sscheurer Oct 30, 2017 |
I am writing to express my displeasure of the 24/7 Christmas movies that are played on both Hallmark channels which begins in October, BEFORE Halloween. It's way too much. I love the Hallmark channels, but I am forced to watch another channel because it's way too soon to be showing...
Cin Oct 30, 2017 |
I would like to see the Hallmark Mystery’s on until at least December. I enjoy the shows....
Cin Oct 30, 2017 |
I would like to have the Mystery’s back on at least until December....
Zeke1028 Oct 30, 2017 |
Went on site. Had to use card to prove I was 18 years of age or older.
Site said and I quote "CARD WILL NOT BE CHARGED"
Just found out they charged $36.00 on my card WITHOUT PERMISSION.
Want my money back....
Anniewalker Oct 29, 2017 |
It has just come to my attention that the above company is taking a monthly £10.00 from my account. I have gone back to April 20,so far.
It is not a direct debit.
Details. EYSINS1262
Using card 8471 which is not a current card but could be a reference
Chutch Oct 29, 2017 |
Wiil quit watching until Christmas movies are over after the 1st of January 2018!!...
Birna Oct 29, 2017 |
मैंने पन्कार्ड के लिये ऑनलाइन फोम भरा था और २ सौ तीस रुपए भरा था उसको दो महीने से ऊपर हो गया है पर उसका कुछ पता नहीं...
Max2321 Oct 29, 2017 |
Landline no 0138346491 was supposed to be updated on fiber optic cable to upgrade speed & capacity of DSL on 19/10/2017
Service order no. 04161256
The fiber optic cable has not been installed as it has to be done internally and the building owner expects STC to do.
C58cheryl Oct 29, 2017 |
I watch your channels all the time I notice you use the same actors all the time I've not seen one Hispanic love story or Biracial or African American or Muslim. This is 2017 I'm going to Facebook with this information and have a serious look at your advertisers...
Sneaks1963 Oct 29, 2017 |
I pulled a string that was hanging on jeans then then the whole waist band came un done one string held it together not good. Try to uplaod picture but wont let me...
Sneaks1963 Oct 29, 2017 |
Bought a pair of jeans in walmart i pulled a stringvwhile i was at work and the whole waist band came un done. Tried to attach a photo but says to big no matter what size I make picture....
Sumathi Oct 29, 2017 |
Most of the time the Ice cream is out of order in this McDonald...... and there is no any notification.... after enter the drive thru lane n order then only we get to know that the ice cream don’t have... still we have to follow the lane and wait to exit.... at least if there is any notification,...
Zeeshan sajid Oct 29, 2017 |
my phone is stolen on road while i was walking, kindly blocked my phone. The IMEI number is 990005081591290 . my mobile number is +923367660877 u can contact on me this any time....
Shafqat Oct 29, 2017 |
We have paid almost full amount of 2.7 marla plot after 9 years we are not in possession of plot. Our money was invested in other project. There is no one to help us. I request NAB to crack down on the head of this project. All the affectee paid installments with great difficulties but the owners...
Meow Oct 29, 2017 |
Pls la celcom... 10months line ke laut.. wtf.. rugi jk beli tnet bratus ratus.. tp line hampe.. stress.. da la mcm chipsmore.. pandai hilang.. org bru maw feel2 legend men gme tiba2 "no cnnction".. waaa.. pns gilak... tme2 riang hati tggu mov siap dwnld tba2 "no cnnction".....
Eraser Oct 29, 2017 |
I watched the www.GothamSmokeLess.com infomercial, Chanel 161, Frontier Communications, that ended at 12 midnight PST.
I called the number 800 757 4912 given on the Infomercial. The lady who answered the phone did not know about the free Quad cabab, the free recipee, the free...
srin1705 Oct 29, 2017 |
[email protected] Oct 29, 2017 |
I am doing everything possible to get my friends and family to boycott NFL GAmes untill this political protest STOPS ..I have been a football fan most of my life but will not be a part of this disrespectful action taken by players during the National Anthem..
I am also sick of...
guilleonv. Oct 29, 2017 |
ive been to ur store in Boracay and it is so hot the aircon is broken and some customers don't want to enter the store because of the temperature inside. i wonder how ur employees handled it. i pity them...
edwinthong Oct 29, 2017 |
 Dear Sir/Madam
I want to report about illegal worker in Malaysia. I found that the stall hired many illegal worker (more than 5~6) which is located at Jalan Lks,48000 Rawang,Selangor. Besides that, there have been a lot of foreign worker in Rawang Areas. It is threating our safety...
edwinthong Oct 29, 2017 |
 Dear Sir/Madam
I want to report about illegal worker in Malaysia. I found that the stall hired many illegal worker (more than 5~6) which is located at Jalan Lks,48000 Rawang,Selangor. Besides that, there have been a lot of foreign worker in Rawang Areas. It is threating our safety...
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