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Consumer complaints and reviews about Walgreens
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Feb 11, 2018
On 2/09/2018, in Lake City, FL Walgreen's, I presented 3 valid prescriptions for medication to treat the flu that is raging across America. It was a prescription from the E.R., (which should let you know how bad it got me). I first took the prescription to Wal-Mart and they didn't have all 3. One was a steroid, (to help open my lungs), another was an antibiotic (to treat the infection), and the third was a schedule 2 cough syrup (to treat the cough). Wal-Mart didn't have the cough syrup. They said they would fill the 2 they have, but then another pharmacy wouldn't fill the other one without the other 2. Pretty much the stupidest thing I've heard in a while, but I went with it, doing my best to be cordial and just not wanting to cough up blood anymore. I call Walgreen's and ask if they have the cough syrup there. The woman who answered said they are not allowed to give out the quantity over the phone. I said that is great, since I didn't ask how many you have them you can tell me if you have any at all. I don't care if you have 1 or 1,000 I just want to know if you have it, period. Apparently stupidity is also raging across America as well. She didn't get it, so I had to drive across town just to see if they have it or not. I did and they did have it. However, they didn't have the antibiotic. So they had only 2 of the 3 also. I said cool, just fill the prescription for the cough syrup and I'll take the other 2 back to Wal-Mart. I was then told that it's a rule that they have to fill all 3 or none. I snapped and it's way too long of a rant to put here, but it boils down to stupidity running amok in America today, etc.
So I go to Wal-Mart again, by now it's 9pm and I went to the E.R. at 2:30am. Pretty much an all day adventure in our current health care system. I told the guy that it's sad that not one of you pharmacists offered to help in any fashion. More cussing was done and I even went back to Lake City Medical Center for help and was just told "sorry"
I gave them all the same scenario. You paid me to build your house and my crew installed a few windows very crooked and the door was the wrong type and size but was installed anyways because that was the only one we could get at the time. You come check on the progress and are very shocked, and extremely pissed because that is not what you are paying me a tidy sum to do to your brand new house. I look at you , shrug my shoulders, and say "sorry." And then you call another contractor to fix the issue. He looks at you, shrugs, and says that since you are already paying me to do it, there's nothing he can do. Sorry for your luck. How many of you would accept that. None? Then why the #### do you think I should accept you doing the same thing to me. I pay for my insurance for me and my wife every week. I was so sick at such a terrible time of the day that my only option was an E.R. So I have to pay an extraordinary amount of money out of my pocket because an urgent care isn't open, nor are any primary care facilities open. That is a whole other story there.
I tell Wal-Mart to just fill the 2 they have so I can at least get rid of the infection and get some sleep. They do and I go home. My wife then takes the cough syrup prescription back to Walgreen's the next day. They say they have it and it will be ready at 3pm. They were the only pharmacy in town that had it at that time. I get off work and we go there around 4pm. We go through the drive-thru, give them my BCBS insurance card, and are told that it's almost ready and if we drove around the store they'd pop on out to give it to us. Since I have an excellent understanding of the English language, that meant circle the store, to the front where the doors are so they can pop out to give it to me. I know this because nobody, especially the extremely fat girl is going to pop out of the drive-thru. I wait longer than I want to, then go inside. Slow movement, vacant and confused looks on pretty much every one behind the counter. The line has about 5 people in it. I go to the consultation window and ask for my prescription. I was told to get in line and they would get to me. I told them I'm not getting in line behind all those people because you were supposed to pop on out to get me. They said the girl meant for us to circle around back to the drive-thru, not come in. Then why didn't the girl say that? Is she just stupid all the time, or did she catch the stupid that's terrorizing America. Just give me my prescription. If you'll have a seat we'll be right with you she said. As soon as I sat down, I received a phone call from Walgreen's letting me know my prescription is ready to be picked up. It's now around 4:30pm. Long story short they finally call me up to pay. I insert my Visa and am offered stupid shit to accept or decline before proceeding. After declining, another one popped up. I told the girl I don't want anything, I just want to pay for my medicine. Soon as I have to remove my Visa I inform them that the night shift told me I couldn't get just the 1 prescription without the other 2. The pharmacist then said that's right, that she didn't even check. I snatched my now paid for medicine, before I had to smack anyone that tried to take it, and thanked them for their stupidity that somehow worked in my favor.
