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Nationstar Mortgage
United States,
Consumer complaints and reviews about Nationstar Mortgage
John Maki
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Feb 12, 2013
On second thought
Write Florida Attorney General and they will send you a listing of places you can write and complain in Florida and sometimes they will give you information if you live in another state. Also, don't forget Washington, D.C. it is worth the time and effort. Pam Bondi, the attorney general of Florida has a great staff to assist you all.
John Maki
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Feb 12, 2013
Nationstar Mortgage
We don't think there is an Attorney General in the good old USA that has the guts to take on Nationstar and especiall now with Nationstar in the process for trying to get 5 Billion in mortgage loans from Bank of America .... and what caused this mess in the first place???????????????// The only Attorney General that has more guts than glory is Pam Bondi in Florida .... a letter to her and your complaints may start the ball rolling in other state!!! Good luck .... and don't talk to me about Nationstar - If I say Nationstar I throw up!!
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Feb 11, 2013
Nationstar Mortgage
I got behind on my home taxes and wanted to install a payment plan with my county but they said I had to wait until the default date then I could make payments. I sent the plan to Nationstar and they impounded my taxes after telling me they wouldn't if I sent them a copy of the payment plan my county. I was able to make the new October payment (payment jumped from $1761 to $2509.45. November payment was 60 days late and they sent it back to me, making me 90 days late. I have paid November and December and they will not post it without all late fee's January and now February's payment. I told them January's payment will be paid this week, February's payment on March 1, and March plus fees by March 15 and all they want to do is collect my financial information for a loan modification. I just want to get caught up and stay caught up now that I have more income. So frustrated and scared after reading all the posts about this company.
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Jan 16, 2013
Hey the only way to get any where is to write a letter to your state Attorney General ! Also to the FCC Comptroller !!! No one there will listen to you & Nationstar doesn't care how much proof you have they are stricktly out for BLOOD. I don't know what they want with all these properties & most of them owe more than what they are worth !!
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Jan 10, 2013
Our loan was bought by Nationstar in June 2012. We have ben working on a HAMP application since then. They repeatedly ask for the same information - which i both fax and email witihn 24 hours of the request. Our customer service rep has changed 4 times - we hare now back to our original rep. It's unclear to us what advantage this serves them. We are not deadbeats, no additional debt. One of us lost our job 2 years ago, partly due to this mortgage crisis/economy downturn. Our dream home went upside down dramatically. We are older and just dont to move again. We are responsible adults can clearly make a reasonable mortgage payment. Yet they refuse to do anything. Why waste their resources, money, and time when they could easily redo the loan, not suffer a severe loss at an auction and have a satisfied customer. What is wrong with this company. Cant anyone make a rational decision and move forward.
By the way Nationstar just bought $215B from BofA. Go figure.
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Jan 8, 2013
Nationstar Mortgage
Would love it if those who have posted here could provide email addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers of any kind referring to the people they have contacted at Nationstar. They have approached me about a loan modification, but after reading all these complaints and many, many others on different websites I am having to rethink this. Was just within the last week. I'm sure they will try the exact same thing. They sound like a very bad dream to experience. Thanks a million to all of you who can provide such information - post it here on this site to share with everyone!! Bless you and best of luck to all those who have already been victimized by this company. Post lawyers and contacts as well - spread the support. Thank you all. (Jan08_2013)
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Jan 8, 2013
Nationstar Mortgage
Would love it if those who have posted here could provide email addresses and phone numbers, fax numbers of any people the contacted at Nationstar. They have approached me about a loan modification, but after reading all these complaints and many, many others - I'm rethinking this. Was just within the last week or so. I can just imagine their tactics. Post here or even better if you could forward to my email:
[email protected]
. I'm sure I will be dazzed n confused if I choose to try and modify my loan with them. Thanks a million to all of you who can provide such information. Bless you and best of luck to all those who have been victimized by this company. Post lawyers and contacts - spread the support!
jackson john7
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Aug 16, 2012
A spell caster that help me
What would i have done if not for DR OPOPO,my name is SHARON, I am 27
years old and i have a son. Unfortunately almost a year ago his father
broke up with me because of a mistake I made and I just really want
him back. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want
our family to be complete again, I want to spend the rest of my life
with him. I read online that you helped a girl in this situation and I
contact him for help. I grew up with my parents divorced and I don't
want that for my son and I miss my husband so much and just want our
family to be whole again I want the love of my life back and I can
honestly say that because he is the only man I have ever truly loved
with all my heart.So i seek help from
[email protected]
and he responded to me and he cast
a love spell for me which i use in getting back my husband and i am
happy and grateful to him for helping me.
