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Nationstar Mortgage
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Consumer complaints and reviews about Nationstar Mortgage
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Apr 27, 2016
Loss claim money
I bought my house in 2004 Aurora was my lender , in 2012 Nation star bought my acct and been hell ever since. I hate when having to call Nation Star and the automated answer device states there a debt collector. In the summer of 2015 roof on my house got wind damage , my insurance wrote me 2 checks with my name and Nation Stars name on it. My contractor and myself has signed and sent out all the forms to Nation Star to get my roof fixed , well it's the end of April 2016 with still no money to fix my roof , Nation Star keeps saying that there missing forms from us every time we contact them regarding my insurance money , i have told them it's my money from my insurance company that I'm paying on . I just turned them in to the BBB , If anybody is going to buy a house and they tell u that Nation Star will be your financial lender , RUN , and dont look back
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Apr 17, 2016
I feel ALL of your PAIN!!!
My wife and I bought our first and only home in 2002 during the process of all the legal paperwork we were blatantly asked to lie on documents (which of course we declined). After about 2-3 years our mortgage was sold to ocwen ( another bank that has coughed up money due to unethical practices) then it was sold to Aurora loan services which heald our mortgage for approximately 5-6 years. After my wife give birth to our child who was in the NICU for 2-3 months I was behind a month on my mortgage and was told by a representative to refinance through the modification process which I sent paperwork after paperwork and was always told that ( they didn't receive some documents) During the process of the modification my loan was sold to Nationstar which I had to provide all these documents again and I really was behind at this point. I was ultimately denied after Severval months of the same FRUSTRATING and HUMIlIATING process. Unfortunately we decided to sell and recoup some monies to survive on after losing $100,000 dollars in appreciation from our house. I PRAY for justice for all the hardworking decent people who were scammed out of their hard earned money.
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Apr 13, 2016
Bounced Check from Nationstar
Nationstar bought our mortgage one month before we sold our house in San Antonio. Once we sold our home, we received two checks from Nationstar to refund us what was left of our escrow. We deposited both of these checks, and while the first one went through, the second one bounced. The money was pulled right back out of our checking account, along with a nice little $5 fee from our bank for the bounced check.
I spent the next few months calling Nationstar over and over again, explaining that they had sent us a bad check and we needed another one reissued. Each time, I was told "I'm so sorry m'am... I will submit the request for another check, and you will receive it within 7 -- 10 days. Over and over again, I was told this. Finally, I started threatening to take legal action -- so a rep provided me with a tracking number for the promised reissued check. I felt satisfied, so I waited. And waited. No check.
When I looked up the tracking number given to me by the Nationstar rep, I found that it was an invalid number. Surprise, surprise! There was no check. Once again, there was NO check, and Nationstar still has my escrow money.
I back and explained this whole debacle to another rep yesterday. I explained that I know what Nationstar is doing -- they are scamming us and holding onto our money because they know we can't do much about it other than proceed with legal action. He did give me the email address of a supervisor, and asked that I send my bank statement showing that the money was deposited and then withdrawn. I've done this, but am still not confident that this email will ever even be answered.
This is ridiculous. Nationstar is keeping our escrow money simply because they can. I do not know what else to do about this, other than get an attorney involved.
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Apr 12, 2016
Nationstar Mortgage
Nationstar bought my mortgage after Aurora wasted over two years in modification meetings and finally made me a modification offer; but Nationstar did not honor the offer. They spent more than another two years of yanking me around, that ate up all my equity of about $250,000 which I needed to get a reverse mortgage to get me through my retirement as I have nothing else. I have lived in the house 38 years. Now I have NOTHING. Auction will be soon. Does anyone know of a lawyer that can help us? I see other banks get sued through class action suits with problems similar to ours. I have had no luck in finding a lawyer; will keep trying. Anyone else have any luck with getting help post it here as I will if I get any results.
Also, the class action suit about cell phone calls against Nationstar yielded a $12.1 million settlement fund. Having our homes stolen and other wise being defrauded by the bank is a far more serious offense. Why won't anyone take it on????.
josephine bridgers
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Apr 9, 2016
Same as Above
This company prey on the people that they suppose to be servicing. The only time Nationstar seems to listen is when a lawyer is involved.
Don't matter what the cost, a lawyer is needed, now when they get sued enough times, their predatory practices will cease.
It's sad because people don't need this added burden.