A message to Walgreen's and to all you really stupid people.. Thank you for making America stupid..and ### YOU
Brian Harger (American carpenter, fully insured, not on welfare, pays for everything with the money I earn at an honest job I go to every day). We're few and far between and I love my American Brothers who do the same
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Feb 9, 2018
Walgreens Store Policies
I'm about convinced that the young twits at Walgreens are running off customers on purpose. People who have prescriptions for controlled substances have gone through the trouble and expense of a doctor, to professionally treat their disease, and paying a pharmacy, where it is tracked if there are questions. Treating people like addicts has a psychological methodology behind it that usually results in first indignation and then shame. No one wants to be sick. No one is proud that they have a disease. This is a tactic that a drug dealer would exploit, forcing law abiding citizens to self treatment, in a back alley. The street price is less than the insurance company because they thieving tech has cut out the middle man.
[email protected]
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Jan 16, 2018
non-existant customer serv
Because of my insurance thru Community Hospital, I am forced to use Walgreen's for my prescriptions. I chose this location (Rangeline RD Carmel Indiana) because it is near my workplace. For a year now, I have every bad experience you can imagine. ERRORS, Incompetence, misidentification(HIPPA), long waits. The latest (yesterday) I had an RX filled. They only had 5 of the 30 pills required to fill the prescription. Fine. However, I believe the fact that they failed to mention this is extremely poor customer service. Unfortunately, I am STUCK with Walgreen's and have to go back to get the balance of the medication, but I most definitely will be looking for a different location. Sad to say, I imaging they are all the same and my experience at a new location won't change how I feel. I sure do miss CVS!!
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Jan 14, 2018
Rude young man wouldn’t fill prescription
There’s a dark haired young man who works the register and is not even a pharmacist. He refuses to fill my hydrocodone prescription without proper reason. He told me I needed an additional document proving I had been diagnosed with a disease that warranted that many pain pills . That is not true. Not only that but he is rude with an insulting air of judgment that comes with his denial of medication. I can’t belive that with all the pain my condition gives me without mercy, wether or not I get relief while my doctors find a course of treatment or plan a surgery, comes down to this punk which an attitude problem and a superiority complex? I’m not done yet. I won’t be happy till he’s fired. He has absolutely no business working a customer service job with people who are suffering and sick. He makes Walgreens pharmacy look really bad with his bad attitude, lack of respect, judgmental persona. Not everyone who is prescribed pain medication is a criminal, and that’s exactly how he treats you. I’m only warming up. I’m unemployed due to my disability, and I live right across the street from this Walgreens. I have all the time in the world to complain about his punk.
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Jan 8, 2018
Automated Service for Pharmacy
The automated service that calls people and tells them that their prescription is ready when in fact the medication is OUT OF STOCK AGAIN! needs to be disconnected.
Today was the fifth time I've been called and told that the phenobarbital prescription is ready to be picked up; but when I get to the store, it is, in fact, out of stock and will be for 3 days! Given the late hours of the call and the fact the vets office is now CLOSED, I cant just wait to have it filled. If my dog has a seizure, it will do one of two things - kill him or paralyze him for the rest of his life. I'm sure Walgreens doesn't really care about that - what is the life of a dog (.... or another human) compared to their millions of dollars.
Luckily, the vet opens at 7AM. I'll call and have the prescription called into a RELIABLE pharmacy and will post this on the Alabama Pug Rescue Facebook page to spread the news - DO NOT USE THIS PHARMACY OR STORE FOR ANY REASON!