[email protected]
the only through spell caster i
have ever known.
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Mar 29, 2012
Escrow account
They are charging me a grand less in my escrow account for taxes despite me providing corrected information last year. When my prior bank sold the account to Nationstar they never advised for any escrow tax bill change of address, the county keeps sending it to the prior lender. When I call, I find out that all the employees rode the short buss to school.
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Mar 15, 2012
Home Mortgage Loan, and Consolidation
Eric Jones Loan Inc.
A Sincere and certified private money lender approved
by the GOVERNMENT. I give out international and local loans to all countries
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and fast to get. 4% interest rates and monthly installment
payments.Check-out this great offer, Please For more information contact me on
[email protected]
Unhappy Four
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Mar 13, 2012
foreclosure issues
They have got to be the worst out there. Have been trying since last fall to get a loan modification with them when our work hours got cut. They keep saying we make too much money to qualify, are they nuts? All we wanted was temporary relief to help us get back on our feet financially and they insisted we fill out paperwork for loan modification for the life of the loan. Kept saying we were "missing paperwork". Unwilling to try and help us out, very rude when you try to explain your situation. Now, without any notice, they say they have started foreclosure. Anyone else out there having these issues?
Struggling Also
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Mar 13, 2012
foreclosure issues
Yes agree!! Been there back and forth with them...
1-DO NOT fax to them, request and email address only!!!
2-start with
going thru this helps make it legit that the mortgage company HAS to comply to!!!
Stand your ground, because it is your home and your hard earned money!!! If they say they want to move one or more of your monthly payments to the end of the loan let them, but make sure they do not mess with your interest rate unless they are decreasing it ONLY!! Any points ...bargin to get those OFF the loan also!!! Watch everything you are signing and that it what was discussed and agreed upon!!!
Our modifications with them in usually took 2 to 4 weeks to complete. If not getting answers ASK for a supervisor or manager...get direct line phone numbers from your contacts. No main number with extensions!! Be persistant and don't expect them to call back on time, but some will, but BUG the heck out of them!!! Good luck and hopefully your outcome will be a favorable one!!!
Keith Cabaniss
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Mar 7, 2012
Introduction: This complaint alleges inter alia that Nationstar Mortgage wrongfully foreclosed on real property commonly known as 81 Greystone Trial, Black Hawk, Colorado, 80422. Specifically, Nationstar repeatedly and falsely told Plaintiff that his loan modification was either in-process or had been approved, failed to inform plaintiff that his loan-modification application had been denied, and that this failure prevents plaintiff from exercising legal rights, including but not limited to, Chapter 13 bankruptcy, that would have allowed him to retain title to his home, which he largely built with his own hands.
Plaintiff, Keith Cabaniss, pro se, for his complaint against Nationstar Mortgage, swears and affirms that:
1. Defendant, Nationstar Mortgage, is a national mortgage lender that has transacted business in the state of Colorado.
2. Plaintiff, Keith Cabaniss, is an individual who resides in, and previously owned and occupied real property located in Gilpin County, Colorado.
3. The real property that Cabaniss previously owned has a common street address of 81 Greystone Trail, Black Hawk, Colorado, 80422 (the “Home”).
4. The Home is known as parcel no. 1711-031-01-213, in the public records of Gilpin County, Colorado.
5. The legal description of the Home is:
6. Cabaniss was the first owner of the Home.
7. The Home is located in the mountains of Gilpin County, Colorado.
8. The Home has a unique and spectacular view of the Continental Divide and Longs Peak.
9. Cabaniss designed the Home, and largely built and finished it with his own hands.
10. Cabaniss purchased the land on which the Home resides in November, 2003; built the home from July 2004 through January 2007; and completed its interior and first occupied the Home in January 2007.
