90094 Mar 10, 2015 |
I have ordered from Vitacost several times, but lately, they seem to be falling apart or something. I used to get my orders by the next day if I ordered early enough the day before, but it seems to take much longer these days, ESPECIALLY if your order gets messed up and they have to send a replacement....
Ronald Boatman Mar 10, 2015 |
On 12-31-2014 purchased Norton for 3 computers ($89.99) Loaded on one but unable to get back into norton to load remaing
2 computers.
Thank you,
Ronald Boatman...
diane94 Mar 10, 2015 |
I've had my silestone kitchen countertops for about 7 years and no complaints. This morning I discovered a 16-inch crack that wasn't there last night when I went to bed. I called the silestone mfg to be told warranty didn't apply as crack was not due to mfg defect and cracks could...
Sphynxzy Mar 10, 2015 |
I fell for this scam somewhat. It sounded scam-ish, so I gave them a prepaid credit card information. I am trying to go back to school, and so I thought this would be wonderful. Well, I tried calling them back several times, and after giving my name and confirmation number, they hung up on me....4...
Bill Strasser Mar 10, 2015 |
I purchased 2 pair of Nike comfort flip flops. They are very comfortable and I love them
for that reason but I can't wear them because they smell so terrible.
Has this problem been handled?...
fuckbrownmackie Mar 10, 2015 |
DO NOT GO HERE! I learned absolutely nothing. I made straight A's (4.0 gpa) and never even opened a book. I took all the exams and did all the homework with ease using only the information I already had in my head. The curriculum is barely 7th grade knowledge and that's probably giving...
psychogranny Mar 10, 2015 |
Got a letter in the mail. I hoped upon hope it was real because i have very littke income each monrh. Even asked my kids for advise they even thought it was legit so i sent in the $15.99 and now i am gonna make this bastard pay one way or another. And every fucking person assiciated with...
Theresa Baschek reingefallen Mar 10, 2015 |
ich bin grade auch erst massiv auf Hexe Theresia, Theresa Baschek reingefallen und ausgebeutet worden. Ich kann nicht mal sagen, ob sie nu nicht mehr erreichbar ist, denn das letzte gespräch beendete Sie als ich sie damit konfrontiert hab. Denn Sie hat mir nur mein ganzes Geld abgenommen, mich...
tanbeehong Mar 10, 2015 |
 Non-compliance with tribunal award by maid agency
I have been locked in a disagreement with PMA maid agency in Puchong for not fulfilling their obligations. I requested for refund from the agency but failed. After went through hard time attempting to get back my money, I found...
monz Mar 10, 2015 |
I was told to leave my place of work by a very unfair employer on 8th may 2013. She unfairly deducted money off my salary each month I was there. I took this matter to STANLEY and JP ROUX of kempton park labour dept!!! They have delivered all documentation and she has admitted she owes me this...
Theresia Baschek Mar 10, 2015 |
Theresia Baschek, alias Hexe Theresia
Besonders skurril sind die Websites selbsternannter Hexen, die Esoterik und Okkultismus verbinden. Das Angebot ist umfassend, der Humbug kennt dabei offenbar keine Grenzen. Theresia Baschek, alias Hexe Theresia, bietet ihre Dienstleistungen...
P Whyntie Mar 10, 2015 |
UNI Strategic (M'sia) Sdn Bhd
Level 30, Menara Bank Islam
No. 22, Jalan Perak
50450 Kuala Lumpur
I am an Australian GRC specialist. Like many of the above complainants I have also conducted training for UNI Strategic. I have done a number of courses for...
amsoriu Mar 10, 2015 |
Die Weiße Magie der Hexe Theresia - Theresia Baschek taugt nicht diese angebliche hexe. wenn sie geld bekommen hat dann meldet die sich nicht...
s.prem anand Mar 10, 2015 |
sir / madam
pls help ...my mobile phone missing..
IMIE NO ; 013332004435220
Name : S.prem anand
soriadoc Mar 10, 2015 |
Buy high quality fake and real Passport ,Visa,Driving License,ID CARDS,marriage certificates,diplomas, e.t.c
We are a team of professionals with many years of experience in producing fake passports
and other identity documents, best quality producers of fake documents....
shakeel Mar 9, 2015 |
MySNGPL Bill Consumer number is 5075962003
Meter number is MG26415559
Two complaints have been entered at 1199 phone.
Three times SNGPL team visited and confirmed that My meter is not working.
SNGPL staff assured that meter will be hanged. I was told that SNGPL...
astrmiska Mar 9, 2015 |
My bank statement has a charge from microsoft bill wa that I have not idea where it came from. Last year I changed my Visa
card three times because of charges from microsoft that I did not do. I finally cancelled my credit card in december .
How am I suppose to remove these charges...
kt46 Mar 9, 2015 |
July 17, 2014 and February 10, 2014 is also from an oil company I do not know about. Need to be off my report asap. Also 2 AT&T as well never had AT&T during October 3, 2013 and October 5, 2014....
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