BTW: While I was in the store waiting for the pharmacy staff to tell me my prescription is not in stock, I happened to witness the pharmacy and pharmacy tech discuss a prescription for Suboxone that the customer had purchased just the day before. The tech was telling the customer that they cannot fill the prescription because it was filled just yesterday. The pharmacist completed an override and told the tech to fill the prescription because she didn't want to hear the complaints. THIS IS ILLEGAL and I will also be reporting this action tomorrow as well!
robert g
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Dec 29, 2017
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Dec 27, 2017
Pharmacy..Prescription short 60 pills
When my husband picked up a prescription for 90 Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg. The bag was stapled. When he got home the bottle was marked #90 but had only # 30 pills in the bottle. I called and spoke with a Tech. She told him to come back and they would rectify the error. I asked who filled this prescription because an error like this was unacceptable. I heard her asking someone in the background and she came back on the line and said " what was the question"? This is not the first time that we have had a problem with the pharmacy at Walgreens. And this is the final straw!! I will after the holidays start transferring to another pharmacy. I have a list of complaints a foot long. There should be more checks and balances at this pharmacy. Very disappointed!!
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Dec 18, 2017
worst customer service ever
Walgreen's management could give a rat's ass, when I have filed several complaints about this pharmacy and their piss poor customer service and have yet to get a response. Yes, I took my business elsewhere and what a difference. Just the fact that all my family goes elsewhere is satisfaction beyond a response from them. In short, most of the front counter clerks are non caring punks with ZERO skill in customer service and attitude that the world revolves around them, Luis being the worst of them and should be fired! In addition, their storage system is a disaster and if you don't pick up your prescription that same day, they lose them and you wait for long periods of time for them to find them. What a mess. Avoid this place!
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Nov 18, 2017
Online Order
I placed an order online order with Walgreens. The offer said if I purchased said item it would come with a free gift. I thought great, this will take longer to get than going to the store but with the free offer it was a better deal. HAHA! I received my order but not the free gift. When I called I was told that they were out of the item but when it got back in stock they would send it out. I called again today (a month later) and was told that it didn't show a free gift offer and there was nothing they would do about it. Buyer Be Ware...Walgreens is running a scam just to get you to order from their website. If it shows a free item DO NOT fall for it. Walgreens, this is false advertising!!! You have just lost ALL of my business!!!!!
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Nov 17, 2017
Glynda Canterbury
My sister is a stage 4 Lung patient and is given 3 different pain medications. The pharmacist Ms Chyyayana Dave started harassing my sister and basically said she was abusing her meds. No 1, my sister is not nor has she ever been an abuser and No2, who made this bitch the pill whisperer the key words her are Stage 4 cancer patient if my sister wanted to ### she can. Y’all she’s dying and this bitch is refusing to fill her scripts until she feels comfortable doing so. Your are a pharmacist not her doctor. Someone needs to check this bitch and put her in her place before the media does. Just saying she needs to be dealt with by Walgreens.
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Nov 13, 2017
Drive thru sucks
Walgreens at 1270 MADISON AVENUE, MANKATO, MN has 2 pharmacy outside lanes open. Now mind you this is the 3rd time this has happened to us in the last 2 months. We pulled in the 2nd car to be served but the
car in front of us took 20 minutes to be processed. Mind husband was putting his arms up to get the attendents attention as if to say "what the hell is going on?" We were stuck in the middle of the from car and a car behind us so we couldn't go anywhere. And then we could hear the attendant say to the person in the car ahead of us, I apologize for the gentleman behind you. Are you serious. Apologize for us?In the mean time we counted 5 cars in the other lane that came after us that received service and drove away. There were two attendants so it wasn't just the one.
The one servicing the car ahead of us kept walking away as if to check with the pharmacist or their insurance company. Finally the car behind us backed up and went to the other lane so we could back up and leave. My husband was pissed to say the least. He went inside and got into a shouting match with the person at the window. He reiterated for the 2nd time if someone is taking more than 5 min they should tell them to come inside. It is a drive thru.
When the Walgreens was built by where we live i thought it was going to be easy until i picked up my prescription and got home and realized that i got someone else's. NICE, so i kept going to the one on Madison Ave., until now.