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Apr 5, 2016
Nationstar mortgage corruption
Didn't know my mortgage was sold and no monthly statements from NS. Held my payments or returned them to me. Insurance went up, 2500.00, due to water damage after using nationwide insurance over 27 yrs without any claims. NS increases my monthly payment from 1650.00 to 2459.00 per month and also wants the annual insurance up front on top of monthly increase. Changed insurance company and back to old rate and NS continues to harass for payment for insurance that doesn't exist anymore....crooks....Even when you do the math increase doesn't add nor the fact to receive annual insurance up front. They keep sending me letters to pay up and asking , do I have a lawyer. My credit is shot because of NS reporting to credit bureau that I'm months behind which I'm not. I did the math and paid every month what elementary graduates would know the correct balance due with an annual is increase of 2500.00 annually to existing mortgage. Still, harrasement continues. I'm retired military with VA rate ... VETERANS AND CIVILIANS BEWARE!!!!! NS is like Apple computer Corp. They conduct their businesses abroad in India and Phillipines and are not under US control for FAR act, Mortgage or US sanctioned law or TAXES. Why all this and on top my VA loan in the hands of foreigners!!!! Ask the person on the other side of the phone where they are and then tell them to transfer you to a rep in the USA. Their web site numbers are direct to overseas, Texas is a shell. I've reported to VA why with no answer and our government to investigate but they only gave me a case ref number and red-eyed me back to VA Dept which also fell off the screen with it's own corruption. I've heard April 2016 there will be a court hearing/trial against NS in Texas. I'm looking for and need a mortgage lawyer to go after this Mofia.
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Mar 20, 2016
Nationstar mortgage credit report error
I have paid my mortgage each month since Nationstar took over, from Countrywide to BOA , now Nationstar, it has been a problem. I addressed the same issue with them less than three months ago, and my loan showed I missed one payment and I had the supporting documents proving them wrong once again. Now I noticed my credit report is showing two payments pass due. I will seek litigation at this point.
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Mar 20, 2016
Credit damage
Each month my payments are made timely. My credit report is stating two past due payments and this is an error on Nationstar. I had this issue before and it was resolved through the credit bureaus. Now it has reappeared , I will continue to monitor my credit report's .
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Jan 28, 2016
Dragging out help
I have been working on this modification for so long I don't know how much longer I can do this. I have sent hundreds upon hundreds of financials . The state of Maine requires mediation. I went to an info meeting and then had a mediation . They wanted us to come back. They have never had us back. We got cei of Maine for assistance. They were our go between. Nation star wouldn't accept any payments . We tried many times. At least 5 times nation stars attorneys have sent court papers to us to talk about s foreclosure sale. The legal fees have added up. We spent at least 20 months trying to prove residence. At one point a lock was put on our home and my husband myself and my foster children had no way to get in. All our clothes and the kids toys were inside. It took over a week before they would remove the lock. We had to go and stay with my father. Half way through this horrific process we received a letter telling us our mortgage got sold. So we had to start all over. When we investigated this. We found out that it was the same company but different name. Now they request s fair market value. So we get one. It comes $20000 below what we owe. Now we think we will get our modification. Well we were wrong nationstar decided to get their own fmv. Of course theirs came in $10000 over what we owed. So we couldn't get making home affordable. But they told us we could get a modification. So we sent the payment. Well that got returned because we were told we needed all that was owed. Well we have no savings because we had been unemployed 3 times. No we have just received court papers to get an extension to have the foreclosure sale because the time had expired. Now what ?
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Jan 14, 2016
unauthorized withdraw of funds from checking account
Please all who have a mortgage with Nationstar mortgage
Never let them talk you into scheduling a payment date.
I fell for this and even informed them not to withdraw money from my account, I told them that I would use their automatic system
on the agreed date to make my payment.
Guess what they took the money from my account anyway.
I called them and complained and they promised they would not access my account without my verbal authorization.
To my disbelief the next month they did the same thing.
I guess they feel they have the right to steal from their customers.
If I ever tried this stunt I would be in jail for theft.
I have had to place a block on my account to keep them from stealing yet more of my cash.
