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Nationstar Mortgage
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Consumer complaints and reviews about Nationstar Mortgage
Ash simpson
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Feb 21, 2017
Nation star mortgage is a scam
My mom past in 2013 before she past she told us she had ins. With nation star mortgage so if anything happened to her the house was paid off. According to them my mom lied. So I took it with a grain of salt and paid the remaining 1200$ balance off. Then they come back saying I still owe them and started sending me checks back which I cannot cash. They also sent a statement saying they've paid my taxes for the past two years and my tax statement says otherwise. So I get a lawyer. When he calls they can't even pull it up they've lost the loan.saying they sold it to a 3rd party but they don't no who. They have my mailing address (which is a completely different home) as the one they have a loan on. Again I call my lawyer they told him the same gave him the run around we've even sent a letter certified mail n havent gotten a response. This was two years ago n we r still getting the same answers. I do believe it's a scam... And theirs got to be someone who can do something about it. My lawyer says if I could get about 10 people together we should have a law suit. Idk I'm j ready to be done with these people. I mean it's getting redicilous. All I owed was 1200$ and to pay it off 3 times is unheard of..
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Feb 18, 2017
Foreclosure Avoidance Program in Oregon
Richard D. Ruehle
3317 Munsel Lake Road
Florence, Oregon
I just need HELP.
The above named is my nephew. He has given me power of attorney to resolve the Foreclosure issue on his home.
What I need is to speak to the person handling the Oregon Foreclosure Avoidance Program on his home. A final Notice on from the State of Oregon Foreclosure Avoidance was forward to me to last to response on a timely bases and Richard is not able to handle this matter do to another legal matter.
My name is Irene Desmond. My home Walnut Creek, CA 94596. Cell Phone 925-323-7661. email
[email protected]
What I am in hope of accomplishing is to pay the pass due amount and arrange monthly payment.
Thank you for your early attention to this matter.
Sincerely, Irene
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Feb 7, 2017
10 years
How do you start a loan out at 10,000 and still owe 9,500 after 15 years????? Frauds! We will need to come up with that full amount to pay off the loan by 12/17. HOW CAN A COMPANY HAVE SUCH A BAD RATING AND STILL BE IN BUISINESS???
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Feb 4, 2017
Predatory company lacking integrity
For years my mortgage has been serviced by CitiMortgage, but a few months back it was transferred to Nationstar. Since then I have had nothing but trouble. They claim that I am on auto-withdrawal, but when I called when a payment was not withdrawn they could give me no explanation. Then they began being very pushy with me to pay off my mortgage. They asked if I would like them to order up a payoff statement. 4 times I told them that I did not want to pay my mortgage off. I ended up having to scan and email them my original note and another letter from Citimortgage which clearly stated the terms of my loan. I followed up with an email both emphasizing that I did not want to pay off my mortgage, and asked politely for them to stop harassing me about it. Today in the mail I got a payoff statement, claiming that I had ordered it!!!!!! I don't trust this company and advise STRONGLY that you keep your mortgage away from this company or they may start coming after you the way they have started coming after me.
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Feb 4, 2017
Predatory and lacking integrity
For years my mortgage has been serviced by CitiMortgage, but a few months back it was transferred to Nationstar. Since then I have had nothing but trouble. They claim that I am on auto-withdrawal, but when I called when a payment was not withdrawn they could give me no explanation. Then they began being very pushy with me to pay off my mortgage. They asked if I would like them to order up a payoff statement. 4 times I told them that I did not want to pay my mortgage off. I ended up having to scan and email them my original note and another letter from Citimortgage which clearly stated the terms of my loan. I followed up with an email both emphasizing that I did not want to pay off my mortgage, and asked politely for them to stop harassing me about it. Today in the mail I got a payoff statement, claiming that I had ordered it!!!!!! I don't trust this company and advise STRONGLY that you keep your mortgage away from this company or they may start coming after you the way they have started coming after me.