I suggest that the manager of the store on Madison Ave set down with the phamacy attendants and let them know that they cars need to pull around if they are taking more than 5-10 min. I work in customer service and i would never be caught dead taking to my customers they way they talk to theirs. This store has really gotten bad. There is a CVS across the street so we are thinking about switching. Hate to since we have been going to this one for 25 years.
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Oct 3, 2017
Walgreens Pharmcy Drive Thru
Walgreens at 1831 N. Lee Trevino, El Paso, TX had 2 pharmacy outside lanes open. I pulled in the 3rd car to be served but the
car in front of me took 30 minutes to be processed and every time I tried to backup and get in the other lane someone else pulled
in. Therefore, it took me 40 VERY LONG MINUTES to leave with my prescription. I counted 5 cars that received service and drove away in the other lane that arrived after me. The Walgreen's man that was servicing both lanes had a very thick accent and was
hard to understand and walked away for some unknown reason for 5 minutes when I finally pulled up. Walgreens needs to fix
the problem of someone showing up that their prescriptions take 30 minutes. Tell them to come into the building before someone
goes postal! I was on my lunch hour which made me late for a meeting. Ridiculous!!!!!!!! Taking my pharmacy business to CVS.
Phyllis Thomason
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Oct 3, 2017
Phone refills for prescriptions
It is very annoying to listen to the recorded messages just to refill a prescription. It takes about 1 minute to refill @ Wal Mart, but 5 minutes on Walgreens. The message is redundant with asking every time the same questions that I answer no to every time! I have mentioned this to the pharmacy workers & they said they get numerous complaints about this and said I should voice my displeasure on this web site.
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Sep 27, 2017
Short pills
I am continuing to have a problem with my local Walgreens pharmacy and I am requesting your assistance to resolve the problem. Twice, I have had a prescription for my daughter that is short medication (Adderall XR). My recent experience on August 31st was a situation where the medicine was picked up and the bag was stapled. When I arrived at home, I opened it and the bottle was short 4 pills. I called the next morning and was told that the problem was on my end by the pharmacist. I asked for the medicine to be replaced and he refused.
On September 1st, I attempted to use the Walgreens Customer Service concern website form and found that it did not work. I called and filed a formal complaint with a customer service staff and was told that in 3-5 days a district office staff would assist me in resolving the concern. I never heard from a district manager but I did get a call from Mary Ann from the pharmacy on 9/13/17 who assured me that Walgreens would not resolve my concern or replace the medicine.
I am very unhappy with the lack of customer service regarding this matter. I am only asking for 30 pills to be placed in the bottle.
Thank you for reading my concern and I hope we can come to a resolution so that my daughter can have her medication for the entire 30 days.
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Aug 19, 2017
After asking several questions regarding my prescriptions, Patty Nan from the pharmacy, accused me of being upset. I asked why she would assume I was upset and explained I was only asking questions. I then asked to speak to a supervisor and she asked me, "Why are you going to complain". I asked her why she assumed I was going to complain and that I was asking for a supervisor because she wasn't able to answer any of my questions. Patty then asked me why I was giving her a hard time. I told her I didn't appreciate all of her accusations 1. Being upset, 2. Complaint to her supervisor, 3. Giving her a "hard" time. I told her I never raised my voice, used profanity or any other abusive language toward her. She then tells that I didn't answer her question. I asked what question would that be. She replied, "Are you going to be able to pick up your prescription". I said, "You never once asked me that". She replied, "Well I was going to." She said none of her supervisors were there and I could just call back in the morning. My original question to her was, "Why did I receive a voicemail telling me I have tomorrow to pick up my medication or they'd send it back" I explained that I never received a phone call letting me know my prescription was ready in the first place and that it was the second time that's happened to me.
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May 19, 2017
Pharmacist Complaint
I have been a Walgreens Pharmacy customer for over 30 years. I have recently been injured at work and required to have laminectomy surgery. Laminectomy is surgery that creates space by removing the lamina — the back part of the vertebra that covers your spinal canal. Also known as decompression surgery, laminectomy enlarges your spinal canal to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.