Would the law please investigate these crooks and punish them as they deserve
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Dec 22, 2015
escrow increase/poor communication
Like the previous post form 12-6-15.Ii too have had my escrow supposedly go up by the exact same amount without an explanation. My flood insur went up from last year by $248 for the total year but they are saying I have to have double to amount tin the escrow acct or its negative balance. My agent said the total of the flood insurance is $1179 for the whole year and I wa told by Nationstar that it went up by $1000? That does not compute. Someone doesn't know common math. I have filed a BBB complaint and have read numerous other complaints and these guys are ruthless...saying they have thoroughly investigated the complaints and have found themselves to be at no fault...well of course they have! If anyone has any idea how to file a lawsuit against this stuff, I'd like to know. this is deceptive practice and frankly poor business
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Dec 6, 2015
payment increase
I don't like this company. All complaints by others are exactly right. My mortage went from BOA to Flagstar to Nationstar. If you have a complaint or question you can't get an answer of any kind and if you do it doesn't make any sense. Last month my monthly payment increased $130.00/month. When I questioned this they said my escrow account was low because of insurance and tax hikes. My insurance increased by $12.00/month and my property taxes are the same as last year. Do they need money to pay for their lawsuits?
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Oct 19, 2015
Nationstar - BOA
I have had issues with all of the above! I have an additional 85,000 on my mortgage after doing a modification. My payment went up over 500$ and it cost me 85k!! Nationstar is the biggest rip off company Ive ever heard of! They do not process paper work, they do not return phone calls, they do not fix their errors!
[email protected]
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Jun 20, 2015
same ns scam
First Tennessee told me in 2009 to miss 2 payments and then they would lower my interest rate with a modification. I did, then tried to make the next payment and they refused to take it because I was "in the modification process. After six months, they said they didn't have all of my paperwork and I had to refile. Several months later I was told that they hadn't received all of my paperwork and to fax it again. It was after the 3rd try that I found out that their fax didn't accept anything over 20 pages! A year and a half years later, I paid a mortgage consultant 4k to fix this with them. Again we waited months and they finally agreed to a modification. When we sent in the paperwork, we got a notice saying our mortgage was sold to Nationstar. This is all part of the same company! Natiostar then sent us a bill for $150k and said they had no record of the mod. We had to start all over again. After finally agreeing to a new mod, they added the 150k to the principal. We had to file for chapter 13. Finally, we discharged our chapter 13 and were ready to start paying our monthly payment. They sent us another bill for 40k and we started the modification all over again. They have misplaced our paperwork twice since then and we now owe 120k or they will foreclose. We started with a 580k loan and now owe over 850k!!!! How is this legal?
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Jun 2, 2015
BOA transferred my loan in the middle of an internal modification
BOA sucks! Nation star is the same. I was accepted into an internal modification program before they transferred my loan to Nationstar and they did not recognize the loan modification after the transfer. Immediately, I was put into foreclosure with no acknowledgement despite the paperwork signed with BOA and they had to research the paperwork for months as I began to seriously default on the loan expecting the BOA agreement was in effect or would be honored.
The result, I had to pay thousands to resolve the program with 100's hours of my time in emails and addiitonal attorney fees.
The whole episode increased my principal by tens of thousands when it was done, stress galore which attributed to sleepless nights and the most awful experience of my life.
A legal signed agreement with BOA for an internal modification underway which was looking good to "We don't know what happened, send us your documents and we will see what we can do" to a modification 5 months later under Nationstar's terms which cost me dearly and I will pay for their negligence for years on my principal loan.
Where's the right attorney when I needed him to correct this, I didn't find it in Sarasota for sure, NDLG, I should have never have paid anything or agreed to Nationstar's' terms to keep a few blocks around me with wood above my head for a house which is upside down in market value.
I can truly believe that a Federal bank bailout has attributed to this and has cost me tens of thousands............
Maybe I need to change my twitter account name.
Joey D
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May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015
Fu#%ing scammers!
These thieves intentionally discontinue sending statements so they can collect more late fees. They tried this with me (statements quit coming out of the blue) and they try to penalize people for their (intentional) mistakes. They have total morons working in their customer service department, and when you ask to speak to a supervisor, you are told that there are none. I previously believed that Countrywide and Bank of America were the lowest of the bottom feeders, but Nationstar has set a new low. Why won't the Better Business Bureau go after these parasites? Most lending institutions in America have seemed to have turned into scum sucking bottom feeders! The saddest part, is that the crooks seem to have more rights than victims!
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May 11, 2015
nationstar mortgage
Reading all these complaints, and then HUNDREDS more on other sites, certainly makes you wonder how they can continue to operate and complete huge billion dollar deals. I have been in and out of court with them for 41/2 husband left me because I would not give up this fight. I have won in court dismissed twice! My attorney got $30,000, in fees, paid by Albertelli Law...I GOT NOTHING ...the lawyers are making a killing on this. The case was dismissed because they have NO PAPERWORK and have not been able to locate it for almost 5 years now....but they are dragging me back in for a third shot at foreclosure. Like everyone else, I have had terrible time trying to get these crooks to do the right the way, the largest investor in NS mortgage is the disgraced senator John Edwards....he is part of FRONTIER GROUP.... they fund this disgusting operation. Congress SHUT DOWN CHAMPION MORTGAGE...BUT THEY REINVENTED THEMSELVES and are now NATIONSTAR....A COLLECTION AGENCY.