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Jan 21, 2017
Modification scam
I have been fighting my battle with Nationstar for over a year. Over a year ago, I fell behind on my mortgage. I set up the initial conference with Nationstar and the mediator. By that time I had all the money in hand to catch up. I was told to complete a document and send it back. I was told once the document was received Nationstar would have more flexibility to work with us and we wouldn't have to put the entire amount down. She GUARANTEED me that this would happen. So, I put some of the money back into my home for improvements. Two months later on my follow up call, I was told by someone else that I was given misinformation. From that point on, if I received a response of any kind it was always a different answer. I made to much money. I made to little money. I was then given a Forbearance agreement to pay 5,000.00/month for 6 months. I was now behind 22,000.00 including attorney fees and later charges. I asked how 30,000.00 was the equivalent of 22,000.00 and was given a BS answer that didn't even make sense. The representative "Eric" was less than knowledgeable and less than helpful. I asked if I should get an attorney involved and was instructed that the modification would go through shortly I just had to be patient. This was after I completed the paperwork 7 times. That was also a LIE! So, I hired an attorney. They received no response from Nationstar either. So that money I paid for legal representation also was taken from me. I have every single email and response I had sent or received and would like to know HOW THIS COMPANY IS STILL ALLOWED TO PRACTICE. I lost my battle. I owed 62,000.00 on my home and it was appraised for 92,000.00. Nationstar bought my home last week for 52,226.00. So, not only did they make money off of me but now they are going to sell my home and profit as well. I am devastated and angry!
Jeannie Rumpza
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Jan 18, 2017
Never had any problems with my mortgage until BOA sold it to Nation star. I have been trying to get my modification approved for over a year now, and every time they would come back with something else. I've submitted modification paperwork over 8 times, and every time it was something different, and now they are foreclosing on me. I have owned my house for over twelve years, and because they know I have a lot of equity in my house, they want to take it away from me. I went through a horrible divorce, but the house was awarded to me and my kids. Since then, After trying for so long to get my modification approved they still deny me, even though I'm more then capable of making my payment. My children & I will be homeless, if something doesn't happen soon. They are thieves and lairs and don't care about whats happening. How can they do this to innocent people. I even made a $30,000.00 payment once the house was awarded to me and they deny ever receiving it. I need help. I don't know what else to do.
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Jan 17, 2017
nationstar mortage
this is not a legit company charge outrageous fees and they their equity accelerated is a joke did not pay my taxes one year my house went to tax sell they immediately got the house back and charged me for it even tho it was their fault.
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Jan 5, 2017
Mortgage Fraud
I can not say enough bad things about this Company. When my real estate property taxes were reduced through the Homestead Mortgage Act. It lowered my payments by $33.00 per month. Nationstar sent me a payment coupon with the new amount of my house payment. I have been sending in that amount since 2011 and was just now notified that I should not have a lower payment even though my escrow amount reflected over payments. We were sent a foreclosure letter. They said they waited until the amount got behind enough to foreclose. I had not received one single phone call, letter, or any type of notice stating that the amount we were paying was wrong. When I asked Nationstar why they sent me the coupons with the lower amount to pay, their comment was, whoever sent it to me should not have. I have now hired an attorney Tim Stull with Freshstart firm. It is an aggressive credit and mortgage help program. Their rates are reasonable and they do all the paper work with the Attorney General's Office and with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Their number is 1-877-297-7011. I advise you to contact them. Someone has to put a stop to this place.
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Dec 27, 2016
Improper accounting
Tried to find where to send this complaint below to Nationstar, but it seems the REAL people in charge cannot be contacted.
I have given up on Nationstar's word to do anything at all. Have already sent in a complaint to the BBB, and plan to send one to the Consumer Protection at the U.S. Attorney General, as well as to contact a lawyer very soon. I've had it with trying to get anything done. We talked to Nationstar beginning when our loan was bought from the previous mortgage company, and what we got was a strong claim that your company has "generated" a monthly statement, but if so, yours is the ONLY mail that we do not get. Our last paper statement before now was actually mailed and received in October, 2014. That is two YEARS that a paper statement would have been actually "generated" and mailed to us. Not buying it.
I have spoken to my mother, who used to work for the Federal Land Bank in Wichita, KS for over 30 years, and she has suggested that we ask for an audit of our entire loan, as what you sent was nothing be a bunch of mumbo jumbo. My sister-in-law has been the certified accountant for Boeing (until they left Wichita), Cessna, and Lear Jet for about 30 years or more. She, too, says we need to demand an audit of our entire loan by you, as she agrees with us and with my mother.
I printed out the original "statement" from your website before I called Nationstar and asked for the corrections to be made "as they were paid to you", and you sent me a "revised" statement that was NOT like the original payments were made, to include the actual dates of payments, the proper "description", the "interest", and most of all the "interest bearing principle balance" after EACH PAYMENT.
