stvo711‘s Profile
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[New Complaint]
Well, I thought I found a solution to not having the H2 channel:
[New Complaint]
Since the addition of Viceland from A&E and backed with money from Disney, I'm not suprised that Disney raised most of the rates in their par...
[New Complaint]
Keeps the complaints going out to your local cable/satellite companies, A&E, Disney and Hearst Corporation. I notice that A&E's email mai...
[New Complaint]
Remember, call, email or facebook your local cable/satellite providers and let them know you do not like the trash new channel, Viceland. You want H2 ...
[New Complaint]
Since Disney is part owner of the A&E channel, I have included the email address to Roger Iger, CEO of Disney. Email him and complain that his org...
[New Complaint]
I forgot to mention in my last post that we should find out who the advertisers to this new Viceland channel are and contact them and let them know ho...
[New Complaint]
I meant to say the Disney & Hearst Corporation, sorry I changed the s & t. Get writing!!!...
[New Complaint]
Viceland is probably one of the worst channels of all time. Why A&E hoodwinked the U.S. market that had 70 million H2 customers that were happy wi...
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