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Hallmark channel
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Consumer complaints and reviews about Hallmark channel
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Aug 7, 2018
Christmas in July Bah Humbug!!i
I thought it was just me. In reading the copious reviews on this site, I feel that I am among kindred spirits. Although I have seen many of the mystery formatted shows over and over they never disappoint. I actually look forward to your programming that is until July, and then again in October. Please listen to your viewers! Enough with Christmas in July!!!!
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Aug 3, 2018
Hallmark Christmas shows
Please, no more Christmas movies in any month
but December. Uninterested as are many, many
Please NO more. We love the movies that touch
bring mystery stories that we have been accustomed
Monk, #1; Murder, She Wrote, Diagnosis Murder,
Matlock, Columbo.
These are treasures that a large portion of a viewers.
A still a large portion of thriving generation that treasure these shows.
Please, please don’t remove these treasures from
afternoon and evening shows. I live in the north
east and Monk was very popular in the 5-9pm slot;
or 1-5pm.
Thank you on behalf of thousands of viewers.
Emily Warga
Avid viewer
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Aug 3, 2018
Jittery/shaky picture on hallmark channel
For several weeks movies on hallmark channel are shaky/jittery sometimes off and on throughout the movie. The movie and mystery Channel has same problem at times. It also occurs while streaming. I’m on DirectvTv. No other channels have the problem.
[email protected]
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Aug 1, 2018
Too Much Christmas
I must agree with a previous post - at least I am getting more sleep. Frasier is my favorite show of all time, and I resent having to forgo watching it so that Hallmark can show the silliest Christmas movies, each one having a predictable ending. Now we have been warned that there is a lengthy 3 month period, beginning in October, when we will once again be endlessly exposed to these movies. Bring back Golden Girls and Frasier ! I will gladly give up a few hours of sleep each night to be able to enjoy these classic, funny sitcoms.
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Aug 1, 2018
Christmas in July
You get one month !!!! DECEMBER.
Please fire the moran who wants to stretch this out.
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Jul 31, 2018
WHAT A RELIEF...The sappy-crappy Christmas Movie overload is over....I'm happily watching Frazier and then you advertise that COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS begins before Halloween and I learn it ends in January. So, July, October, November, December, and January Hallmark subjects viewers to a choice, watch their horrible-HORRIBLE Christmas Movies 4 1/2 to 5 months a year or choose another network during those times. I pay for the channel (as part of cable subscription) all year long but only watch it part of the year. That does not seem fair. I tune into Hallmark to watch certain shows when those shows are scheduled to be on. The rest of the time I do not watch Hallmark. This is just like I do on the other channels in the lineup with this exception...I do not AVOID those channels for months at a time because they show one-themed-limited demographic-poorly acted-stupid-movies for the purpose of peddling product. It's a 24/7-months-long infomercial for Hallmark ornaments, cards, and whatever. It's not about loving Christmas, being a scrooge, or anything negative about the viewers who either get tired of the movies or who despise them. It's unfair to the viewers who do not celebrate Christmas, who become depressed about Christmas because their families are gone, who enjoy Christmas at CHRISTMAS time, or who really need a break from the pressure and stress common at Christmas time. It's not all bows and snowflakes for everyone. Dedicate a channel to 24/7 Christmas if you feel you have to but please stop subjecting your viewers and subscribers to the overwhelming volume of those just horrible Christmas movies.
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Jul 31, 2018
Yannick Bisson
Please bring Martin back. A great number of us want to see him back. He and Aurora had a wonderful chemistry.
I love the Christmas in July movies. Thank you.
Please bring back the original cast of Home and Family. Debbie is the one who should be replaced. Ugh.
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Jul 31, 2018
So over these Christmas in July movies
I am begging and pleading for these Christmas movies to end. Not only is it not the season for Christmas but even around Christmas season the movies aren’t this cliche’ and repulsive! Please stop the Madness!
[email protected]
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Jul 31, 2018
Thank You for freeing up 2 hours daily for me.
I just want to Thank You for freeing up 2 hours for me daily. You fired the wrong Co-Host from Home&Family. I do not care who you stick with Debbie Matenopoulos, I will not be watching. I stuck with it during Christmas in July but cannot take any more. Do you all not have sound people that lissen to your audio? Debbie claps so loud in her mic that she drowns out what is being said, usually the guests name. I am also tried of Debbie's comments which are not funny but usually insulting to the guest. At least when she is hugging everyone she is not clapping so loud and someone off camera is just as bad as far as loud clapping. I continued to watch because of Mark Steines and very disappointed with whoever's bright idea it was to let him go. The parade of Co-Hosts are getting old also and no matter who you stick in there, I will not be able to stand Debbie any longer, not even with Cameron! Please extend my thanks to the others for their great ideas but I will not see them any longer. I am removing the DVR setting to tape daily so thanks to whoever let Mark go, because this gives me more room on DVR daily.