We are demanding in WRITING here that our loan be audited and printed out as mentioned above.
Your company's false promised by Diana, Brittney, Ben and Sunshine during the month of DECEMBER to "fix this and return a call to (me)" with firm promises to do so, is not acceptable. This is why I refused to accept any more "help" from Customer Support, and demanded to speak to a Supervisor. The Supervisor that I finally got to speak to was Deedra, and that was the same day that we tried to make this last principal payment, with the very same outcome as we've had for what was 18 month prior to me trying to get Nationstar to do this correctly, and trying to do it as everyone keeps saying is possible on your website. This just proves it is NOT so easy after all.
I am sending you this response, as well as a copy of it to my own email address, and to my husband's email.
My husband is going to turn 70 in a few days. He was born with asthma, but the stress that all of this has done to him is making controlling it much more difficult.
I am over 65 now, and I suffer several health problems that already cause me physical pain and side effects without any help from a company like Nationstar, and it, too, is magnified to the point that my own pains are magnified to the point that it has been knocking me into bed or a chair all day.
Nationstar has single-handedly managed to cause both my husband and I to have serious problems with both emotion and physical distress. I can no long take anymore of this, thus I have turned all of this over to others whom it does NOT cause these things. I'm done talking to Nationstar.
Carol (Carrie) Geller
(325) 656-2001
You can give without loving, but
you can't love without giving.
[email protected]
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Dec 13, 2016
Loss house
Tried to modify.papers they day not receive.not tight paper.every lie but the truth
.lost my home after 20 years.for 4.000 nationstar
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Sep 21, 2016
NationStar Help!!
My family and I have lived in our home for ten years, my parents were never late on a payment. BOA sold our loan to NationStar in 2010. My parents have had nothing but problems since then. Three days ago we received a letter from NationStar stating we owe $83,000 dollars and are past due on 33 months. My parents printed all their bank statements since 2010 and you can clearly see they were making timely monthly payments to Nationstar. My parents faxed them the statements and now NationStar is stating they never received payments and they don't know where that money went. My parents are devastated and its hard to see them like this. They are hard working and good people. I don't understand why NationStar is doing this to them. My parents showed me monthly statements from NationStar, with different information some say the account is in good standing and then the next month stating we owe a different amount, and then again sorry for the error its in good standing again. What is wrong with this company?!?!?!?!?! My parents are lost and don't know what to do, every representative they talk to gives them the run around and no clears answers. One rep even laughed at my mom as she was crying trying to explain the situation and he said "Well ma'am you should have been making your payments." Its heart breaking to see, when I know my parents have been making their payments and we have proof from their bank statements. Now they say we have 90 days to pay $83000 or else they are taking our home. If anyone can help please contact me.
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Sep 6, 2016
Nationstar acquired our mortgage in 2002. Our previous mortgage was in 1992 for $75000. It was sold 2 times between 1992 and 2002. I have had nothing but problems with the . It was originally a 30 yr mortgage. Every time I make a payment and question my balance it shows $64000. Something is definitely wrong. They said our home will not be paid off until 2050. That is 58 yrs on a 30 yr mortgage. It is a double wide on a permanent foundation. We are in process of contacting an attorney because we believe this is intentional gouging the consumer. We live in country and they say we gave them an acre of land where our home sets. They have papers with our signatures but neither my husband or me ever signed any papers deeding them anything. We paid taxes on this acre up to 2013 then after I complained they started paying taxes. When I ask a question they do not have an answer because they know something is not right. I would never recommend this company to anyone.
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Sep 4, 2016
New to Nationstar Mortgage
Well, As of two weeks ago, I am a brand new customer with Nationstar Inc. being they bought my loan from Citimortgage. Having just received the "welcome" package from Nationstar Inc., I am already frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Being I was forced into chapter 13 bankruptcy in 2011, Citimortgage dropped me from Internet loan servicing but they continued to at least send me a monthly statement. Nationstar Inc. also refuses to service my loan via the Internet but THEY WILL NOT EVEN SEND ME A MONTHLY STATEMENT!!!! It was my only means to confirm principle, interest, and escrow payments! I can now see the door is wide open for Nationstar Inc. to claim they did not receive payments, etc.