11. On May 25, 2007, Cabainss signed a promissory note to Nationstar for the amount of $230, 431.01 (the “Note”).
12. The Note was secured by a Deed of Trust on the Home.
13. Nationstar filed an action on January 17, 2008, to recover title to the Home by having the Gilpin County Public Trustee conduct a public sale of the Home (the “Foreclosure”).
14. On information and belief, Nationstar did not own the Note or hold the corresponding Deed of Trust when it filed the Foreclosure.
15. On information and belief, Nationstar sold the Note and had previously assigned the Note and/or the corresponding Deed of Trust at the time when it filed the Foreclosure and thereafter.
16. On information and belief, Nationstar acted only as the servicer of the Note, i.e. Nationstar did not own the Note, but contracted with the Note’s owner to administer the Note, including to collect payments made on the Note.
17. From January 2008, when Nationstar filed the Foreclosure, through mid-February 2010, Nationstar consistently and repeatedly postponed the sale date in the Foreclosure action.
18. Cabaniss entered the Streamlined Modification Program Loan Workout Plan (“SMP”) February 19, 2009.
19. Nationstar’s agent, Vessia, told Cabaniss on February 27, 2009, that his SMP modification had been approved.
20. Cabaniss made one payment under the SMP.
21. Thereafter, Nationstar called Cabaniss and informed him that SMP had been cancelled, and Cabaniss would instead enter a Trial Period Plan under the Home Affordable Modification Program (“HAMP”).
22. Cabaniss entered HAMP in August 2009.
23. HAMP requires that applicants complete a three month trial period by making the payments that would be required under a proposed modified loan terms. If a HAMP participant makes these required trial-period payments, the participant’s loan may be modified to reflect the trial-period’s payment terms.
24. Cabaniss timely made his August and September payments under HAMP.
25. Cabaniss pre-paid his October HAMP payment with his September payment.
26. In September of 2009, Cabaniss called Nationstar to ensure that it had received his August, September, and October HAMP payments.
27. By timely making his August, September, and October payments to Nationstar, Cabaniss successfully completed the HAMP trial period.
28. Assuming that Cabaniss met other HAMP program requirements, Cabaniss’ successful completion of the HAMP trial period entitled him to have his loan modified in accordance with the trial-period payment terms.
29. Nationstar confirmed to Cabainss that (a) it had received his August, September, and October HAMP payments; and (b) it was sending his plan to another Nationstar department to draft new loan documents for Cabaniss’ new and modified HAMP loan.
30. Cabaniss’ HAMP loan-modification application was denied on or about Septmber 28, 2009.
31. On or shortly after Cabaniss’ HAMP application was denied, Nationstar knew that Cabaniss’ HAMP application had been denied.
32. Nationstar did not notify Cabaniss that his HAMP application had been denied.
33. Nationstar was required to notify Cabaniss that his Hamp application had been denied.
34. Cabaniss did not receive new HAMP loan documents from Nationstar.
35. Cabaniss did not make further payments to Nationstar while he was waiting to receive his new HAMP loan documents.
36. Nationstar consistently told Cabaniss that his new, modified, HAMP loan documents were in progress. The communications between Cabaniss and Nationstar, include, but are not limited to the following communications:
a. Cabaniss called Nationstar on December 10, 2009, and informed it that he had not yet received any new, modified, HAMP loan documents. Nationstar informed Cabaniss that it was "still working to prepare new loan documents, could take another month."
b. Cabaniss called Nationstar again on January 26, 2010. He informed Nationstar that he still had not received the new, new, modified HAMP loan documents. Nationstar told Cabaniss that “everything is ok.”
c. At the time Nationstar made the statements in the immediately preceding paragraphs (a) and (b) to Cabaniss, Nationstar knew that these statements were false.
