My parents have used Trugreen for the a number of years and the last couple of years had brown spots and was sold reseeding, aerating (which really made the lawn rough) and different chemical treatments. Each time promising this would correct the problem. I tried talking them out of using Trugreen last year but they my parents were told Trugreen would be able to correct. Again this Spring they were pressured to renew but finally realized Trugreen was not helping the lawn. I ran a soil analysis from the local Feed Store on the lawn to find out it was deficient in lime and needs 3, 770 lbs to correct an 10, 000 sq. ft. lawn. The ph is at 5 which is very acidic. We were told he was surprised the lawn would even grow as the ph should be at 7. This was caused by too much Nitrogen. Why didn't Trugreen figure that out. It is going to cost over $500 in lime alone to correct and that is with me doing all the work. And since this would kill the lawn if all put on at once, will have to be divided by 1/3 this Spring, next Fall and the following Spring. Plus all the dead spots which is about 1/3 of the lawn need reseeding. If you use the service, insist on them taking a soil test to truly know what should be put on.