Good day, my name is vina and am a nigerian citizen. A single mum here in nigeria. My son is 10 years old ( with mild autism)and he's father who's an American citizen has abandoned us to our fate. He won't file for his son's passport and he has never met him in person. Getting him to support us has been a struggle for ten years. I don't know what else to do as am far away from the United States. He's not responding to his emails anymore and has refused to pay for his son's need such as school fees. Am just a small business woman and its tough getting by sometimes. I really need help getting him reported. He's from new Jersey. He's name is jacobi Lemon and he is a veteran. (+1 (404) 287-3132 )thats his phone number. Below are pictures of him. All I ask of him is to file for his son's citizenship as a United States citizen and take at least part responsibility for his child. Its been almost 2 months over here since schools resumed and he has refused to help with his son's school fees. Getting him to help us out has always been a drag for 10 years now. I have had enough of him taking advantage of me and our son. I need justice and I intend on getting it no matter how long it takes.
I reported him here sometime back, but he asked me to take the complaint down, which I did. Because I thought he had learned his mistakes and was ready to adjust. But he has and will never change. My son deserves so much better, and jacobi Lemon needs to be called out. You have neglected your son long enough.
I will be taking this to twitter next and every social media. I have gotten in touch with child services in the United States already. Jacobi Lemon, you cannot escape the responsibilities of fatherhood. Am not backing down, I am a strong Nigerian woman and I will fight for my child till I have no breathe left. You have abandoned this child 10 years too long.