Yes, filing bankruptcy discharged all my debts years ago but I never missed a mortgage payment and in-fact, have paid additional principal every month. I can already see this will be a disaster as it is already consuming my time!!
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Aug 1, 2016
i can help everyone here , people who got fooled with banks and got nothing in modification
there are various qualifications after 2014 modification changes which help every
homeowners who had a previous modification and still in trouble and real easy to get
doesnt matter wheather your in foreclosure or you got a bankruptcy. i can help
+1 - 510- 730 -3206
email us @
[email protected]
if we do not respond to your phone call please email us as we recieve 1000s of calls
thank you
Ron wilson
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Jul 16, 2016
i am sorry for putting this message here like this. I am just here to share my experience and to help who might want this kind of help. I have been scammed by fake casters that promised me results and get my money trying all my means to save my marriage. i was so despirate to keep my family as my husband wants a divorce. i decided to go spiritual as all i tried was not working. i seek spiritual helps to get things right but all i talked with never did anything for me. I was taken advantage of and i lost all my saving on that. i talked talked to a friend that was able to make me meet the help i searched for. when he said he will help, i never believed but im more than greatful now for giving him my last shot. You can get this great one on
[email protected]
never let it go too. its a good trial if you want to use him and he is the best to work with. my vote all to him.
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Jul 16, 2016
Nation Star
I lived in my home since 93 with BOA. They sold to Nation star and had nothing but problems since. Feel into financial hardship and requested a loan modification. Went back and forth for over a year. Then saying they NEVER received the paperwork. but now I see from previous comments that they do that on purpose so you can get further in the hole. Ask for a outside attorney, whose fee was almost as much as the house payment over $800', month. House payment $1200 month. Took them 3 months to modify only to cut the payment by $68 dollars!!! Now I got an extension on the house another 8,000 tacked onto the 30-year mortgage for the time it took for this modification to go through only to save $68, and it still didn't put a dent in it cuz we live on a pension that didn't help at all I'm ready to go into foreclosure and let him have this place
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Jul 1, 2016
Mortgage Fraud
After a forced loan modification since nationstar took 6 months to transfer my note when BOA sold it to them we ended up almost 100k extra on the note! My account manager said that he found almost 50k in error but underwriting refused to remove it. The remaining extra is assumed that BOA sold the note for more than we owed. I have spent many hours trying to get this corrected and the most I got out of Nationstar was my not changed from 198 to 189. I owe around 100k ... they now have me owing way more than I paid for the house 10 years ago and they claim its due to the making home affordable fees! The loan mod is free.. they aren't allowed to charge you fees and the loan is not allowed to process if your payment goes up! My payment went from 750 to 1200! Also They over charged me for 12 months on my escro.. it was an extra 250$ per month and when they finally did fix it I did not have extra funds in mt escrow account and no one can explain where that money went! This place has been a night mare! I want a class action suit for the fraud of this company!
[email protected]
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Jun 22, 2016
denial of modification
Started the loan mod in Dec 2015 kept on sending in and faxing all the required paper work, in March 2016 all of the paper was submitted, rep from nationstar called me and told me i would know if i would recieve the mod in 15 to 30 days a week later rep called me back and stated i did not recieve the mod when i asked him how could all of the paperwork i submitted be evaluated so fast, he said he does not know how they do it .he told me i would be getting a determination letter in the mail and i could am appeal so far i have never recieved any mail from and have not heard anything from nationstar . what company does send out documents of the outcome of some kind i guess word of mouth is how this company does business,
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Jun 21, 2016
Foreclosure fraud
I've just received a summons for a foreclosure complaint in spite the fact I've been trying to pay these people for 6 months- but every time I send them a check or attempt to pay over the phone they tell I owe some ridiculous amount of fees- they are forcing me into foreclosure so they can steal my home and leave me homeless!
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Jun 10, 2016
Nationstar Mortgage
I have a loan transferred from Bank Of America to Nationstar a few years ago. I always made payments on time. I now want to sell the home. Found a buyer. Set up escrow with a local title company. The title co. rep and I have tried numerous times to contact someone at Nationstar to work in this process. Only contact info they offer on their website and monthly statement is a 1-800 automated number that is answered by a call center employee in the Philippines. They (of course) were unable to help in this process.