[email protected]
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May 6, 2015
pressured to pay from Nationstar mortgage com
B of A passed our mortgage to Nationstar in 2013. From the beginning we did not get a payment due date, payment coupons, or e-mail reminders of payments due. We made our
own invoices to send to them. I had called them to remind them, and was told they would send e-mail, it did not happen. Since 2013 my account has been handed to four different
consultants, I have called each, left name, ph. number, acct. number, asked to be called back, to no response. They are saying we owe back payments since Oct. 2014, but my bank statements show they have received my checks. In April, they send me back a check for my payments since January saying we have insufficient funds, again my back statements so they have received my checks. They sent me a statement last week saying I owe $21,000.oo to be paid June 1, 2015, that we do not have .
We have been trying to refi. but get turned down because of Nationstar account.
This is a second mortgage, our first mortgage is up to date, with no problems.
If they would work with me they would get their money and we would be free of this account.
We need assistance to help us get out of this account.
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Apr 22, 2015
all of the above
Well after reading this board im convinced i am sane everyone of these stories was mine .Its is despicable what they are putting hard working people through it caused me to have suicidal thoughts lose sleep and completely break down from the frustration this company put me through .They gave me the whole send the same shit over and over for a year for a loan mod sent several thousand in payments back because i was 1 behind while living on unemployment after being laid off in 2008 .I made every effort to comply and pay pay pay and they gave me such a run around even before i had defaulted i got harrasing calls the day my payment was due.they promised me a loan mod right up until he day of foreclosure .We went to court me my wife and 3 sons and pleaded with the judge that we could pay and we had tried but they wouldnt even take our money once i finally found a job part time for way less pay than the one i had held the last 6 years before being laid off in 08.The judge gave us and extension so to speak and we found a good bankruptcy lawyer and went that route after paying essentially 2 payments a month for over 2 years now every single week they send me certified letters with loan mod agreements with ridiculously low interest rates and payments but ridiculous total debt more than i paid originally for the home and i been paying on it 15 years.
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Sep 9, 2014
Frustrated with Nationstar
As I read these reviews and complaints, it's the same over and over. It's not just this page, but EVERY website I go to with complaints of Nationstar are ALL the same. I have many complaints, which I went to the BBB with and well, a customer support specialist called me and I spent a long time on the phone with her and she only addressed one of my complaints, and when I brought up the other complaints, she kept changing the subject, and just wanted to make sure that she "closed" the issue. I told her several times that it was not resolved. First of all, I am so sick of being called two days after my payment is due and getting a recording that I need to call them within 24 hours regarding my account. Why???? I feel like I'm being harassed EVERY month before my grace period is up. I am sick of it! I am sick of their horrible customer service. It does no good to call anyone there, it's a waste of time. I have attempted to apply for a home modification several times and always the same response. We need this document, we need that document, we need this, we need that...all things I had already sent 3-4 times, sometimes more. And how about your assigned loan specialist - was anyone actually ever able to reach your loan specialist? Not me. After my complaint to the BBB, their customer support specialist told me if your loan is current, you no longer have a loan specialist assigned to your account, even if you're applying for a modification. What??? Does that make any sense? Oh, and you know on their website how it offers forbearance. I was told that their forbearance option is the loan modification. Maybe they should look up the meaning of forbearance. Also, when filling out the modification paperwork, they made their decision before they even reviewed my application. My husband is not a salary employee and works overtime, but it's never the same, so his paychecks vary in the amounts. So, I was told that when I filled out the paperwork if the amount I filled out was not the same exact amount, then they would reject it. So, during the three months that I'm messing around resubmitting document after document, then they request another paycheck stub, which is going to be a different amount than the initial paperwork, my app is going to be thrown out. What a joke!!!! I also have a gripe that they have to have a 12% cushion in our escrow. It is ridiculous!
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May 14, 2014
Nationstar Mortgage company- Criminals
These are only 3 of the employees I still have info for: just remember if you do decide to try a modification with this company ! Watch the ToTal they claim you owe them! They added 20 thousand dollars to the total of my loan, with the paperwork they sent and did not want to correct it! They are making a killing cheating people. So watch that.
