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Hallmark channel
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Consumer complaints and reviews about Hallmark channel
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Jul 11, 2018
My husband and I have always enjoyed the Home and Family show, but there are too many changes. Now Mark is gone and several others before him and we are done. It's not even enjoyable anymore. Good luck with your new format. I've taken you off our recorded shows.
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Jul 11, 2018
Keep christmas movies
No wonder there are so many rude people now days. Christmas spirit all year long would be beneficial. Hallmark, please keep showing Christmas movies in July! Love it.. For the people that dont like it, change the channel.. That simple..Merry Christmas!! 😊
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Jul 10, 2018
Disappointment over Mark Stenis leaving
In general, I enjoy watching Hallmark. However, the first disappointment was the firing of Cristina Ferrare and now Mark Stenies.
The many repeats can be annoying; but in sincere credit to the Hallmark, the DECENCY & UPLIFTING movies are such a joy to watch.
The movies and mysteries honor families, love and morals. A rare treat in today's world.
I especially love 'Signed, Sealed and Delivered.' Please continue that series.
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Jul 10, 2018
Christmas movies in June and July
I am tired of watching Christmas movies.....I pay to have this channel because of the shows and the movies on this channel. I am not paying to have Christmas movies in the summer!! I love the holidays and even when you start showing them early in the fall it kills the feeling of Christmas, because by the time the holiday comes around - people are tired of watching the movies!!! If you want to show them all the time start a Christmas Channel...
PLEASE TAKE THE CHRISTMAS MOVIES OFF and put Murder she Wrote, and all the other great shows and movies that we love...please gives back our Mystery channel.....THANK YOU!!!
Jean Forbes
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Jul 8, 2018
Christmas shows in July
Used to love Diagnosis Murder [ Monk and Hart to Hart. Christmas shows in July? This is insane. PLEASE put back on our good shows. We don't need Christmas right now. Crazy. Can't watch it anymore. Where did our good shows go?
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Jul 7, 2018
Christmas in July
ENOUGH of your stupid Christmas in JULY! Isn't it bad enough that you start Christmas in October even before Halloween! This is a mystery channel. Please let us enjoy our programs in peace w/o the sappy Christmas movies!
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Jul 7, 2018
christmas programming
I am so tired of the Christmas movies I could scream. It's July and 100 degrees here - totally not interested. You have turned me OFF your channel.
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Jul 6, 2018
Christmas movies
ENOUGH of your stupid Christmas movies in JULY! It's bad enough that you start showing them at the end of October 24/7 for TWO months! I especially miss the late night shows Murder She Wrote, Matlock etc. that were part of my routine. This is the most awful and annoying programming choice. Anything would be better than these sappy movies on a mystery channel. Obviously, you don't care about your viewer preferences. Hope your ratings continue to fall! ANGRY AND DISAPPOINTED!
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Jul 6, 2018
Christmas overload
Why the hell are Christmas movies on in July ....put hart to hart matlock murder she wrote back. That's so stupid Christmas movies in July bad enough we got to watch them in November and December
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Jul 6, 2018
Playing only Christmas cruddy movies for months at a time
Enjoy watching your normal programming schedule. HOWEVER, when I am only subjected to watching Chistmas movies in JULY and NOVEMBER and DECEMBER...MAKES ME WANT TO BOYCOTT YOUR CHANNEL FOREVER!!!!STUPID D RATED ROMANCEY CRUD.
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Jul 5, 2018
Christmas Shows
I agree with others. I watch the Hallmark Murders and Mysteries channel to see murders and mysteries. Put the Christmas stuff on the Hallmark channel and give the Murders and Mysteries to the aficionados of murders and mysteries. I HATE your Christmas in July AND your months-long Christmas shows. Help!
Angry Gerry
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Jul 5, 2018
Now that I have put on 2 posts I read through the listed comments and realize you have this site to just appease customers without responding or reacting I wonder if comments are even read? , Its used I believe as a filter to get rid of people who may call the 800 # to complain or comment.
