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Hallmark channel
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Consumer complaints and reviews about Hallmark channel
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Jul 17, 2018
NO reason for Christmas in JULY!!!
There is NO reason to show programs of Christmas in July, August, September, October and November. There is NO reason to show any programs about Chistmas this early in the year. The proper time to show any Christmas programs is in DECEMBER. But not in July, August, Septmeber, October and November. This programming has been going on to long.
By showing Christmas programs this early in the year has lessened the impact of a joyous time of Christmas. There is NO reason to show Christmas programs before December...NONE!!!! There are enough Hallmark Christmas programs to flood the whole month IN December, 24 HOURS A DAY. There is NO reason to show programs of Christmas in July, August, September, October and November.
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Jul 17, 2018
Christmas On Loop In July
Please change back the regular lineup of the Hallmark channel. I was just starting to really love this station but it could not be more shoved in my face that Christmas, is in fact, a Holiday! Great. Can I please watch the Golden Girls now, or is Rudolph still red nosed in the middle of July?
It is one thing to do Christmas themed DIYs, and countdown to Christmas in the morning show (in July) but ALSO MOVIES ALL NIGHT?
Too bad, I have to find a new channel to watch because this has become quite annoying.
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Jul 17, 2018
Christmas movies in July.
Enough with the stinking Christmas movies in July! It was 112 degrees when I got in my car this afternoon. Do you honestly think that going home and seeing people on TV with big toothy, cheesy grins is gonna make me feel all "Christmasy"??? No! Please, please, please stop these ridiculous movies! They all have the same plot anyway. Someone hasn't seen someone since high school and they fall back on love. Barf. Then the career choices? Come on! Someone is either a doctor or a lawyer or a wedding planner or a bakery owner, blah blah blah. Please put the regular programming back on. Be considerate of those of us who want to keep the Christmas season around, you know, the Christmas season!
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Jul 17, 2018
Where are my Golden girls???
Angela Deese
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Jul 16, 2018
I love the Christmas movies
I was shocked to see all the complaints about the Christmas movies. I enjoyed getting off work in the mornings coming home watching something beautiful until I went to sleep. It was peaceful. I'll be glad when y'all bring it back when the complaining world says that it's ok. I'm not upset with the broadcasting company just surprised that the majority of this world could have so many complaints. We should be able to feel the Christmas spirit everyday not just during Christmas and I thought it was sweet feeling that warmth everyday.
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Jul 16, 2018
Hallmark Christmas movies
The Hallmark channel is becoming one of my least favorite channels. I love getting up and watching I love Lucy, which shows it should be playing....but when I turn it on, it’s showing Christmas movies, and in July!! Hallmark please stop!!! You make us start watching in October, July is absurd!! Make yourself a dedicated Christmas channel, just stop taking away shows that others enjoy!!
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Jul 16, 2018
Bombardment of Christmas shows all year
I pay extra money each month to see Murder She Wrote, Matlock, and other Mystery Shows on the Mystery Channel. Then Hallmark denies those of us who want to watch these mystery shows with almost all-year-long Christmas shows non-stop. For example, for two (2) weeks in July it has been non-stop Christmas Shows on the Mystery Channel, and as soon as the 2 weeks are over, Hallmark now is showing non-stop Christmas shows on the other Hallmark Romance Channel. Please return our regular programming to both Hallmark Channels.
To make matters worse, both channels will be showing non-stop Christmas shows beginning BEFORE Halloween and THANKSGIVING, striping us of our NORMAL Holidays in order to shove Christmas once again down our throats. For many of us Christmas is an advertising overload as well as a depressing time of the year. Hallmark needs to be way more sensitive to the entire population who, by the way, may not be celebrating Christmas due to religious variations.
I have written to the producers of Hallmark for the past two - three years since they have been increasing the times of year they show Christmas shows, but they have ignored my complaints. I am a teacher of LAUSD, and many of us have agreed that this is becoming ridiculous and extremely annoying.
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Jul 16, 2018
Hallmark Christmas shows almost all year
I pay extra money to see murder she wrote mattock & romance shows on both hallmark channels.
