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Hallmark channel
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Consumer complaints and reviews about Hallmark channel
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Jun 27, 2018
Bring back McBride!
Please consider returning McBride to Hallmark Movies & Mysteries for a Saturday marathon. John Larroquette is amazing in that role!
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Jun 25, 2018
I'm very disappointed with the language you allow in the show Blue Bloods. This is not appropriate for children, and I don't like hearing it myself. I never thought I would see the day that Hallmark looked the other way when it comes to protecting our children. You are slowly but surely becoming like every other channel when it comes to language. Vulgarity is never necessary. Isn't it amazing that hundreds of thousands of movies and tv shows from the past were so popular but yet did not contain vulgarity. I guess Hallmark is now politically correct. Our society has really become reprobate and cold when it comes to morality. And let me add that you sure do advocate alcohol in nearly every movie and program you show. How can you glorify something that has destroyed so many lives through alcoholism. Alcohol is one of the greatest destroyers of peoples lives, their families, their health and one of the biggest promoters of crime, domestic violence toward spouses and children, car accidents(and teenage deaths), liver and heart problems, mental problems, loss of respect and dignity and just plain drunkenness. In my eyes, Hallmark does not deserve the respect that it once earned. Men had rather please the creature than praise the creator.
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Jun 24, 2018
Listing movies as series
I have been a fan of Hallmark and HMM for a long time. But recently you changed the way you list your movies and it is very irritating. For example, the Hailey Dean mystery movies. You have now taken all of the Hailey Dean movies and made them a series instead of the individual movies that they are.So when I go in to set a recording for one of your movies I have to go through several more screens to record it since the system now thinks it's a series. To make things worse, where I use to rely on the system to tell me when I had viewed a particular movie they ALL show up as new movies. I suspect you're doing this to force people to record or watch your movies more but your actually driving people away from your channels. I personally know several individuals the like your programing but EVERY single one of them have the same problem I do with this new way of listing your movies. In this day and time there are an ever-growing number of shows to watch on TV. By forcing people to watch what they have already seen even in part until they realize it's a rerun you're actually driving them to another channel I know if this continues I will watch another channel.
Christmas guy
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Jun 24, 2018
Christmas movies
playing Christmas movies during Christmas in July is great. When you start playing in October that’s even better. The biggest complaint I have and many people have about last year‘s broadcasting choices are that you completely ignored the much older movies that made your station so special. A season for miracles, Christmas visitor, a Christmas card, November Christmas, and many of the older movies were not played. It’s great to make all these new movies hopefully the storylines will be a little better. Also people that are really into Christmas noticed that The set decorations or sometimes very cheesy. Investing good Christmas decorations that’s what you’re selling. Hopefully this year will be much better than last. If you could get a hold of some of the older Christmas specials from the 70s that would be terrific. Example, the house without a Christmas tree, the Paris condo in the morning special The set decorations or sometimes very cheesy. Investing good Christmas decorations that’s what you’re selling. Hopefully this year will be much better than last. If you could get a hold of some of the older Christmas specials from the 70s that would be terrific. Example, the house without a Christmas tree, The Perry Como and dean Martin Christmas specials and of course the best one of all the Waltons a Christmas story.Thank you.
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Jun 21, 2018
Firing first Christina, now Mark
When Home & Family debuted several years ago I was hooked. I loved Christina Ferrare's calm, reassuring, and encouraging presence. But she supposedly went on vacation one summer and was delivered her termination letter. No appreciation, no professionalism, and certainly short on the quality that Hallmark purports to hold. But because of Mark's steadiness and professional demeanor, I wanted to keep watching. Then for unexplainable reasons you brought the most irritating, rude, camera hog you could find, Debbie Matenopolous, on to replace Christina. Debbie is not even close to the quality of Christina. But I wanted to keep watching INSPITE of Debbie because of Mark and the team of Ken, Maria, Paige, and Matt & Matt (both of whom seem to have just fallen off the planet). Now, with your despicable and unprofessional treatment of a loyal employee, Mark, I add my name to this growing list of former viewers who "are going in another direction" AWAY from ALL things Hallmark. I wish you luck, because the way you treat people, you're going to need it
Vickie Rose
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Jun 21, 2018
Please bring back Psych
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Jun 20, 2018
Why did you take away psych, we looked forward to watching every day. Will you bring it back????
