix and not connecting to my house up to today 26/04/2017, SO HOW DID THEY CAN UPDATE THE STATUS AS FIXED?
As consumer right, we pay for the subscription fees monthly means we enjoying the internet full days of the month. in such case do we have right to claim for rebate of the unused internet service charges due to TM maintenance or technical teams repairing delay? To being fair, delay 1-2 days is acceptable due to congested schedule but more than 3 days is challenging consumer patient and rights. What is the KIP of service and what is the ISO for TM? We ought to have a feedback if there is delay of maintenance or repair due to reasonable reasons, instead blinding the system and consumer knowledge.
azman Send email
Apr 21, 2017
langgan streamys 4mbps pada tahun 2016,pada mulanya kelajuan internet memang memuaskan..Bermula februari 2017 hingga sekarang bulan april 2017,kelajuan jadi 0.8mbps hingga1.8mbps dan selalu terputus..harap tm dapat perbaiki masalah ini sebelum kami hilang kepercayaan dan bertukar pada syarikat telco lain
Ho Vun Shan Send email
Mar 31, 2017
Line internet dan telefon kedai tidak berfungsi
Saya ingin membuat aduan servis tm ini sangat tidak memuaskan. Masalah telefon dan internet tidak berfungsi dari 25/03/2017 sehingga sekarang masih tidak berfungsi. Saya telah membuat complaint pada 26/03/2017 (Sunday) refer tm 1-16699421948 namun masih belum menerima apa-apa tindakan dari TM. Saya berharap kerjasama dari pihak tuan amatlah kami harapkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan secepat mungkin. Terima kasih.
AMMMM Send email
Mar 14, 2017
TM is really suck
Few weeks ago a TM personnel set up a booth at our condo and call us one by one for the free upgrade from 5Mbs to 10Mbs that TM has advertised on their website and i have sign a register form for the upgrade also. But this morning, when the TM contractor came for the installation, we just realized that they will need to change the copper wire to the fibre wire that we need to drill few holes in our house so that they can do the cabling of the new fibre wire from outside into our house, meaning there will be one ugly fibre wire installed on our wall. So, we decided not to proceed with the upgrading and maintain with the current package, then the contractor said is okay and they will submit the form to TM and i need to call the TM for the re connection will do. I have waited for few hours until 2pm then i start calling TM for the re connection, but to avail, the customer service number keep disrupted and i always put on hold mode. I also tried to use their so called "live chat" that keep advertised on their customer waiting tone, but when you dont have wifi connection and using your mobile data, the line is unstable(probably i am using the sxxcking Digi too, all seem wrong choice!!) the connection and the communication is so bad and the line cut suddenly. Anyhow, i manage to communicate with the call center around 430pm, but unfortunately, for the reconnection, they will need to lodge a report and need to be verified and signed my the manager then only can do the reconnection and will approximately take around 7 DAYS!!! and all my complain to no avail and can only wait for them to resolve the problem.
myron Send email
Feb 13, 2017
Internet service cancellation conflict
cancelled my internet services three months ago. front desk staff have a nod saying settled that time. then received a message today saying I owe two months fee plus an RM50 penalty. heard many complaint also from such case. how to waive such fees?didnt use their service since then though.
khailani Send email
Jan 25, 2017
hypp tv out of stock
Saya telah ditawarkan dengan pakej yang baru berserta kontrak 2 tahun daripada 4mbps kepada 8mbps berserta box hypp tv secara percuma dengan hanya membayar tambahan RM10 daripada pakej yang sebelumnya, namun pada masa yang sama pakej baru berserta hypp tv ditawarkan hanya dengan nilaian yang sama dibayar oleh saya sebelum upgrade.kenapa saya ditawarkan pakej baru dengan tambahan RM10 sedangkan sepatutnya hanya upgrade service sahaja dengan nilaian yang dibayar sebelum saya upgrade, saya telah bertanya kepada pihak HQ dan TM Point di kuala Terengganu berkenaan isu ini namun jawapan adalah tidak sama. Service bagi panggilan adalah sangat teruk di TM point dungun dan juga kuala terengganu. Apa yang paling mengecewakan adalah pakej yang ditawarkan berserta hyyp TV box sampai hari ni masih OUT OF STOCK di TM Point Kuala Terengganu, apa guna offer pakej kalau service teruk, separtutnya TM mesti peka dengan statistik pengguna yang ditawarkan pakej Hypp Tv dan sentiasa in stock, dahla kena pergi amik sendiri..bila pergi barang takde pun bila call nak comferm barang ada ke x,, call xpernah berangkat pulak,,macamana ni,.....BUANG MASA,,,,ni rasa berkira kira nak terminate...