Now in July they show two weeks of nonstop Christmas shows on one channel then they show almost another month of nonstop Christmas shows on the other channel.
The worst thing is that our normal holidays will be cut short when both channels will begin showing nonstop Christmas shows from October through January. Why must we be bombarded almost all year with these shows
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Jul 16, 2018
Christmas shows
Why do you have sooooooooooooooooo many Christmas shows on? Now we've got it on the end of June into July and more in October for how long???? All they are, is love stories, Christmas is so much more than that. Christmas is about the Holy child of God, not all that musy stuff. Yes, love is very important, but that is all year long. Christmas should be about Jesus and his love for us, not the love stories you have on. IF you have to have these stupid ones on do it around Valentines day.
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Jul 16, 2018
Christmas Movies
I love watching Hallmark movies. I think you are one of the best channels on TV. That said, starting in October, you start running Christmas movies through Christmas and now in July? Come on....Hallmark....I can't believe you have enough audience requesting reruns of Christmas. You also play the same movies over and over again. It obviously has something to do with paying royalties or rights? Please stop with the repeats and leave Christmas to December.
[email protected]
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Jul 15, 2018
Sick of Christmas movies
I am seriously thinking of canceling all of my Hallmark channels over this Christmas overload. You may like it, but I hate it. I have mystery channels for a reason, I want to watch mysteries. I hate your Christmas July Oct Nov. You are ridiculous what do you have a 12 year old running your programming?
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Jul 15, 2018
Christmas movies in July
I also do not like Christmas movies in July. I don't think you care about what many of us think, but I'm voicing this anyhow. I have not watched the Hallmark movie channel since you started the Christmas movies. I will return to your station when Christmas movies are gone.
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Jul 15, 2018
Hallmark Christmas Movies
It is extremely disappointing and illogical to have these Christmas marathons on the Hallmark channel at any time outside of December. It is even worse to have these Christmas movies aired in July. Does that make sense to anyone? Why would consumers even engage in Christmas anything during the high point of the summer? Whose bright idea was this and how was this approved. I no longer watch the Hallmark channel when they air these Christmas marathons. People who let this through should be fired. Stop with the Christmas shows already!!! Limit the Christmas shows to December only for crying out loud! Not October through January, just December. Enough already.
Susan Corrigan
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Jul 15, 2018
annoyed with Christmas movies
please stop showing Christmas movies in July and then again in October before Halloween its annoying that this keeps going on year after year, some of us have lost parents and family members and we are depressed and sad enough without these movies being shown till January 2019 Please keep regular programing going I Love Lucy, Fraser, Cheers, and Golden Girls, add some new programming along with them. You have other channels to utilize these movies use them instead and keep the comedy shows on so that we can at least escape for awhile without always thinking of family that we no longer have around. Please consider not showing these holiday movies,I like The Good Witch When Calls the Heart (sometimes) but 72 hours of Christmas movies in July is very ANNOYING and totally UNNECESSARY!!
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Jul 14, 2018
Christmas Movies
I am sick of these sappy Christmas movies. Must we be subjected to Christmas for weeks in the middle of July? It's bad enough to know they all begin again the end of October through the New Year. It's way too much Christmas for a lot of your viewers and I am certainly one of them.
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Jul 14, 2018
Stop the Christmas Movies
Really for over seven days you are playing Christmas Movies. Please stop and don't do it again. Wait for December. Return now to regular programming.
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Jul 14, 2018
July Christmas movies
I am so upset about these Christmas movies interrupting my nightime playlist! You have taken my Golden Girls off to play those cheesy Christmas movies back to back in July, it makes no sense and is horrible! Save those movies for December. I will not be watching your channel anymore.
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Jul 14, 2018
Christmas movies on mystery channel
Why oh why must every single show on each Hallmark channel be Christmas? Can you all not pick a channel and leave the mystery channel we pay for showing mystery shows? I hate this summer programming! If I didn't pay for this channel it wouldn't be so bad, but I do, and I would prefer to watch what I paid to be shown.