My lumbar laminectomy surgery did not relieve the intense pain I am suffering and I am going to have to have additional surgery. I am suffering with extreme, disabling and often unbearable pain. My doctor has temporarily increased my pain medication and is conducting test to determine my options. I went into your Walgreens store in Orange City, Florida with my prescription, which is set up with Workers Compensation, and I have been using this same pharmacy. Pharmacist Ryan B. informed me that Walgreens would not fill pain medication more than 120 pills per a 30 day period, and if I wished to wait until a later date, then he would fill the prescription. I tried to explain to Ryan about my surgery and that I would be having further surgery, he offered to call my doctor try to change the medication. I declined, I stated that I would go to a different pharmacy this time. I went to another local pharmacy and had to pay cash and I am still trying to get Workers Compensation to repay me.
Since then I returned to Walgreens and had no problems with the prescriptions, I understood or thought I understood because Pharmacist Ryan B. stated that Walgreens would fill 120 pills per month.
On April 24, 2017 at approximately 1:00pm I went into the Walgreens and dropped off my prescription, the clerk took the prescription and went out of site, I assume to show the Pharmacist, then returned and asked if I would be waiting or dropping off. I informed her that I would wait and to please inform me if Workers Compensation accepted it, which in the past we have had to contact the adjuster to authorize payment. At approximately 1:10pm the clerk informed me that Workers Compensation authorized the payment. At approximately 1:45pm, Pharmacist Ryan B. called me by my Doctors name up the counter, my wife and I got up and went ahead of other customers to the counter. Ryan stated he had a few questions for me, then he asked me why was I going to another pharmacy to get my medication. I stated to him that he himself had told me that Walgreens would only allow him to give me 120 pills per month and that I was forced to go to another pharmacy until the 30 days had passed. Pharmacist Ryan B. then began to tell me, my wife, all the Pharmacy staff and all the other customers that my doctor was mistreating me and he would not allow him to prescribe me this medication. I explained about the surgery, more surgery coming, the extreme pain I was in, and that I was following my doctors orders. Ryan continued to advise me that my doctor was wrong, wanting to know if I was getting more medications from him, and basically treating me like a criminal. Ryan went out of his way to embarrass me, belittle me in front of my wife and your staff and every customer in the pharmacy area.
I have been a customer for over 30 years, every other staff member in that store has been very helpful and polite. I had to wait over 45 minutes, after being told that the prescription was approved, then be called up in front of everyone and accused by your Pharmacist Ryan B. that I was a drug addict, that my doctor was a quack and that he knew what was best for me.
I know that the store has camera's and audio, I also know that no human being should be treated the way this man treated me. I talked to the other Pharmacist who filled my medication at the other store, asked his professional opinion about the amount and frequency of it, he stated it was temporary and not uncommon in people with my medical condition.
I do understand the problem with drug addiction and abuse, but I also know that you have to review and check the history of each person and the reason for the medication.
Your Pharmacist Ryan B. went out of his way to tell me that my doctor was a quack, I was drug addict and that he was the one who knew what was best. He did this in a humiliating and degrading fashion, in front of my wife, in front of your staff, and in front of the other customers.
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May 19, 2017
Pharmacist Complaint
I have been a Walgreens Pharmacy customer for over 30 years. I have recently been injured at work and required to have laminectomy surgery. Laminectomy is surgery that creates space by removing the lamina — the back part of the vertebra that covers your spinal canal. Also known as decompression surgery, laminectomy enlarges your spinal canal to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.
My lumbar laminectomy surgery did not releave the intense pain I am suffering and I am going to have to have additional surgery. I am suffering with extreme, disabling and often unbearable pain. My doctor has temporarily increased my pain medication and is conducting test to determine my options. I went into your Walgreens store in Orange City, Florida with my prescription, which is set up with Workers Compensation, and I have been using this same pharmacy. Pharmacist Ryan B. informed me that Walgreens would not fill pain medication more than 120 pills per a 30 day period, and if I wished to wait until a later date, then he would fill the prescription. I tried to explain to Ryan about my surgery and that I would be having further surgery, he offered to call my doctor try to change the medication. I declined, I stated that I would go to a different pharmacy this time. I went to another local pharmacy and had to pay cash and I am still trying to get Workers Compensation to repay me.