Ms yew Send email
Dec 30, 2016
UNiFi on and off lost connection
My UNiFI connection getting worst after receive the call promotion from unifi. They were asking to upgrade my package, but few calls from them was rejected by me due to the matters of GST. After that my server or connection getting worst and worst. Starting was once a while without connection or the server was on and off... then start from oct 2016 my connection was starting lost on night time until early morning about 8am only connection come back. But now nov 2016 my connection not only totally lost in night time from 8pm but afternoon time also missing. I can't get my connection at all.. the connection only suddenly missing... I been complain to the center and they send me professional to check without helping me restart my server after all.
The second professional came in nov2016 was convincing me to upgrade my package otherwise my connection will continue come & go onward. I was paying for the internet in the end only once a while only I am using the Unifi. I was very dissapointed with them.
Anyone facing the same matter or problem please help me how to solve it. Thank you
shipping Send email
Nov 28, 2016
problem persisted since June 2016
I here to complain for system (Internet, FAX, Fixed Line) always down since month of June 2016.
We are factory , not normal housing area.
We have faced this problem many many times , many times in a month.
The same answer from TM : Cable being stolen.
Our TM Account No.: F94148-082-0102, line NO.: 04-5014551.
Please view back your report, CBL Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd always facing the same problems several times in a month.
Please, TM must find out 1 solution to settle our line/cable being stolen problems.
Please search out we even faced the same problem last months/ last 2 months, problem extended 1 week to settle!
The latest System DOWN on 24th Nov 2016, we call every day.
I was told the system will be recovered on 27th Nov but it failed.
Today is 28 Nov, problem persisted!!
We need to close our end month report, we need to call supplier, we need to use Internet, Fixed Line and even fax very very much!
We are losing contact with our client, Supplier out there!
Li Yen Send email
Oct 29, 2016
Customer Service
I made a with my hand-phone number (012-21-1507) today (100) at around 10 am to check if TM point (damansara uptown petaling jaya) is open (29/10/2016 - Deepavali), the customer service check and confirm it is open till 1 pm. I travel there and only found it is closed. It wasted my almost 1 hour travel time and petrol. I call again to check the person who service me / give me wrong information, the customer service tell me they cannot detect. I want to make a complaint, this is really bad customer service, this type of mistake / error is nonsense. I know TM for its reputation service delivery at extremely poor state while when my bill payment overdue for 1 day, they start to call you non-stop to follow up payment. When my internet got disruption, they kick me like a ball passing one department to another for solutions, I spent days to begging them to fix the service. Another thing I cannot stand is, from time to time call me to upgrande my internet bandwith, hello, my house 10MB is incredibly slow even though upgraded from 5MB the last time. All wrong direction, I don't know what is the company doing.
Lzq Send email
Sep 14, 2016
Been cheated by tm authorised dealer
Being working at a booth of tm for about one n half month at giant seri kembangan, the salary they offer are quite good as it come with basic and commision, after sometime realised its a fraud and tactics they use to boost their sale, plenty of shitty reason and excuse they give when we chase for the salary and commision, what they do is delay, delay and delay, and in the end, didnt get any shit, only get half month basic for working for 1 and the half month. Hope that they isnt any victim like me get cheated by this reseller.
echocheng Send email
Aug 5, 2016
Termination on UNIFI is Failed
I have cancel and submitted the BTU for unifi cancelation, but after 2 weeks i received SMS notification from TM informed me they has upgraded my package to 10MB and increased my credit limit. they are now requesting my copy of the termination form again in order to cancel my account. OMG, i dont know where i can find the copy now...