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Jul 14, 2018
Christmas Movies in July—-Stop It
Please for the Love of Summer Stop shoving Christmas and Christmas movies down our throats during the summer! It’s bad enough Hallmark starts the torture in October to January but now you hit us in July! No! Stop! I’m not going to continue to pay for 3 channels of Christmas! Enough is enough!
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Jul 13, 2018
Christmas shows in July
I agree with MANY other people who have written about this -- WHY in the world are you barraging us with Christmas shows when it's July???? It's bad enough that Christmas stuff is started in October and we have to put up with it for a couple of months before it's actually Christmas, but why not celebrate summer when it's here? I have absolutely no desire to see or hear anything about Christmas at this time of the year.
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Jul 12, 2018
First, some do not think you read the customer comments, I hope so, if not why pretend you do?
I am a Christian and love Christmas movies in November and December. But this is absolutely absurd to show so them and sooo many day after day. Pretend for a moment to be the viewer audience.
For me, Columbo and Diagnosis for murder were excellent. Also, I just fell in love with Monk. looked forward to them every morning. Then, terrible surprise! Who in the world decided such nonsense?Also, why so many repeats of both week to week? Is it because you only buy the rights for so many ? I do not know how that works. To see the same ones over and over is crazy.
I was happy to find your channel at first. Thank you for listening.
[email protected]
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Jul 12, 2018
Christmas in July???
I am NOT happy with your Christmas in July on the Hallmark Movies & Mystery Channel. I pay SLING $25 monthly JUST to get Hallmark M&M. The Christmas in July is ridiculous and WHY you would put these shows on the Mystery channel is beyond me. Regular Hallmark channel maybe but no, not Mystery.
Has someone even read these complaints??? NO ONE wants this and you are taking advantage of your subscribers. In fact, I would like a REFUND for the month of July. I am paying for Mysteries but that's not what I got this month. You should, in fact, refund ALL your customers who purchased Hallmark mysteries for July.
I am NOT happy with Hallmark and I guess we will have to watch these lame Christmas movies AGAIN in December? With all the programming and great mysteries, you could at least play reruns of ANY mystery as opposed to cheesy Christmas movies. BAH HUMBUG!!!!
Two things WAY DOWN Hallmark
[email protected]
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Jul 12, 2018
Christmas in July
I am NOT a fan of this ridiculous Christmas in July. I am paying Sling $25 a month for the sole purpose of being able to watch Hallmark Mysteries. Now your viewers are being subjected to watch these Christmas movies or look for other alternatives such as Netflix or Hulu.
You should really read all these complaints because you are NOT taking care of your fact, I think you should REFUND my $25 for the month of July.
Bad call Hallmark...2 thumbs WAY DOWN. If your viewers wanted a Christmas channel it would NOT be on the mystery channel.
Please put on Magnum PI or Jesse Stone...any decent mystery rerun if you must, but please NO MORE CHRISTMAS MOVIES IN JULY. I'm sure we're going to have to endure watching these same movies AGAIN in December....BAH HUMBUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[email protected]
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Jul 12, 2018
Christmas in July
I am making a complaint against your channel line up for Hallmark Movies and Mysteries...I am not paying Sling $25 a month to watch a bunch of lame Christmas movies in July!
The ENTIRE reason I even have SLING is for this Hallmark M&M channel and the fact that you don't care about your customers is plain. So again around Christmas time, we will have to watch the same lame Christmas movies?
NOT HAPPY about this at all. In fact, I would like you to refund my Sling for the month of July.
Read these complaints...NO ONE wants to watch Christmas movies in July. It's called the Mystery channel for a REASON. This is poor planning on Hallmark's part. 2 thumbs way down!!!!!
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Jul 11, 2018
Christmas Movies
Alright, it's time to shut down the Christmas movies and go back to regular programming. You inundate us with Christmas movies for 2 months in the Fall, isn't that enough? We don't need them now especially reruns. Getting tired of the same old actors too. Think the run is least for me
Back to the Food Network!!!
Merry Christmas and to all a good night!
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