syah71 Send email
Mar 28, 2014
Debt Collector yang kurang ajar
Pada 27/3/2014 sy telah menerima surat tuntutan jumlah tunggakan dari Ravi Shangar & Assoc. Sy telah pergi ke cawangan COURTS di Ipoh untuk mendapat maklumat selanjutnya dan diberitahu kes saya adalah barangan yg telah saya beli pada tahun 2002. Maklumat selanjutnya sy dikehendaki menghubungi Salvage Dept. Sy telah menghubungi ZIZAN di talian 03-27278776 dengan harapan untuk mendapat maklumat selanjutnya. Saya telah meminta beliau supaya memberitahu saya maklumat barangan tersebut kerana setahu saya hutang sy telah dijelaskan oleh pihak bekas suami saya. Belum pun selesai sy menjelaskan masalah sy yg sebenarnya, ZIZAN dengan suara yg tinggi memberitahu saya bahawa pihak COURTS tidak akan melayan persoalan saya itu dan seterusnya menyuruh saya membayar jumlah tersebut dengan nada yang AMAT KURANG AJAR. Seterusnya saya tidak mahu berurusan lagi dengan dia dan meminta SALVAGE DEPT memberi akaun number bank COURTS supaya sy dapat membuat payment secara online. Sehingga sekarang 28/3/2014 jam 12.56PM number akaun yang sy minta masih tidak dapat. Saya sedar tunggakan tersebut perlu sy jelaskan tetapi sy hanya ingin mendapatkan sedikit maklumat mengenai barangan tersebut.
Yang menjadi persoalan saya kenapa setelah hampir 10 tahun, baru sekarang pihak COURTS hendak menuntut bayaran tunggakan. Tetapi yang paling saya kesali ialah dengan debt Collector yang bernama ZIZAN yang amat kurang ajar. Baru kerja jd DEBT COLLECTOR da berlagak sombong.
Dorris Jeyanthi Sebastian Send email
Jan 29, 2014
Bad Manners of The Debt Collector
Today a customer service personal named Azira called me for payment and she said that my payment was RM700++, as of today. I made my payment on 10-01-2014 amounting to RM300-00. Earlier before I make my payment on 10-01-2014, the courts collector said that my outstanding was RM700-00++, even after making my payment how is it that the amount is still the same. I am very frustrated with the way the collectors handing the payments. I was very annoyed and did not want to prolong my conversation with Azira, collector from ipoh branch, worst still she called my office and told my colleague to tell me to make payment. I think this is too much, it is my personal matter, how is it that this women can call and speak to my office staff about my personal matters. If this is going to go on, I think might as well I take legal action Courts for having such a uneducated staffs. This might sound rude, but is it sensible for them to reveal our personal matters to other without our permission. I think Courts must do something about all this nonsence that is created by the Collectors. We purchased goods from Courts and we will definitely pay for the goods, it's just that at times our payments are late due to our salary are received late, that doesn't mean we will run away from our payment. If this is going to go on definitely I will not recommend any person to take things from Courts. Such a sick people working in Courts. A very bad manner for this customer service person by the name of Azira.
shengwee Send email
Jan 14, 2014
Worst Service I ever seen!!!!
Today (14 Jan 2014), my family and I went to the newly opened Courts Mammoth in USJ 1. There are two experiences that we encountered during our visit there. I was looking for Courts Malaysia on FB but I cannot find it. So I am going to posted it here since I found it through the Google search engine.
Firstly, the gimmick that the newspaper posted out is far different that the one they offer in Courts. They written half price, but did not state the term and condition in it. We are supposed to sign up for 5 years payment plus with the 2.4% monthly???? That came up to RM 4, 000++ for a RM 2,399 handphone. They even dare the say to their customer if they buy from the sales person directly outside of Courts (which in my point of view they are supposed to promote the Courts product), they will offer a cheaper price. Are they even allowed to say that whereas they are actually working for Courts?!!!! (FYI, I am not angry with the gimmick made, I know it is a way of marketing but promoters saying that to buy product directly from them and not through Courts? This I cannot accept as to me, if you are working for a company (Courts), promote what the company has instead of saying such things to customer).
Secondly, there is this employee, Mohd Aris or Haris, if I am not mistaken, was very rude to my dad. First thing first, by the rule of thumb, customer are always right and never ever argue with your customer. This person acclaimed by him is from the carpenter department. He even spit in front of us. How RUDE was that?!!!!!!!! He even wanted to a body check when we did not buy anything from there when my dad wanted to exit through the side door due to it was raining quite heavily and our car was parked near the side door. That is why my dad wanted to exit through there to fetch the car and fetch us from the Courts front entrance. That also, the above said employee would not allow and wanted the security to do a body check. Are they even allowed to do body check on the customer??!!!!!!!!!! It is a disgrace and what if a lady wanted to exit there as well??? Do a body check on her??!! Come on, people will sue for sexual harassment definitely.
So people, next time, I advice don't believe whatever Courts posted online or newspaper what they say about half price products, easy payment, etc.... they are just gimmick to earn extra money.
Another thing, Courts if you want to hire people, please teach them on how to be ethical and well manner to their customer. I am sure next time if this happens, more complains will be made against this Courts Mammoth branch.
wanlina Send email
Dec 24, 2013
is this for real??
Recently I lost my job and unable to pay my monthly payment to courts.
I've explaind and asked them to give me sometimes but they refused to listen.
They threathened me if I dont make the setlement, they wil sue me and I have to pay
High Court sum of 10k. If I failed to do so, I wil be arrest and sent to the jail at least for 3
Years. Is this for real??? They even threatened my sister and my mum until
Because of this. I was renting a room and when they threatened to seal
The house, I being asked to leave by my housemate and have to tumpang my other friend while
Searching a job. Courts, caused me more problem by doing all tis. Now, I am jobless and n have to tupang org to stay.