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Jun 19, 2018
Mark steines
Add me to the list of people who are absolutely disgusted with the handling of the home and family show. I also was upset when Christina was fired and stopped watching for a while. I started watching again even though I wasn’t too crazy about Debbie. Then I noticed that Matt and Matt were no longer on the show and wondered why. The last straw was the firing of mark. I haven’t watched the show since then and don’t intend to ever watch again. The show is a joke claiming to have Family Values.
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Jun 18, 2018
I’m so tired of seeing murder she wrote every night.ive seen every episode of it. I also hate the golden girls their all dead except Betty white . I love her but enough is enough.cancel these shows. Why did you put full house on hallmark channel. I watch hallmark a lot but I’m tired of some of these old shows. Now I love perry mason why not put him in there.
Glenne Jones
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Jun 17, 2018
Is psych going to return!? This is the only channel I had to watch it on, I watch this channel all the time esp for monk and psych but I love psych most please tell me psych is coming back.
Do yall even reply to these complaints?!
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Jun 16, 2018
Why was Psych removed from Hallmark Mysteries? My family love this show. We looked forward to watching everday day and the marathons on the weekends. PLEASE BRING BACK PSYCH!!!!!!!!
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Jun 16, 2018
Monogram Wedding Cake
This is more a comment then a complaint. I just watched the episode that showed the Monogram Wedding Cake. Yes it was very beautiful. However as a retired floral designer I am a bit surprised that they plopped fresh flowers right on the cake without mentioning using flowers that have NOT been sprayed with pesticide. As a florist if a bride wanted flowers on her cake we would NEVER place them directly on a cake. Just think if any or all of the guests were made ill from this! When I go to a wedding if I see a cake decorated this way I won't eat any. We would always try and encourage an alternative. If they are heart set on flowers on the cake, I recommend finding someone who grows organically and/or without pesticide. I think this is something in the future you need to recommend or at the least mention.
Thank you
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Jun 14, 2018
Hallmark Movie
I have been watching the Hallmark Movie channel "84" for the past two (2) years and find it extremely disturbing that there is no diversity in the casting of the movie. Isn't love a universal story that crosses all ethnicity Everyone one falls in love, gets married and celebrates
the holidays. Non of the movies have diverse lead character or story lines. It wonderful to watch movies that make you believe in love and humanity to more then one target audience. We have to wonder why there isn't a cross section of actors and story line that would appeal to more the one audience.
The fact that you take the time to produce family oriented moves, one would think you would want to appeal to a wider audience.
I'm not sure why no one on your production staff has suggested that a more diverse casting would be a successful approach to
broaden your viewership. Everyone wants to think that could be "me".
I hope there is more thought given to a broader casting of main character in you future planning.
Disappointed in Brooklyn ;-(
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Jun 12, 2018
Letting Mark Steine Go
I have NEVER written a note like this before, so you must know how strongly I feel about this. I started watching Home and Family because of Cristina Ferrare. I had seen her and loved her on another show and was so happy to have found Home and Family so I could watch her again. Then all of a sudden she is gone with no explanation. I liked Mark a lot so I kept watching and gave Debbie a chance. I grew to like her and the way she and Mark interacted. Now Mark is gone, with an explanation like we are taking the show a different direction, come on . . . what are we supposed to make of that? And he had no warning, who does that? I want Mark
to know how much the people who watch Home and Family really adore him and how much we will miss him. Please don't make the same mistake that the Today show has made and have two female anchors. Men bring balance and are very needed. Choose wisely you may lose me along with other viewers I have seen leave posts.
