Escrow Account Shortage
wells fargo we have escrow account. my property taxes are paid .i am a disabled vet. each year at tax time they say we tried to pay your taxes they know the taxes are paid. so the only thing in the escrow account is for hud insurance and our home insdurance. insurance is paid in april for the year. in jan. 2012hey had the amount for that. so from jan. to april 2012 where is the money going. that is about 95.00 a month for our insurance. 4 months at 95.00 is 380.00 where is it it does not come back to us that is have of next years insuranc so the other months is 760.00 plus the 380.00 that is 1140.00 and the insurance is only about 650.00 a year. so where does the extra money go 490.00. then the usally jack up our payment every year. the feds. need to do something about these crapp banks thank you. rkimble