Since then I returned to Walgreens and had no problems with the prescriptions, I understood or thought I understood because Pharmacist Ryan B. stated that Walgreens would fill 120 pills per month.
On April 24, 2017 at approximately 1:00pm I went into the Walgreens and dropped off my prescription, the clerk took the prescription and went out of site, I assume to show the Pharmacist, then returned and asked if I would be waiting or dropping off. I informed her that I would wait and to please inform me if Workers Compensation accepted it, which in the past we have had to contact the adjuster to authorize payment. At approximately 1:10pm the clerk informed me that Workers Compensation authorized the payment. At approximately 1:45pm, Pharmacist Ryan B. called me by my Doctors name up the counter, my wife and I got up and went ahead of other customers to the counter. Ryan stated he had a few questions for me, then he asked me why was I going to another pharmacy to get my medication. I stated to him that he himself had told me that Walgreens would only allow him to give me 120 pills per month and that I was forced to go to another pharmacy until the 30 days had passed. Pharmacist Ryan B. then began to tell me, my wife, all the Pharmacy staff and all the other customers that my doctor was mistreating me and he would not allow him to prescribe me this medication. I explained about the surgery, more surgery coming, the extreme pain I was in, and that I was following my doctors orders. Ryan continued to advise me that my doctor was wrong, wanting to know if I was getting more medications from him, and basically treating me like a criminal. Ryan went out of his way to embarrass me, belittle me in front of my wife and your staff and every customer in the pharmacy area.
I have been a customer for over 30 years, every other staff member in that store has been very helpful and polite. I had to wait over 45 minutes, after being told that the prescription was approved, then be called up in front of everyone and accused by your Pharmacist Ryan B. that I was a drug addict, that my doctor was a quack and that he knew what was best for me.
I know that the store has camera's and audio, I also know that no human being should be treated the way this man treated me. I talked to the other Pharmacist who filled my medication at the other store, asked his professional opinion about the amount and frequency of it, he stated it was temporary and not uncommon in people with my medical condition.
I do understand the problem with drug addiction and abuse, but I also know that you have to review and check the history of each person and the reason for the medication.
Your Pharmacist Ryan B. went out of his way to tell me that my doctor was a quack, I was drug addict and that he was the one who knew what was best. He did this in a humiliating and degrading fashion, in front of my wife, in front of your staff, and in front of the other customers.
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Mar 29, 2017
Prabhakar Sontineni
My complaint is about a pharmacist named Prabhakar Sontineni who works at the store #5130 located at 6800 w 28th ave in Hialeah .This walgreens pharmacist is steeling the patients from the walgreens database and transferred them at his private Pharmacy called St jesus located at 12753 SW 127 ave in kendall .This is an acceptable behavior that walgrees shoud not tolerate from any employee ,as,you can see this individual is CHEATING the company and also breaking the law.
Ella Adams
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Jan 10, 2017
Pharmacy wouldnt give me my medicine
Walgreen on northave an cicero. I really need to talk to some one. They did me wrong. I call them jan. 4th giving them a compliant about someone stole my medicine bottle around the christmas holiday. I told them who ever i talk to dont give nobody my medicine but they did. They treated me today like iam trying to run a scram. I didnt do nothing wrong. I couldnt believe what they told me. This was around 10:30 this morning. They was wrong i talk to the manager of the phramacy department he told me he has to close my account out. An dont come their no more. For God sakes i was in tears. How could they do that to me.Now i cant get my medicine for my depression because of that i need someone to help me.