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Jun 12, 2018
I was so happy to see Psych on reruns and now you take them off. Why did you do that? That is one of my favorite mystery shows. It had romance, danger, father and son problems that show how you should talk things out when you have problems.
I am not the only one that feels like that as you know. What about Matlock too?
Tina Massa
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Jun 12, 2018
Mark Steines firing
I have never written into a network but I have also never felt so betrayed. I watched Home and Family daily and DVRd when I couldn’t to watch later. I believed that the idea of family ran deep through the cast and staff. That was comforting in a world that has grown coarse. I turned to Home and Family to get a break from the news and the all too often poor treatment of people. The recent firing of Mark Steines and the lack of care for him and the viewers have been beyond disappointing. I have not watched an episode since. If media reports are correct he was blindsided and no chance was give to say good bye. The show went forth without any mention of him. Family is not like that. It’s shameful that you would misrepresent the endearing tradition of kindness, loyalty and care.
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Jun 12, 2018
Return Psych to lineup
My daughter and I love watching Pysch and now you have removed it from the lineup. With school ending soon she and I both were looking forward to getting our Pysch fix
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Jun 12, 2018
What happened to Psych?? That is one of my family's favorite show, we were watching it all the time, now suddenly it has been removed, no warning, no nothing. Please bring back Psych!!! That was one of the main draws aside from the movies for my family. I watch Monk too, but not as often as Psych
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Jun 11, 2018
I can’t believe that hallmark removed psych. Yes, I like psych and monk but there was overkill in running four episodes daily. You could have aired two a day of psych , monk, and some of the older shows and had enough room for both. But you air so many episodes people get burnt out and now you totally remove psych. Why??? We enjoyed watching psych and then monk. To top things off , you’re now running movies that clearly should be on the other hallmark channel and putting it on the movies and mystery channel. Really??? Well , until you can provide a better line up and cut back on some of the older shows and somehow try to find a balance for your audience, I will be watching something else or reading.
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Jun 11, 2018
I was watching hallmark primarily for the psych and monk shows. Monk has been on quite awhile and I was pleasantly surprised when you added psych at the beginning of the year. Now it’s gone. ???? Really???? I mean if you divide the shows up and air then maybe one or two episodes at a time instead of three or four, there’s room for all of the shows. From murder she wrote to psych. Also, outside of the mystery movies, why are you showing movies that clearly belong on the other hallmark channel? That’s the purpose of this channel being called the hallmark mystery and movies. Until there’s a better line up, I don’t think I’ll be tuning in anytime soon. Disappointed.
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Jun 10, 2018
Finding song
What is the song and artist in the scene where they are preparing for the wedding in Marrying Mr. Darcy.
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Jun 9, 2018
Full House
I am 87 years old and really enjoyed Full House. I think The Middle sucks and so does Last Man Standing. I do miss the Waltons but can survive without.
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Jun 8, 2018
Mark Steins
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Jun 8, 2018
Mark Steins firing
Once again your choice to dismiss another valuable employee is madding!! First it was Christina. I was so angry & disappointed in your actions. Another example of age discrimination. She brought so much to the show. It took me over a year to even give Home & Family another chance since I adored Mark I returned. I have never been a fan of Debbie, but watched because of Mark.
I WILL NO LONGER WATCH THE SHOW, OR THIS CHANNEL, or contribute another penny to any Hallmark products.
Your treatment of employees shows the true values of this Network. BOYCOTT HALLMARK!!!
UNC girl
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Jun 6, 2018
Firing of Mark Steines
You had a quality person in Mark Steines. . .and you want to go in a different direction?? Well, you will be. What’s the opposite of quality, Hallmark? After underhandedly getting rid of Cristina Ferrare, it looks like you would learn. At least you learned enough to announce his firing.
I, too, am going in another direction—away from Hallmarks Channel and Gallmark products.
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