Unlike many complaints that I have read hear, I love the Christmas Movies but very disappointed The Christmas Card was not shown nor included on your contest last year because that is a great movie and maybe the best ever made by Hallmark. Also missed a number of other old favorites. Whoever is your movie scheduler, they should schedule older movies in and not repeat the same movies so many times. I am looking forward to the October start date but you will loose me totally if more of the older films are not shown. I love Christmas and your movies, so hopefully someone gets their act together at Hallmark and Home & Family.
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Jul 30, 2018
Choice of Shows
Everyone has their own favorite shows they want to watch. That’s understandable. So why doesn’t Hallmark schedule more of a variety of shows during the day, in order to satisfy their audience instead of the same line-up? ... I enjoy Christmas movies very much (especially the older ones), but having them on constantly when it isn’t the “holiday season” is ridiculous! Movies more appropriate to the time of year are what should be aired, interspersed with regular programming. I, for one, find it annoying to see Christmas trees, decorations, etc. being advertised, shown and sold in stores during the summer or before Halloween, don’t you? It pretty much takes away the excitement of getting closer to this special day, doesn’t it?
Regarding weekend Marathons - Since not everyone likes every type of show or character, why are your viewers subjected to 24 hours of the same thing on a Sat/Sun? Many enjoy, for instance, “Monk” (which I love) but it’s already on each day for a few hours. Why do we need a marathon of it so often? Have, instead, a day-marathon mix of him, Columbo, Diagnosis Murder, Murder She Wrote, Hart to Hart, etc.! ... And, oh no! “Psych”? An entire day of this awfully ridiculous show? You can be sure that much of Hallmark’s audience will not be tuning in, myself included.
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Jul 30, 2018
Christmas movies
I actually like Christmas in July. But there are so many movies and you keep repeating only certain ones, limiting some of the others and totatally limiting the older ones. Makes me wonder what will you be showing in November and December. I also hate the offset timing between both station so you can not watch full movies if you want to watch both stations ( 7, 9, 11 etc. vs. 6, 8, 10 etc)
ida spellman
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Jul 30, 2018
just a thought
Hallmark has had many good Christmas over the years. The latest ones, however, are not so good. If you start the Christmas movies before Halloween, and run the older ones I don't get to see them because there is something just not right about watching Santa while the kids are trick or treating. Maybe it would be a good idea to make three or four good Christmas movies a year instead of twenty that are the same as the previous year. Really, how many people with amnesia need to be in a Christmas movie? Some of the older ones like "Moonlight and Mistletoe," "Silver Bells," "Finding John Christmas," (or anything else with Peter Falk in it), "The Christmas Choir," "The Christmas Card," are all good examples of the best of your movies. Maybe, instead of Christmas movies in October and November, you could concentrate on some Halloween and Thanksgiving themed movies. Love can happen anytime. I am trying to not complain, just offer some ideas. I watch Hallmark often but I'm not rivitted to "Golden Girls" or "Frazier." I hope you will consider my idea. Thank you.
Mary Cascio
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Jul 30, 2018
Christmas in July
Stop with this half assed idea of putting non-stop Christmas stuff on in July. It's bad enough you have over a month of it at Christmastime which is still too much. Don't know how it ever got started but please STOP!
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Jul 29, 2018
Stop the Christmaa Movies
Guys, enough is enough. I do not want to see Christmas movies in July. They are already gone from October to January. Please bring back I Love Lucy, Frasier, The Golden Girls, etc. This is utterly ridiculous and truly it has gotten on my nerves. Please return our regular line-uo because frankly I am truly burnt out with the Christmas movies.
Janice Pershing Lofquist Among
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Jul 29, 2018
Christmas Movies! Enough!
I see all the complaints about your ridiculous Christmas movies all the time. I hate them from October to January. It's crazy. A couple of weeks at Christmas would be fine. But now you're even doing them in July!!!! Just to be clear, we used to watch Hallmark every day. We have not watched it one time since you started the Christmas madness. Thankfully Nick and TV Land aren't so ignorant so we will stay there until you resume regular programming. I'm quite sure you won't listen because apparently you haven't so far. Don't be surprised if your station goes belly up because you care so little for your customers.
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Jul 28, 2018
Christmas in July
No one wants to watch Christmas movies in July, stop showing Christmas movies in July. It's obvious that you are targeting women and little children with these movies to get them wanting to go out spending money on Christmas presents year round! It takes a real sick mind to start showing Christmas movies that early. Christmas movies should only be shown in the month of December! No more than that! Some how I will find a way to block the Halmark channel from my satellite system. Your programming real stinks and your channel should be taken off the air!