[email protected]
[email protected]
) -foreclosure specialist dealt with this guy- ripped me off
[email protected]
-loss prevention specialist
Jacqueline Williams
Loss Mitigation Specialist
350 Highland Dr.
Lewisville,TX 75067
1-888-850-9398 Toll Free - ext# 2069
469-549-2069 Direct
972-459-7524 Fax
[email protected]
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May 14, 2014
Nationstar Mortgage company
All of these complaints are pretty much the same. The Government lets mortgage companies do whatever they want and thats what nationstar has been doing. This is their modus operandi - predatory lending, fee's for nothing!, misleading the consumer, confusing you to the point that you think YOUR crazy, loan mods to keep you paying them forever, and foreclosure notice's to scare the heck out of you so you pay them more. They are criminals, they hire criminals and they do what they want because they get away with it! I contacted the Texas attorney general, the Washington state attorney general, several lawyers and the Better Business Bureau, throughout the whole investigation Nationstar LIED, they had documents forged and created names for the fee's they had charged on my loan. (there are fees for $500.00 charged 2 and 3 times a month to my account!) Its all smoke and mirrors, if we file a "class action" lawsuit - Nationstar will pay a pittance, a small fine and continue bilking the consumers who have the most to lose. Those in the lawsuit will recieve maybe a few thousand dollars but, not enough to reimburse you for the emotional rollercoaster they put you through. My loan was $150k, 8 years ago, they have now added excessive fees and late charges and say I owe $198k. Yup, I fell for the modification BS too, when i got my first bill for that it was $1600.00 a month for the payment and the paperwork I had signed stated the payment was to be 980.00 a month. What a crock.
When my house caught on fire last year and we had to go to a hotel, Nationstar hired someone to break into it and change all the locks. Wasn't that sweet of them???? Oh and the investigation by the attorney generals and the BBB?, they believed Nationstar. I truly believe if each of us little people that have been lied to, (avoided, put on hold for hours and robbed) filed our own suits and publicized them, we could get nationstar to 'fess up. Face it, they don't have the original copy of your deeds, but, they'll hire someone to forge that if they need it in court.
Any way, I don't care any more. After 8 years of this crap, I've decided to get a smaller house. Now that all of my children have moved out, ha ha I don't need this one anymore. Thanks Nationstar and good bye.
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Jan 14, 2014
Nationstar is the Terminator of the American Dream
Nationstar will never be honest with you. Remember this when they attempt to convince you that they want to help resolve the issue. My BOA mortgage was sold to NS. Eight years and never late. My APR is 7.82 (a nice piece of change for the banker pigs). Anyway. several months ago I scheduled a payment on NS website but decided to cancel it and schedule a new payment for another date. The NS website displayed that my first payment was cancelled. About a week later I saw that the payment was deducted from my checking account, except it wasn't the second scheduled payment, it was the first, but I didn't know that until a second payment was processed on my checking account--the second scheduled payment-and that payment bounced. I explained this to NS but they did not believe me and wanted proof that the first scheduled payment was cancelled; as if they would even believe me had I had the proof! Well, this turned out to be my second bounced check with them because they screwed up my very first payment--not important now. So for six months they are not allowing me to make any scheduled payments or pay by check unless it is a cashiers check that I have to get from the bank and mail. I had asked to speak with a supervisor to straighten this out since it was not my fault that their website didn't cancel the scheduled payment successfully, but they gave me BS that supervisor would call me. None ever did. I have given up dealing with this company. I'm just going to have to refinance asap!!
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Mar 6, 2013
Harassment daily calls
Thank God, my mortgage has always being paid with BOA. One day I got a letter my Mortgage was sold to Nation Star. With BOA - I had until the 14th of the month to pay and sometimes I would go to the bank on the 10-12th of month and pay. I never been late. Since this Nation Star bought my mortgage they star calling me on the 1st of the month. They have tried to charge me $22.00 if I pay past the 1st, so I would not show that I was past due. They have tried to get me to get my loan modified. Last month, I was short $.06 cents and they called me non-stop. They call me on Sundays, after hours, 3 times a day. I'm not even late and they try to collect from me. It's a big harassment for no reason. They are not honoring the BOA terms of Mortgage. It's beyond rude. My 13 years old now believes that we are in foreclosure due to the calls. I'm so upset. I can't believe this is allowed in America. I never skipped a payment. Why try to destroy people like that? Why was my mortgage sold to this rude company. Why do they call me all the time? What can I do?
John Maki
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Mar 4, 2013
Nationstar Mortgage
Nationstar is enginered to foreclose .....
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