I have never experienced such bad customer service in all my ADULT life! I have been trying to get my service back on since 03.26.18~ when Straight Talk cut my service (ON A # I HAVE HAD SINCE 2001)--first of all they claim my SIM card had expired--that is original--this is 03.26.18 so I wait...
Hatherlee Zeigler Apr 2, 2018 |
 I was charged $62.82 through PayPal on December 25, 2017 but I received no service. The billing ID is B-7SW79567938770433. My Microsoft account does not show this charge in my billing history. Please issue a refund...
1Ftmyers Apr 2, 2018 |
I wanted to become a Marriott vacation club member, but everything I've experienced has been a problem. My wife, my special needs daughter and myself go to Marriott in myrtle beach the last 3 or 4 years. we buy the package every year. last year they gave us the time 5 nights at myrtle beach...
Truthteller Apr 2, 2018 |
Jennifer: "This color is Jana and I's favorite." Misty and many others: "The color of these stones are remarkable." Also: "Thank you for joining my co-host and I". Nikki: "In just a moment, I will show a beautiful necklace". I run to the tv,...
STOP crap Apr 2, 2018 |
I don't know how they got hold of my email address but I'm inundated daily with obscene junk mail. I opened one email to find an unsubscribe option but there isn't one. Almost immediately I got a TEXT message from them that was just as awful. I want this to STOP NOW....
Shishir Apr 2, 2018 |
I received a sms 01704187105 from this number.your mobile#Has been awarded 1.000 000.00 us dollars in the 2018 coca_cola company draw in Switzerland to claim send name, age, mobile #to [email protected]
My phone 01673608974...
Herosam Apr 2, 2018 |
Please start Zatch bell season 3 on TV because when I was 3 years old I saw this on your channel. But then it stopped coming on your channel .Then I searched YouTube and found these episodes coming on a YouTube channel in Hindu. So please respected sir I request you to please start Zatch bell...
MabelWindey Apr 2, 2018 |
Please do not use Geni to create a family tree. THEY ARE SCAMMERS! a cousin opened an account, paid the fees and started making the family tree. After two weeks he was denied access and his account was closed. Most of the information of family members is wrong, mainly in year of birth!! I was...
KR Sankaran Ex Manager Alltechz Apr 2, 2018 |
 Latest Info : The Alltechz KR Sankaran is an H I V positive and getting treatment through KYR fund. Request Public please be away with him to avoid this disease. He is still having full weakness with guys and girls. We have already made complaint to corporation of Chennai and Govt General Hospital...
bakrim Apr 2, 2018 |
Salam..dan hai just nak kongsi sapa2 disini pernah topup Rm9.43 je dan rebate 6% tak pernah dapat,saya juga penguna maxis setiap kali top mesti ade akan sms bg tau 6% gst telah dimasukakn..29/3/2018 sy telah complaint ke celcome service center melalui email.tau tau hari ni 2 april 2018 rm 4.32...
Liza@123 Apr 2, 2018 |
@DStv TIME TO STEP UP. There’s nothing good on TV. All we get to watch is repeats, repeats and repeats. High School Musical 2 and 3, Back to the Future 1, 2 and 3...LIKE REALLY. NO MORE GLOWTV!!! You refer us to Zee World and ebella, which shows crap. Bring back GLOWTV which is more entertaining....
stkazmi Apr 2, 2018 |
Hi Everyone,
I was on a visit to Bangkok and decided to spend time at Thailand Islands (Krabi etc.). I booked my hotel at Krabi throughout agoda mobile app for two days (1-3 April 2018) at Golden Beach Resort and at Sunrise resort at Railay Island (3-4 April 2018). My flight was scheduled...
misaeedi99 Apr 2, 2018 |
Hi, I am confused about this message received from a Pakistani mobile no. +923333164626: "You have been Awarded of £800,000 Pounds in the 2018 UK Microsoft
Mobile draw to claim ur prize send your age and mobile no to: [email protected]
Is it true?? or Fraud??...
misaeedi99 Apr 2, 2018 |
Hi, I am confused about this message received from a Pakistani mobile no. +923333164626: "You have been Awarded of £800,000 Pounds in the 2018 UK Microsoft
Mobile draw to claim ur prize send your age and mobile no to: [email protected]
Is it true?? or Fraud??...
rajkumar1983 Apr 2, 2018 |
shipper name : panaich Elena
shipper address : westmount road Ethan London se91nr
receiver name: Rajkumar sharma
phone :8529557799
umairnaseer Apr 2, 2018 |
Dear sir,
Kindly guide me about £ 800000 winning ( The UK Microsoft mobile draw ). I got that message on yesterday night before and I also got email address in which he or she tell me to send my info like name, city, country and mobile num ... Is this real or fake..??
Thank you.....
Prez Apr 2, 2018 |
Has anyone ever informed Brian Taylor, one of Channel 7's AFL commentators, that A. he is very lucky to have a job after his homophobic on air comments about Harry Taylor a few years ago.
B. It is rude and ignorant to continually mispronounce players' names
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