37. On or about four days after the January, 26, 2010, telephone conversation in which Nationstar told Cabaniss that “everything is OK, ” Nationstar set a sale date for the Foreclosure.
38. The Gilpin County Public Trustee held a Public Trustee’s sale of the Home on February 25, 2010 (the “Foreclosure Sale”).
39. February 26, 2010, was the last date on which Nationstar could schedule the Foreclose Sale without having to file a new action to request a Public Trustee Sale of the Home.
40. At the time of the Foreclosure Sale, Cabaniss had no notice that Nationstar intended to continue with the Foreclosure.
41. Prior to the Foreclosure Sale, Nationstar provided no notice to Cabaniss that Nationstar had set the Foreclosure Sale, or that Nationstar otherwise intended to proceed with the Foreclosure.
42. Cabaniss learned of the Foreclosure Sale on March 3, 2010, when he discovered a notice that Phil Heter, a Denver-based repossession/eviction processor and REO broker, that Fannie Mae now owned the Home.
43. If Cabaniss had had notice of the Foreclosure Sale, he would have been able to exercise legal rights, filing a chapter 13 bankruptcy petition, which would have allowed Cabaniss to prevent the Foreclosure Sale and keep the Home by restructuring his debts and becoming current on the restructured Note over time.
44. After Cabaniss learned of the Foreclosure sale, he again called Nationstar. On March 9, 2010, Cabaniss spoke with Thomas Brown of Nationstar. Cabaniss asked Mr. Brown to have Nationstar rescind the Foreclosure Sale because Nationstar had (a) failed to provide Cabaniss with any notice that it was proceeding with the Foreclosure Sale and (b) had made multiple misrepresentations to Cabaniss regarding the status of his HAMP modification and of his Note to Nationstar.
45. Brown and Cabaniss went through Nationstar’s records of the communications between Cabaniss and Nationstar.
46. Brown stated that Nationstar’s records of its communications with Cabaniss comported with Cabaniss’ own records of these communications, which are reflected in the preceding paragraphs of this Complaint. Brown also confirmed that Nationstar had not notified Cabaniss of the Foreclosure Sale or of that Cabaniss’ HAMP application had been denied.
47. Despite his concurrence with the facts as Cabaniss presented them, Brown and Nationstar refused to rescind the Foreclosure Sale. More specifically:
a. Cabaniss asked Brown, “What Happened?”
b. Brown responded, "Something transpired."
c. In response to further questions from Cabaniss, Brown would not reveal what transpired, refused to rescind the Foreclosure Sale, stated that he was going to terminate the telephone call, and then hung up.
48. On May 17th, Cabaniss held a conference call with Geraldo Hernandez of Nationstar and Jeff Plaine of Money Management (a HUD-certified loan counselor).
49. During this May 17th conference call, Hernandez again affirmed that:
a. Nationstar’s records of its communications comported with Cabaniss’ own records of these communications, which are reflected in the preceding paragraphs of this Complaint;
b. Nationstar did not notify Cabaniss that his HAMP loan-modification application had been denied.
c. Nationstar did not notify Cabaniss of the Foreclosure Sale date or that Nationstar was proceeding with the Foreclosure Sale.
50. On May 20, 2010, Cabaniss spoke via telephone with Chelsea of Nationstar Mortgage’s legal compliance department in Dallas, TX. He asked why Nationstar proceeded with the Foreclosure Sale despite having informed Cabaniss that “everything is OK.”
a. Chelsea responded that there had been a "miscommunication between [Nationstar’s] Loss Mitigation and HAMP department[s]."
b. Thereafter, Cabaniss asked Chelsea "Why am I being held accountable for miscommunication within Nationstar?"
c. Chelsea responded, “There is no explanation."
First Claim for Relief
Wrongful Foreclosure
51. Cabaniss repeats and realleges all preceding paragraphs.
52. Nationstar’s Foreclosure Sale was wrongful.
53. Cabaniss has been damaged by the wrongful Foreclosure Sale.
54. As a result of the wrongful nature of the Foreclosure Sale, the Foreclosure sale should be rescinded.
Second Claim for Relief
Breach of Contract (covenant of good faith and fair dealing)
55. Cabaniss repeats and realleges all preceding paragraphs.
56. As part of the Note, Nationstar had an obligation to deal fairly and in good faith with Cabaniss in its efforts to enforce the Note.
