rahul 003 Jul 11, 2014 |
BM Silver Springs Builders have projects in Bangalore. I Booked a flat in BM Silver
Springs project by giving a token as advance (on the condition that they will return
the advance if my advocate doesn’t approve it) the builder gave me copies of the land
grisini884 Jul 11, 2014 |
“Just-dice.com is a scam bet site! I lost precious time and much needed money thanks to this site! Stay away, and tell others to do the same.” This is pretty much what I have to say about this site. I wanted to increase the amount of bitcoins I have, but instead I got scammed, robbed, or...
shiva prasad Jul 11, 2014 |
motorola moto g
imei 1:354994052938012
imei 2:354994052940869...
druid112 Jul 11, 2014 |
Most people today try to get as much as possible information about the online sites they are going to use. That is especially true for gamblers, who have a lot to lose if the online casino they trust with their Bitcoin ends to be a scam. My amateur gambling career started few years ago, and...
druid112 Jul 11, 2014 |
Many people choose to supplement their incomes by doing online work nowadays and I already work 2 jobs. I wanted something fast that would help me make enough to buy some things I wanted but had no money for in the past. So I went on some sites and the people there recommend the bitzino.com...
cmjoubert Jul 11, 2014 |
Hi, I am the account holder of account at Altech Autopage. I requested a swim swop. The phone is on my name but my brother is using it for the past 12 years. I am overseas and gave him an authority letter wit copy of my id and theirs and proof of residence.
The courier did not want to...
rajivlochan Jul 11, 2014 |
Mr.UNITED47 Jul 11, 2014 |
Listen ladies and gentlemen, I m a proud citizen of india. We have been studying this case since the start of this spam and We warn you not to come under any of such spams and prize amount. Following things they will ask you to do:-
1. Ask about all of your details
2. Then your...
Mahesh Kumar Jul 11, 2014 |
I have stolen my phone on varanasi railways station....
k nagaraj Jul 11, 2014 |
Customer services, www.rbi.org
cford Jul 11, 2014 |
Craiglist Scam: This person with the following email: [email protected]
Thanks for getting back to me, so sorry i couldn't respond early
i had to visit a relative that lost their daughter. i just want to let
you know that am okay with the condition...
By-Web.fr Jul 11, 2014 |
Hello Team Edirectory
I was very surprised at the curious trade policy and customer relationship of Arca Solutions.
I purchased an update in September 2013 for Version 10.0, for one year. Any new update should be automatic from september 2013 to august 2014.
[email protected] Jul 11, 2014 |
I was lost my mobile while travelling from ITPL Big Bazar to B.Naryanapura in BMTC bus in Bangalore on 10-July-14 time 5:45PM. Please find the mobile details in below and help me to trace the mobile and do the needful.
Mobile Model: Micromax Canvas HD A116
EMEI 1: 911304254653938
chandrakant Jul 11, 2014 |
Dear Sir ,
I got below email frequently .Kindly confirm where is it true of false mail.
thanking you ,
[email protected]
Reserve Bank of India
miss kitty 1987 Jul 10, 2014 |
There's this girl named 🎇Dreamer🎇 she plays home desgin story and she calle
d me and her friend toddler and was talking about me behind my back and I try end sticking up to her but then she reported me to teamlava and I really like that game and I don't want my account...
uk k Jul 10, 2014 |
guys dont even try deal with them they are full scam and well take your money trust me and dont let them take your money as took mine they never send you anything they show good photos of your id which is made on Photoshop i hate them they heartless mother fuckers this is there email too [email protected]...
C!@# Jul 10, 2014 |
In June of 2013 I posted a complaint, along with several others, regarding the owner of AA Chemdry of North Jersey. Due to concerns over the person's history of being vindictive I requested it be removed and have the confirmation e-mail from your editors that it was removed. 2 weeks ago...
llogan Jul 10, 2014 |
Hardees commercials need to be taken off of tv. It is degrading women and disrespectful to children. Do they have to go to that extreme to sell food. Burger King Satisfries commercial, made me want to get up and go try them and I did. However, Hardees commercials make me not want to go to Hardees...
TJackranch11 Jul 10, 2014 |
I have paid my ZipCash bills on time, every time because I hate administrative fees and I've read the horror stories from people that had an original bill for $20 and ended up with a bill in the thousands because thay hadn't paid or didn't receive a bill. I never wanted to get...
[email protected] Jul 10, 2014 |
Got through to Register screen. Wont let me enter my name or birthdate, just email and password. Enetring does nothing, screen just hangs there. Not going to use this phone or lebara again. Wont bother complaining further due to other complaints already on here mentioning bad service so wont...
cariann Jul 10, 2014 |
Took up payments on a mobile home financed through 21st Mortgage in 2005,they said there was 7,000 owed on it.Well 4 years later we call to find out payoff amount and they say 17,000..WHAT? We felt like we were stuck,didn't want to ruin our credit and be homeless. We thought at 4000. a...
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