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Jul 28, 2018
Christmas in july ENOUGH DAMNIT !
Stop with this crap, this is totally ridiculous I can't stand it ! I gave not and will not watch one minute of this 27/7 Christmas in July crap, and thin you P.O.S Programing starts it back up from oct. th January??? OH HELL NO !
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Jul 28, 2018
Enough of the Christmas movies.Please stop, enough is enough!!! Please, I really hope you have heard all of your T.V. watchers plead with you to bring back our regular shows! You don't seem to be listening to us.It is beginning to seem as if we are not so important to you! I think some of us should rethink a few things.
A greatful customer! (For now)
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Jul 28, 2018
Endless Christmas movies
I’ve really seen enough of Hallmark’s low-budget Christmas movies. Cotton snow, high school musical props. Really? Please put Golden Girls, Frazier, and Lucy back on. I’ve been watching King of Queens, for goodness sake, rather than Hsllmark!
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Jul 28, 2018
Being an insomniac, I enjoyed watching Golden Girls, Frasier, Cheers, and I Love Lucy. Now it’s those sappy, know-how-it’s-going-to-end Christmas movies. Naturally, I no longer watch THC. But I sure miss my sleepless lineup. Xfinty is my cable provider.
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Jul 27, 2018
Random co hosts on home and family and aurora tea garden
I am so sick of the random co hosts with Debbie m.. on home and family. No consistency, and some really stink like Kavan smith and Brian boitano... boring.... and no more games, also boring.... and Debbie thinks everything is ‘awesome’ and ‘ amazing’, seems real phony. And you’ve gotten rid of some great people with great personalities...
Re Aurora tea garden. What the heck was hallmark thinking in getting rid of the character Martin??? He was way more interesting than Candice, no offense.... getting pretty frustrated with your company...
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Jul 26, 2018
Diagnosis Murder
Please, please, please go back to old schedule. Bring back Diagnosis Murder. Please stop fixing what's not broken! And what about a Murder, She Wrote, Hart to Hart, Diagnosis Murder, Matlock marathon once in a while? The same stuff every weekend, constant Monk, that show should be on in the late afternoon, if at all. ENOUGH Aurora Teagarden and Lori Loughlin! I like them but it's serious overkill. I am part of a group of thousands, maybe millions who are your original viewers and we are not able to watch the original shows and movies that made us watch your channel, NOW it's completely commercialized, and sorry, so completely annoying with the same repeated movies, characters and commercials. If it wasn't for your original shows, I'd be outta here. Who does the scheduling??? They are either not interested in keeping we original viewers or totally out of touch with reality. It's very disheartening 🙄
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Jul 26, 2018
WHY IS YOUR STATION DOING THIS??? This very annoying. I grew up on watching The Golden Girls and I need to watch them as much as I can! I watch them in the morning and at night on your channel. When I watch them it always reminds me of watching them with my grandmother that passed away. It was something she and I had in common that we also shared together, that we enjoyed as a family. I feel like when I watch them it's like we are still enjoying them together. (Sophia was her favorite character). Hallmark stop doing this every year! It's depressing enough knowing that this is going to be done in Oct-Jan (which is ridiculous as well!) Everyone doesn't celebrate Christmas and doesn't want to watch these movies. I'm sure if you had a survey that your customers that you even have left filled out the majority of them would say that they wanted to subscribe to your channel for the shows and NOT THESE RIDICULOUS MOVIES!!! PUT THE SHOWS BACK ON NOW AND TAKE THESE MOVIES OFF!! WE DON'T WANTVTO SEE THEM.
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Jul 26, 2018
I feel like everyone else that has responded to this crap that Hallmark is doing with these Christmas movies in July. It is utterly stupid to me. My favorite show to watch is Golden Girls and it infuriates me that I can not watch them in the mornings or at night now. STOP THESE MOVIES NOW!!! I DON'T EVEN WANT TO SEE THEM IN OCT-JAN WHEN YOU PUT THEM ON! PLAY CHRISTMAS MOVIES ON CHRISTMAS DAY & THAT'S IT!! LEAVE THE REGULAR SHOWS THAT COME ON ALONE!!! ENOUGH ALL READY STOP IT!!!
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Jul 26, 2018
Aurora Teasgarden mysteries
Bring back the character of Martin. Yannick and Candace has such strong chemistry. Any love interest they put with her now will be a tremendous let down. I think writing Martin off the show was a terrible mistake and does not move the story line along in the same great it would with him helping her solve the mysteries.
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