57. Nationstar did not deal fairly and in good faith with Cabaniss in its efforts to enforce the Note.
58. Cabaniss has been damaged by Nationstar’s lack of fairness and good faith in an amount to be determined at trial.
Third Claim for Relief
Fraudulent Non-disclosure
59. Cabaniss repeats and realleges all preceding paragraphs.
60. Nationstar represented to Cabaniss that (a) his HAMP loan application was in process; (b) he would receive new loan documents from Nationstar that complied with the term of the HAMP trial period that Cabaniss had successfully completed; and (c) Cabaniss’ loan from Nationstar and the processing of his HAMP application was “OK.”
61. Nationstar’s misrepresentations detailed in paragraph 60 above are false.
62. At the time that Nationstar made the representations details in paragraph 60 above, Nationstar knew or should have known that these representations were false.
63. Nationstar made the representations detailed in paragraph 60 above with intent that Cabaniss rely on these representations.
64. Cabaniss relied on Nationstar’s misrepresentations to his detriment.
65. Cabaniss has been damaged by Nationstar’s misrepresentations and his detrimental reliance on these misrepresentations in an amount to be determined at trial.
Fourth Claim for Relief
Fraudulent Non-disclosure
66. Cabaniss repeats and realleges all preceding paragraphs.
67. Nationstar had a duty to disclose to Cabaniss all material facts that were relevant to the Foreclosure Sale before the Foreclosure Sale proceeded, including, but not limited to, the fact that the Foreclosure Sale was proceeding and that Cabaniss’ HAMP loan-modification application had been denied.
68. Nationstar failed to disclose the material facts detailed in paragraph 67 above to Cabaniss.
69. Nationstar’s failure to disclose the material facts detailed in paragraph 67 above to Cabaniss was willful and intentional.
70. Cabaniss has been damaged by Nationstar’s willful and intention non-disclosures in an amount to be determined at trial.
Jury Demand
Cabaniss demands a trial by jury.
FOR THESE REASONS, the Court should vacate the Foreclosure Sale, restore title to the Home to Cabaniss as title existed prior to the Foreclosure Sale, award Cabaniss economic and punitive damages, award Cabaniss all costs and attorney fees incurred in this action, and award Cabaniss all such further relief that the Court deems as is just, proper or appropriate.
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Mar 7, 2012
wow thank you for sharing. nationstar sucks.
Mad Homeowner
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Feb 29, 2012
load mod scam
My husband was unemployed most of 2010. We contacted Nationstar before we fell behind on the mortgage for any helpful options. We either made too much or too little depending on the offered programs (while on unemployment which was quite a paycut). We managed to make it thru 2010 with no help from them. By September 2011 we were 60 days behind on the loan. We received a trial payment offer in the mail that same month stating that if we made all 3 new payment amounts on time our loan would be modified. We did make the payments and in December 2011 we received the offer package that said our loan would be permanently modified. We sent the package back and made our new payment amount in January and February 2012. Now we have received forclosure notice. When we contacted Nationstar, we were told differenct stories, depending on who you talked to. Simone Browne said the new loan was not approved and could not give me a reason why. Mr. Crowe told us it was just a system error on Fannie Mae's side and would be corrected. He also stated that they have several hundred accounts right now with this problem. He told my husband he would check on this and call back the next day. We did not hear from him as promised. My husband finally reached him 2 days later and now he says Simone was correct and the loan mod was not approved. We are disgusted with this company. I think they are scamming people. I googled complaints about them online and there are hundreds of stories out there about this pitiful company. We will be researching what our options are.
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Feb 29, 2012
load mod scam
Please let me know what your outcome is. I am in the same situation with these scam artists. They do absolutely nothing to help you.
Your Mom Knows Best
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Feb 29, 2012
load mod scam
The root cause of your problem is your inability to uphold the terms of the loan that you agreed to.
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