Ella Adams
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Jan 10, 2017
My mecidine
The walgreen on northave an cicero gave my medicine to a person that commit a fraw. I call that walgreen last wednesday Jan. 4th an may a complaint i spoke to some one in the phramecy they told me they will not give my medicine too anyone but me. They gave me their word. But they gave it to the person that stole my medicine bottle from my apartment doing the christmas holiday. That is so wrong. They treated me like i was tring to run some kind of scram on them. Iam a God fearing woman i dont do things like that. I went today around 10:30 am to pick up my medicine. They going tell me they going shut my prscript down. I cant come to that walgreen no more. That is wrong. What should i do. Please tell me. Could someone help me. My phone number is 1 312 550 8130 HELP.
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Dec 31, 2016
Medicine is covered by insurance
Went in to Walgreens to get my flu shot. While there I asked about the singles shot. The pharmacist assured me that my insurance would cover the cost of the shot. (.i.e. No cost to me). He printed out a paper that said my insurance saved me $234.99. I called my wife (who has the same insurance) and she was also quoted and received a document that the insurance covered the shot.
Today, I received a bill for $133.99 for my shot and $111.83 for my wife's shot!
Apparently it is Walgreens policy to quote full coverage for a procedure (in this case a shot) and then bill later!
I called the home office and was told that since I had signed a form that I would be responsible for covering any "excess" medical overages, that I had to pay the bill! No explanation why the two bills were different. Supposedly they submitted them to our insurance company and they were rejected. So they submitted them to medicare and it paid some of the bill. Strange but different amounts for two people that had identical insurance. When I questioned the different amounts, she said you would have to contact your insurance company. I guess that is the one that rejected the claim?
So if you need to have medicine that is not tier 1 generic, I guess the policy of Walgreens is to tell customers that their insurance will cover it and then bill them later.
Let's see, new drug --- Walgreens says it covered! Then Walgreen bills you for $6.000.000. Are we talking SCAM here?
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Dec 29, 2016
I ask them to call me back regarding 21 different medications the doctor has me on 4:20 different diseases I have including post craniotomy right brain aneurysm surgery and bronchiectasis COPD interstitial lung disease and Pulmonary Fibrosis osteoarthritis aneurysms developing on the left side among other things I never was returned with the detailed message regarding the drug interactions of the meds with each other nor with the diseases and I would think that have been a red alert or something because I look them up on the internet and there were several major interactions noted
Michael Massi
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Aug 24, 2016
Cutting Many Telephone Lines
My name is Michael Massi and I use Walgreen's for ALL of mine and my wife's pharmaceutical needs. I am 72 years old and was appalled today (Aug 23) at the new system of NO PHONE Service. I usually call in to renew my medications and then just make one trip to pick them up.
Today I called 5 times and received a recording which said that there's one caller ahead of me. I waited and waited until I had to hang up. I finally got in my car and went to Walgreen's here in Los Prados, Caguas Puerto Rico. I was told that Walgreen's eliminated 3 telephone lines. I couldn't believe it. What if I needed emergency help????
If this is the way it must be, my wife and I will have to look for a more convenient pharmacy that, at least, has better service than this.
I never had anything to complain about Walgreen's but THIS IS A LITTLE TOO MUCH.
Thankyou, Michael Massi, 787-248-9947.
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Jul 26, 2016
Pet Shoppe Training Pads
Pet Shoppe Training Pads, the advertisement doesn't hold up -absorbent gel locks in wetness, -super absorbent, -leak resistant,-DRIP GUARD locks in wetness, 5 LAYERS. None of these statements are true. You advertise 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! Well how do you do that? Simply returning the item is no the answer, I have multiple dogs and I have the need for these pads @ $18.99 for 100 pads I simply need them to do what you advertise. WIC 930477 You have no competition in your stores, please correct this issue. Thanks in advance !!!
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Jun 21, 2016
TRump support
Just a notation that I saw that Walgreen's was boycotting Trump in Cleveland...if this is true, I am boycotting Walgreen's. I find companies of this sort should NOT be involved in politics. This year's election is going to be horrendous, as it is. We have a liar, dishonest, and deceitful person in the person of Hillary Clinton; and a newbie in Trump, who I think has a lot more to offer than Hillary. She is going to be the worst person to become POTSUS. Not to mention, a philanderer named Bill in the White House, again.
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