If they give me a time to search for payment, tis wil not hapen. Now waiting for further action taken by them. They're no diffrent than ahlong.
leny Send email
Oct 31, 2012
Bad manner to Debt collector
Last nite around 9.45pm, i received calls from Saravanan tel : 03-51224754 and asking me when can I make payment. I told him that this few days I'm not feeling well and will make payment directly to the counter. He told me that I have outstanding payment around RM 1,200 and I told him back that I'm only can make payment RM 200 monthly as per agreed by their Legal Dept. Suddenly his raise up his voice very rude and told me who's is the power Courts or Legal? I straight told him that I only can make payment RM 200 and I will go to HQ to re-adjust the monthly payment. Then I hang up the phone. After all he keep calling me until midnight. Fuiiih their really like ALONG..
leny Send email
Oct 31, 2012
Bad Manners of the Debt Collector
Last nite around 9.45pm, i received calls from Saravanan tel : 03-51224754 and asking me when can I make payment. I told him that this few days I'm not feeling well and will make payment directly to the counter. He told me that I have outstanding payment around RM 1,200 and I told him back that I'm only can make payment RM 200 monthly as per agreed by their Legal Dept. Suddenly his raise up his voice very rude and told me who's is the power Courts or Legal? I straight told him that I only can make payment RM 200 and I will go to HQ to re-adjust the monthly payment. Then I hang up the phone. After all he keep calling me until midnight. Fuiiih their really like ALONG..
User928689 Send email
Apr 7, 2012
Bad Customer Service
semalam saya membuat pembayaran akhir di kaunter di courts mammoth jalan setapak untuk tv LCD yg saya ambil. Akan tetapi saya mendapat service yg buruk dari staff di sana, sedang saya berdiri didepan kaunter dia sibuk berborak di belakang dan sewaktu berurusan dengan saya muka dia seakan mahu menelan saya. ini ke customer service ? saya harap courts mengambil tindakan pada staff yg bernama syafika ini, tidak bertudung dan memakai cermin mata, supaya die lebih faham akan definisi 'customer service'. sekian terima kasih !
yees_star Send email
Mar 29, 2012
Saya jadi pelanggan court mammoth ni mmg dah lame..sejak saya bujang hinggalah dah berkeluarga..dua tahun lepas sebelum raya,saya ada ambil barang dari courts..tapi bayaran bulanan memang on time..kalau tertangguh pun kami akan gandakan bayaran..campur ngan interest lagi..sbb kadang2 kiter ni lupa nak g bayar..tu pun hanya sekali je tertunggak..nak di jadikan cerita,sejak bulan februari 2012 hingga ke tarikh ari ni 30-03-12,saya dihujani oleh panggilan & sms dari courts mammoth yang mengatakan akaun ada tertunggak 2 bulan & nak tarik barang..yang peliknya bila saya print statement akaun di courts PJ,mmg tak de tertunggak pun..clear je..ingatkan habis di sini saja,rupanya esok2 nya masih ada panggilan dari court mammoth,,cakap benda yang serupa..saya pun angin satu badan la..bodoh tol la dorang ni..TAK UPDATE AKAUN KE DORANG NI???Bila saya marah,dorang kata sistem dorang memang ada masalah pasal tu la tak update payment (dah tau system corupted, g la cepat2 betulkan..takkanla sampai 2 bulan) yang peliknyer,akaun di courts PJ clear,tapi yang tak clear akaun di HQ Cheras..memang BONGOK tol la Courts ni..bile di tanyer2 person in charge yang saya call tu,die kate "maafla kak,saya ni bukan nak buruk2an Courts,tapi customer service Courts mmg No.3 worst in Malaysia..No 1.Singer..No.2 AEON"..hmmm patutla...Kepada pengguna lain saya nak nasihatkan berhati2 la ngan courts ni..jangan terleka,nanti kiter ditipunyer
User924604 Send email
Mar 28, 2012
Bad Customer Service
kepada pihak atasan court...den tak pueh hati la...da 2 tahun den cubo aply ndak boli brg kek court...da byk kali cubo tak buleh2 jgk...sobolom ni den ado 2 akaun kek court...acc 1=rm 11800(barangan perabot&elektrik)..acc 2=rm 2800(laptop)...acc 1 da lamo settle...acc 2 pon da lamo settle...cumo acc 2 pembayaran ado tertungak dan lewat byr...takn sobab acc 2 den da tak buleh nak berurusan gn court lag...den harap pihak court dapat nyatokan
apo masalah dan sobab2 kenapo den tak buleh nk boli bragn kek court lagi...buleh email den atau direct kol den...
( [email protected])
Desperadooooo Send email
Feb 27, 2012
Bad Manners of The Debt Collector
I received a calls from Tuan Haji Mahmud claimed that he is Pegawai Undang-Undang from Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. He mention that, he already issued a warrant to seize me if i reluctant to pay my backlog even though i have explained to him i am in financial difficulty and demand for others option to settle this issue. He also called my wife and scared her to death by telling that, your husband will be "kena tangkap" if a total of debt was RM1XXX is not paid. This Tuan Haji Mahmud told my wife, he knew my work place and he feel not hesitate to bring a cop to arrest me in front of my office. My wife felt too depressed and her life ruined after she got this information. I'm puzzled if i failed to pay the backlog, then i will be arrested??? The ways he approached and used sarcastic words to me and my wife is totally unacceptable and also rude as he is "Tuan HAJI" or the "Faith Person". For me, it's nightmare when have a business with the Court Mammoth and their collector's name "Tuan Haji Mahmud". To peoples out there, if you're interested to know this person, you may call these numbers 03-23326927 or 017-6912736