Angry Gerry
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Jul 5, 2018
Mystery Channel
Why in Gods Name are you showing 24/7 Christmas on a MYSTERY CHANNEL??????????? Its not a fitting scenario ! I PAY TO WATCH MYSTERY and I watch at nighttime especially. A also hat when you put on all 3 of your channels Christmas 24/7 starting mid November to January it makes you want to vomit!!!! I am not against Christmas but 4 or 5 movies for the season fill my need I see that I am not the only one complaining. If its left5 on I will cancel the channel from my menu ....... ANGRY GERRY!
Angry Gerry
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Jul 5, 2018
Christmas movies on a MYSTERY channel
WHY in Gods name are you playing Christmas 24 / 7 on a Mystery channel???? I subscribe and pay for the mystery movies NOT FREAKING Christmas movies in July. Its irritating me to the point that I am going to unsubscribe from the channel. I hate it in the fall mid November until January that it plays 24/7 also, I am not against Christmas but enough is enough, I like maybe 4 or 5 movies for the season not all the time! I also see others are complaining also so its not just me! Either Christmas goes now in Ju;y or I do! Christmas has nothing to do with MYSTERIES, I PAY to TO WATCH. MYSTERIES!
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Jul 5, 2018
Christmas movies in June
Why is it necessary to show Christmas movies on hallmark movie channel in June. Why can't you wait until October. I would rather be watching "Murder She Wrote ". It is not necessary to put it on this early. If need be. Show them on the weekends or during the day.
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Jul 5, 2018
Christmas overload
Stop showing old retread cheesy Christmas movies. And why in the mystery channel? This audience doesn’t care. You guys are the worst!
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Jul 5, 2018
Christmas overload
You are forcing Christmas down our throats. If you insist on doing this at least bring original programming instead of tired retreads. And please don’t do it on the murder and mystery channel . That audience has no interest in 24/7 Christmas schmaltz.
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Jul 4, 2018
Wigs worn in movies
Please do something about the wigs that are worn in your movies. The short grey wigs are beyond horrible and everyone that has long hair seems to be wearing a wig that has separated curls and a lot of air in between. They look like if a storm came along they would fly off. It also seems like anyone that has long hair that is not real is wearing the same style from movie to movie also. Please make the hair look more real, and don’t have everyone wear the same hairstyle. Thank you for considering this request.
Chaundra Jones
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Jul 4, 2018
Stop the 24/7 Christmas Movies
To whom it may concern,
If you must show Christmas movies during July please limit the amount of time. I am not interested in seeing them all day everyday for an entire month. I am very annoyed that I can not enjoy my favorites like Murder she Wrote, Matlock, Columbo, Diagnosis Murder and Perry Mason and Psych when you all use to play those. These are the same concerns voiced each year by many viewers however, there have been no changes each year its the same Christmas madness. Now there are several different Hallmark channels so I am having a hard time understanding why the mystery one of all one was selected for this foolishness. Please limit the time so that for those folks who enjoy can be happy and those folks who hate it can be happy as well. Santa does not even want this much Christmas.
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Jul 2, 2018
christmas movies
please stop with the Christmas movies and so back to regular scheduling. I like Murder, she wrote. I hate having Christmas movies anytime, but the summer is the worst.
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Jul 2, 2018
Hypocrital behavior of powers that be
Dear Hallmark decision makers,
I'm not sure that people who are so cutthroat will have a clue as to what I mean by this post. However, I will give it a shot anyway. I was a fan of the early show with Mark S. He was professional, affable, sweet and smart. Unceremoniously, he was axed one day without warning. The fans were given no explanation. If it was a Matt Lauer type of move, then the fans should know. If not, why the hell did this happen? What kind of people initiate this sort of behavior?
Since the fans are the ones who pay the bills for the show through the ratings, how is it OK to do this without an explanation? What is even worse is that in a matter of days, the show goes right back to its "let's do crafts, try a new recipe, interview actors from the new Hallmark movies and be all happy, syrupy sweet and chummy" attitude as though no one had ruined a man's career and behaved in a despicable manner.