Yp Tan Send email
Jul 18, 2016
Cancellation of unifi
Acct: 1011578463
I hv changed the unifi package from vip20 to 100. We were advised to cancel the vip20 after installation of the 100. We went to tmpoint in taman desa on 1st June 2016 to cancel. We had been issued with the cancellation form no. 2070350 and Ainee (customer service) told me that it has been cancelled. She asked us to return the BTU the next day which we did the following morning. We are now been charged for vip20 and 100 amounting to rm700+per month!!! Already charged 2 months!!!!! Apparently Ainee did not cancel the vip20 for us. When we called tm (100) the most stupid thing fasillah told me, she is unable to help even though we have the cancellation form. Told me I have to go back to tmpoint again to ask why they did not cancel for vip20 for Us. How many times do we have to go to tmpoint to cancel! To be honest, tm is so inefficient.
Toh chai ping Send email
Apr 28, 2016
Unifi and phohe line 0341443201
My phone lihe was down on Sunday 23-04-16 and complaint was filed on the same day. On the 24-04-16
TM technician came and check my house phone line suspect TM port outsite my house got problem and need to wait for other TM technician to check and retify it On the 26-04-16 a TM technician was here and confirmed the fibre optic line was damage from TM port outside to my house line and to reconnect need to charge rm600. Need advise from TM. Is it the standard fees which consumer need to pay and thus fees was base on what criteria to jusifty rm600. Until now, my line still no working. So, TM .Plese advise.
Mr Lee
Kimxkim Send email
Jun 9, 2015
Terrible knowledge
I'm writing this regarding tanjung aru tm centre. I went on 29th may to enquire regarding post reload internet bonus. I do not see the extra bonus added to the amount of gigabytes I bought . When I enter. This lady was very fast to come to my assistant. After I told her my problem. Instead of checking it for me, she asked if I have took any picture of before and after reload data. When I said no. She press on a few times and I can't help but feel like she's saying I might be lying. It's just stupid to ask customer if they have any proof for eg pictures. Tell me, who ever reads this compliant letter, have you ever in your life took pic of before and after your reload???? Tm should be able to check on tm system isn't it?!
After that she show me to a counter and quickly just walk off. The lady at the counter did some clicking on her computer. And then later told me she's unable to check if my reload bonuses is available. Saying only KL can do that. I find it very weird of course. So you are telling me the main city in sabah is unable to settle my problem and cannot check online?.?.?? Anyway, she help me file a complaint on papers and I just have to wait. And my thought was is TM net is so stupid.
And I did wait. I came back to tm point today because I want to reload again and to check if anything has been done. In the end. I got upset again. And made a big fuss. In the end. The guy Azni helped with me all my problem. He took the initiative to call up KL to enquire and he even checked it on his computer. I was furious because why can't this be done the first time I went. Why lie to customer saying cannot check in sabah. That's just stupid. So unprofessional. I do not want to name the 2 ladies. But thanks to Azni, I walk out of tm point satisfy with his work effort.
I hope such thing don't happen again. Do not lie to customers. Please study up your product and services. If you are so incompetent. You shouldn't be sitting at the counter to "help" customer!!
B.L.G. Janaka Send email
May 29, 2015
Need to get connection, and poor customer service
Dear Sir, Madam,
Account No : 1023239633
Overdue Amount : RM 316.95
Need to get connection,
Today ( 29.05.2015 ) I called to your TM customer centre, at that time discuss with me one of your customer service assistant Ms. Nazurah. ( morning 11.30 to 12.00 p.m. )
I asked from her please connect my line, yesterday disconnected my line. I can pay my bill 10th 11th June 2015. Reason my salary date and other hand my due date 12.06.2015. So my credit limit RM 447.00. Now my due amount is RM. 316.95. and every month bill calculate with current month end. That means according to the bill I have to pay upfront.
So she told me she cannot connect my line because of my bill. I told I no need to argue with you I need solution in this situation. Very simple my due date 12.06.2015. My credit limit RM 447. My Current bill RM 316.95. If you cannot get this decision please pass to your superior or boss I can discuss with regarding this matter. For more information you can check my conversation with Ms. Nazurah today between 11.30 a.m. and 12 noon.
Finally your customer service officer won. Customer loose, still I am not get the connection. Actually I am really disappointed your service. Because I am really believe your organization that’s why I came to your organization and signed two year agreement. May be your customer service assistant Ms. Nazurah not stay with your organization two years. But I have to stay with you at least 2 years.
