In Matthew 22:36-40 it reads Jesus replied, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and most important commandment. And the second is Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments. It...
Saya tak puas hati..pos laju segambut x call dlu sebelum datang..kemudian senang- senang bagi notis collect sendiri.
tlng call sebelum datang..dua hari brturut-turut sy kena collect sendiri..apa guna beli online kena collect sendiri.
if call sy boleh ckp tinggal ke brg...
I was expecting my parcel from the Canada from a friend of mine. 1 months ago,someone called me that my luggage has been arrived and I have to pay MyR 5,000.00 as a charging fee. I understand that and they give me an account number from CIMB Malaysia. I deposited that money and after some...
On 12-8-2019, I paid for unlimited data until 1-6-202. Just 5 days in, on 12-13-2019, my data quit working. Since then, I have spoken with more than 60 (SIXTY!!!!) of your agents to try to get a resolution. I have wasted hours, been hung up on dozens of time, and been all-around treated very...
I vehemently denounce your decision to pull the lesbian ad. You bowed to a hate group and it is disgusting. No more Hallmark channel, Christmas cards, ornaments or any purchase associated with Hallmark. Trust me, Facebook will be in fire with protests!
I have 3 children and 4 grandchildren. Neither my wife nor I, and none of our children/grandchildren, will watch any Crown Media product or service if you allow content that portrays lesbian, homosexual, LB..... conduct or behaviors. I consider such conduct none of my business. Hallmark Channels...
I’m very disappointed in the choices of your new movies and ads. We have always enjoyed the non political shows on Hallmark. Just clean fun shows. We don’t need the hallmark channel to join all the other channels in all the bad language and immoral actions on tv. I’m sorry but having children...