skhumba01 Mar 27, 2020 |
Due to the Covid19 pandemic we are experiencing i understand we were given options to make use of the self service options but quite frankly i have not had any joy from all those services, 1stly i tried the dstv now app nothing worked, 2ndly i used the Whatsapp number its even more useless,...
ftn.nblh Mar 27, 2020 |
parcel i dipost pada 16/3 dari langkawi and stuck dekat KLIA Hub pada 17/3. sampai sekarang barang tu still ada dekat KLIA Hub and tak bergerak. so please ambil tindakkan, i nak barang i tu!!!...
Powellkaren797 Mar 27, 2020 |
I went to check my balance and noticed sever charges I didn't make...
Muhammad Halimi Mar 27, 2020 |
A series of charges was made to my credit card no. 5422610000266515 (Bank Islam Mastercard) as follows:
11th Mar 2020 = RM 70.64
9th Feb 2020 = RM 70.64
9th Jan 2020 = RM 66.64
26 Nov 2019 = RM 66.64
26 Oct 2019 = RM 66.64
zct823 Mar 26, 2020 |
In this MCO event due to Covid19, we are really need much quota as we working at home right now. But you celcom just give some petty offerings that neither improve nor give us better quota for our productivity. Make sense laa, you just give us unlimited whatsapp and free calls to emergency center,...
[email protected] Mar 26, 2020 |
 I was charged $16.04 for I don’t know what reason because I never signed up for Microsoft and I never use it. So I would like my money back because I don’t make a lot of money for you all to be taking and I had to get a new card because my bank didn’t authorize this either....
[email protected] Mar 26, 2020 |
 I was recently charged for $16.04 and I don’t remember signing up for this account and or even using Microsoft for anything. I would like my money back because that was the last of my money and for you all to remove this account....
Hans Global Mar 26, 2020 |
Kenapa dah banyak hari tak datang pick up.. nak kluar tak boleh. Apartment ruselia.. area taman equine....
Rhulani Mar 26, 2020 |
I had my services canceled this morning because Multichoice says they did not receive payment, my payment date is the 27th of every month, today is only the 26. I called the service center & spoke to a lady called Nosipho, she then put me on hold for more than 15 minutes after I waited more...
Mad in PA Mar 26, 2020 |
She's a total scammer. A fraud in such of a sucker. She tried peddling CBD Snake Oil and was fired by her own company....
Mad in PA Mar 26, 2020 |
Deborah-Golden Gestner is a fraud, a scammer and a con artist. She uses shell CBD companies (CBD USA Grown, KMA Holdings, Inc. & Greenleaf Golden Enterprises) to lure in unsuspecting investors. Once the investment is made, she loans herself the investor's money to spend lavishly on...
Mad in PA Mar 26, 2020 |
Deborah Golden-Gestner is a fraud, a scam and a con artist. She used shell companies (CBD USA Grown, KMA Holdings and Greenleaf Golden Enterprises) to lure investors into her Reign of Terror. Once the investment was made, she would loan herself the investors' money and spend lavishly on...
Debra Miles english Mar 25, 2020 |
ordered from company in January , it's now going into april..still never recieved..they dont answer emails...and forget trying to call the biogas numberd..this company is very unprofessional..all I want is a refund..thank you70584...
Debra Miles english Mar 25, 2020 |
I I ordered back in January..been emailing...no reply..can not call them..numbers dont work...this is very unprofessional..all I want is my refund...thank you...
dorothyelmore Mar 25, 2020 |
charge to my account on the 28 th of each month please stop and refund all my money back to my account what is this...
dorothyelmore Mar 25, 2020 |
paying 13.85 every month for some thing i do not used please stop and refund all my money back thank you in advance i have not giving permission to do this thank you dorothy elmore...
Nazeer muhammad Mar 25, 2020 |
 Dear sir
I am Driver madina zayad shopping mall back side my front two car already stoped mawaqif inspector coming back side and given me fine without ticket after one day fine coming this is wrong no any volition way given fine kindly given me any prof my volition thanks
Eddiez Mar 25, 2020 |
I paid for express shipping. Never had an option for signing. And now Fedex is holding my package hostage. Don’t need explanations or apologies. JUST DELIVER WHAT I PAID FOR!! HP AMD FEDEX? A PATHETIC JOKE!!!!...
weldermacias Mar 25, 2020 |
 burnt and tasteless crackers, dollar store crackers are way better, wont spend my $$$ on these again...
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