Asked to be connected to someone in their headquarters in Texas. Spoke with some minion (call center employee again?) who stated info would be sent soon. Many days later no info came and no returned call. So we are about 30 days in with the escrow process and my prospective buyer is starting to wonder what kind of outfit are we having to deal with. Me too. Escrow/sale cannot proceed without participation of a LIVE body from Nationstar. More time goes by with the call center roulette routine. About 45 days in, I receive a standardized form letter (of course not signed by a anyone) stating they received my request for info and stating that according to R.E.S.P.A. laws, they (Nationstar) have 30 days to respond. So, after all of this unnecessary delay, my prospective buyer decides he has had enough and cancels the sale. Can't say that I blame him. BUT my concern is IF I find another buyer (and not likely to happen easily in my depressed local market) am I going to get this Nationstar stall again? Think I know the answer to that. I realize that customer service is a thing of the past, but trying to sell my property via the call center method is simply not going to work. Nationstar needs to fix this ASAP.
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Jun 2, 2016
Nationstar not reporting payments to the credit bureaus
As I type this review I am livid! I had one bank for 17 years after we built our house. Then one day I get a letter saying they no longer back Fannie Mae mortgages and our mortgage has to be given to this company Nationstar. I never heard of them, I did not receive any paperwork from them when my first payment was due. I was getting nervous so I called them, they said everything would be fine and nothing negative would be reported to my credit. As I've come to find out the ONLY way you can make a payment to them without being charged a fee (to make your own mortgage payment they want to charge you unbelievable!!) is by an ACH withdrawal every month. I signed up for that and my payments have been coming out on the 1st business day of the month for the last year. Since we've had the mortgage with them EVERY single day I get emails, phone calls, letters in the mail, even Priority sent letters telling us to refinance with them. I've asked to be taken off of every option, they are worse then telemarketers. When I call them to complain about it, the people on the phone are like robots they do not listen. At the end of EVERY phone call they ask me if I would like to refinance! I say to them "did you even listen to a word I said!" In December 2015 we decided to refinance with a different company. We have come to find out that Nationstar has NOT reported our mortgage payments since January 2016 nor have they updated our "activity date" on our credit reports. Because of this we cannot get a loan. Since we live in a world of electronic communication the credit reports get sent electronically to Fannie Mae for approval and if the payment and activity dates are not updated the loan is rejected. I am at my wits end trying to deal with Nationstar, the credit bureaus and the new mortgage company. I filed a complaint with the credit bureaus but that did no good. Nationstar has 30 days to answer and when they responded all they did was send the same January information. I called the credit bureau to tell them that the situation is not resolved do not close the case. They said they do not look to see if the issue is resolved they only file the complaint and receive the response from Nationstar but no one looks at it to see if the error is correct! This was a supervisor at Equifax who barely spoke English. She told me I had to file the complaint again! Then I filed a complaint with Consumer Protection Financial Bureau. The week after I filed the complaint with them I received a letter from Nationstar saying they will answer the complaint within a week. On the date they said they would answer the complaint I received an email from CPFB saying that Nationstar will respond within 60 days! Are you kidding me, another 60 days! My husband and I are so stressed out over this I don't know how to get this fixed. I'm all for a class action lawsuit against Nationstar. The stress and financial loss due to not being able to refinance is beyond words.
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May 26, 2016
!we're getting together class action suit so I need everyone on board and please share this site
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May 23, 2016
Delayed insurance claim check
I've been waiting over a month now for Nationstar to release my insurance claim funds, they keep claiming I need to send them more documentation, which is bs. After calling numerous times and basically losing it with them, they finally put in an "exception' for one form, which is ridiculous considering the work is completed. And everything is 5-6 days, they have got to be the slowest organization there is. They really are horrible, i tried to do a mortgage modification, which after a very long call, was told I quality. Then, after spending many hours getting them the necessary documentation, they decide that I don't quality. They are idiots! I'm working to refinance with another mortgage company, I'm so done with them. Don't get a mortgage with them, and if it's sold to them, try to refinance with another company.
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May 17, 2016
Harassed by Nation Star
Ive been getting several calls from Nation star mortgage being asked to verify the same information over and over ever since my husband passed away. I am really sick and tired of these calls. I pay the mortgage every month and they process the payments. I don't get why am being harrassed like that, each representative I speak with tell me that they will document the account that I have been called multiple times, only to get another call again. Something has to wrong with the way these people conduct business. I'm beyond stressed and I don't know what to do.
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