If you cannot connect means, without using until my salary date I have to pay for your organization. If your cannot connect, please accept to terminate your agreement. Reason I am not satisfy about your service.
Thank you,
Bamabarawana Liyana Gamage Janaka
Mobile: 016- 3266250
E mail : janakaliyanagamage@yahoo.com
123 Send email
Dec 6, 2014
worst tm service
tm is bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The report has been made from oct until now dec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but the problem never solve, they said they will send technician to come but never come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wasting my time and money to call and keep repeating the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but problem never solve bitch tm stupid unless...bloody hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn u tm!!!
123 Send email
Dec 6, 2014
wrost tm serives
tm is bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The report has been made from oct until now dec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but the problem solve, they said they will send technician to come but never come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wasting my time and money to call and keep repeating the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but problem never solve bitch tm stupid unless...bloody hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn u tm!!!
Tan Kean beng Send email
Oct 29, 2014
No Internet Connectivity
My House has been facing no internet connectivity since 6th Oct. I made official report on 8th Oct 2014 by calling 1300 888 123, my report was 1-9920706246. The issue was internet connectivity was funtional intermittently, which means i have internet for few hours and then no internet for a few hours. The DSL and Internet lamp on modem lights are not on. The action done was reset at my modem and service center. After reset, i can access internet and then TM net help line operator.
However, not long after the case closed, i am still having internet connectivity issue. I made another report and then informed by help line operator that my modem is probably damaged. The operator informed me that they will send technician to my house and do inspection. The report number given is 1-9934337935.
After a few days, i am still not contacted by technician and i am not informed about the status of the repairing. I made a few more calls to TM net help line operator. The Report No were 1-9952384229, 1-9956940933, 1-9959774122. I was informed that the technician send note to my mail box, however, i have confirmed that no note received during the period and no calls from the technician as well. I have state to the help line operator that please do call me after report made on 1-9956940933. And i was wondering why i am keeping getting new report No and previous report No closed as the issue not solved.
On 17th Oct, technician contacted me and made arrangement to my house to look into the issue. I informed them that i work during office hour and only available during weekend. Hence we made arrangement on Sunday morning. At 19th Oct, 11am, technician reached my house and checking my internet and after that i can online. Info received from the technician that they have work with the external cable outside of my house at 18th Oct and it is fixed. However, not long after technician leave, i lost my internet connection after 4pm of 19th Oct.
I made another call and again another report no received. 1-10040831747. No long after that, i received a rude call from one technician questioning about what is happening and asking me about the root cause of no internet connectivity. I am a bit confused as the on duty technician supposed to know the detail of the breakdown as they are the one who was working on it.
Then, i brief the technician of what happening since day one. The technician requested and informed me to close the report first as he promised to work on it even after the case is closed. He gave me his personal contact number and requested to call him directly instead of calling 100. I agreed to his suggestion.
After a few days, i tried to contact the technician and the calls are not able to reach him. I made at least 10 calls and no response. I gave up and made another call to help line, and yet another report No received 1-10074352309 and was informed that my modem is damaged after i informed that DSL and internet lamps are off. Seriously speaking i have no internet connectivity for a month and i am tired of this game, calling and get new report no, old report close and so on.
I have been TM net customer for more than 4 years. I am very disappointed with the service provided by TM net.
If TM net is serious in this business, i suggest TM net provide one forum for the customer to check the interruption status and also provide review for troubleshooting competency, duration of fixing the issue and etc.
Depressed one,
Tan Kean Beng
No Rujukan : 04-5511069
No Bil : 001739629747
No Akaun : D94452-272-0109
Yvonne Send email
Jul 2, 2012
TM service is slow and worst
My house internet and telephone offen have problem.
About every month have the same issue and no any preventive action to prevent this issue continue happen.
I always seek help from TM officer thru phone but always say please wait 24hours the another 24 hours.
Sometimes the troubleshooting take time about 4 to 5 days to fix the problem.
Very dissapointed on the low grade service and not keen and compliance in their services towards the customer satisfaction.
If have others service which could replace TM net I will immediately terminate TM net service because no improvement and still in old fashion of work procedure.