My friends and I are professional who work all day, and we usually tape the show and watch it at night. Through our disgust, we no longer watch or support the Hallmark Channel, The world is evil enough without this type of behavior being acceptable. Fans need to turn the channel and let Hallmark know that being heartless and cruel is not the way to go. I am disgusted.
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Jul 1, 2018
Please play Christmas Getaway
This is not a complaint ( surprise)..
I am simply requesting, that you please show Christmas Getaway more. ZThe movie was outstanding, and rewarding. Also, the cast was one of your best. They also need more scripts..
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Jun 29, 2018
Home and Family
Wow, where to start. As I am most certain, this is not going to be the first complaint you have had about the firings of Christina, and now Mark.And it won't be the last. But before I even get to them, I am going to start by addressing the head complaint as to why myself as well as my entire family are through with Hallmark, Hallmark channel, and all Hallmark related merchandise or anything related to the company unless things change. You could not have found a more self centered, egotistical, self absorbed, arrogant, creature (because a true human being, in this case a woman, would never act this way) to be the "Sole host" of Home and Family as you sought fit to place Debbie Matenopoulos. I am utterly outraged and disgusted with the way this company has gone. She is the most arrogant individual I have ever had to watch or listen to in my entire life. Just a few examples: When the guest cooks come on, she cuts them off or rushes through their entire cooking segment as if she isn't getting enough of the show. I watched her on one episode completely mess one of the dishes up because she couldn't keep her hands out of the food so the cook could prepare it themselves. Anyone being interviewed by her she rushes them and even tries to complete their sentences for them. She is flat out rude and nasty. And I am sure she is sitting in her trailer getting her makeup done or lounging and hearing about all of these awful people writing about her while she sips her wine. She could care a less. Her attitude and actions make her an ugly individual both inside and out. You took the "Home and Family" out of Home and Family, when you got rid of Christina and Mark and replaced them with her. We are the viewers. We are the reason your channel is up and running. You need to listen to your viewers while you still have some left and fix this awful mistake that you have made. Even if you can not get Christina and Mark back, there are certainly better candidates to be the hosts of this show than Debbie. We all have noticed how all the other stars of the show have been slowly disappearing. The show has gone to hell in a hand basket, and Debbie is carrying it, for better lack of words. I started watching this show years ago, and every time that we changed our service provider we fought to have Hallmark channel or even paid extra to have it because this show was so important to myself as well as my family. Christina was a wonderful hostess, and Mark was a wonderful host. They were a unbeatable team that brought charisma, joy and even love to us all with their attitudes and just who they were in general. The show had meaning and purpose as where now it doesn't. I understand that times change and things change. But good Lord, hire someone who can do the job right like Christina and Mark did, and keep your viewers! Do not be surprised if one day soon there is a strike outside of the studio, with angry and disgusted viewers wanting you to end the show or change the host. Things need to go back to the way the were. The old saying "If it's not broke, then don't fix it" The show wasn't broken. We loved Christina, Mark, Sophia, Kym, Mark and Mark and all the other ones that have just magically went missing in the wood work. Just because we sit at home and watch the show, doesn't make us fools. We notice when someone has been MIA for a long time or when something isn't going right. Why make your viewers go through this? If Hallmark is wanting to throw in the towel, there are certainly better ways of going out, than hiring a host such as Debbie. I think I have made it clear how most of your viewers feel. Now its your turn to not sweep this complaint under the rug, but rather address the problem and fix it. Before you do lose the show entirely from lack of viewers.
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Jun 28, 2018
Home and Family
Why are constantly messing with a great show...Another family member gone...I am to the point that I don't even watch like I used to...
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Jun 28, 2018
Background Music
The "background" music playing throughout the entire dialogue of Honeymoon for One is so very annoying we shut the program off. (This is the first Mystery Movie where this annoyance has been noticed. I don't know whose idea this was, but really a poor presentation and totally overcomes the performance of the actors.) Please do not continue this format.
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