tifferdite Sep 6, 2017 |
This is a totally bogus letter. I can see it fooling many people and taking their $11.89 fee. FOR SHAME on the company/persons doing this!! I hope you get what is coming to you! KARMA....
rjevans81 Sep 6, 2017 |
Dear NTTA,
I apologize that I did not send you the forty two cents that I owed you by August 15, 2017. I never planned not to pay, but I figured that for such a low amount my tardiness would be overlooked. When I returned from a recent trip, I found that I was mistaken.
CynthiaHodge Sep 6, 2017 |
Same as all the others Larry Hourd says I can win IF I send 11.89......I hope no one is falling for this SCAM..... I'm tempted to send it back and tell them take the 11.89 0ut of my winnings but don't want to also waste a stamp🤑...
Cajunbyrd Sep 6, 2017 |
 Ecco golf shoe soles disintegrated on 3 pairs. Had a Nike pair
Stored in golf bag same way Ecco were. Nike pair in great shape. Took them to golf store- how long have you had them!
What is Ecco doing about this issue?
After 3 pair disintegrated on the golf course on 2nd...
Erinmarisa Sep 6, 2017 |
 A few days ago whilst Tapjoy was offering double diamonds I complwted the coral offer, creating a new account, depositing £5 and betting. Since then I have submitted three support tickets and sent over screenshots however I received only the automated responses to my email adress [email protected]....
Kubendran Sep 6, 2017 |
Hi my name is kubendran gounden. Yesterday I was walking pass the edgars and was pulled in by a guy asking me to open an account with them. I was taking In gave in my details within 30mins iv received a sms sayn that the account was approved. I then left work and made my way back to the store...
Misslizzy Sep 6, 2017 |
I know of a Manager at Shopper's Drug mart that is on Maternity leave and took a three month course to seek another profession.
The store is in Millwoods Edmonton and her name is Parminder.
Isn't this cheating Shopper's drug mart?...
S E Peyters Sep 6, 2017 |
I did not agree to membership nor the amount debited to my credit card by DRI*Avast. This came to almost R820.00.
I did not receive or install any software from them.
I have had to stop my credit card to avoid further fraud by this company.
How do I go about getting refunded?...
Rosemaryspinelli Sep 6, 2017 |
Never have I been treated so rudely by a company. Never have I had such a hard time just trying to talk to someone to get an explanation for the discrepancy in my records of payments to what they had. Was on hold 3 separate times for 20 mins then connection starts going bad. Call the number...
Syahmir Sep 5, 2017 |
Wey. Internet dulu laju. Sekarang macam taik. Tlg fix la woi. Bodo. Buang masa beli data celcom . Fak u celcom...
TLM Sep 5, 2017 |
Pacific Dreams, Scott Carey & Chris Pickel & Peter Emery Scammed my husband and I while we were vacationing in Hawaii for the grand sum of $7847.00.. Pacific Dream Scam...
TLM Sep 5, 2017 |
Scam, literally took us to the bank for $8000 while we were vacationing in Hawaii....
Madeleine Sep 5, 2017 |
When we try loading Google Chrome, Microsoft instructs us to ask for permission. Why is this required, since we are both in our 40's? Besides that, when I try to send the mail to ask for permission, the following appears.
Something went wrong
Michelle88 Sep 5, 2017 |
Horrific experience that has left me traumatized. I had botched surgery on several areas of my body. 2 revision surgeries were done and the areas are still there! One by Dr Dillon that still wasnt fixed and the next by the Cheif of Sonobello. I also have complete sensation loss to the bottom...
queens123 Sep 5, 2017 |
 What a complete piece of scum! He owes me almost 8,000 and never answers his phone. If I am lucky enough and he does, he gives me an excuse as to why he doesnt have it and then dodges my calls for months!!!! I did some research and found out he lives in a million dollar skyrise in LIC. I hope...
Dxpatel Sep 5, 2017 |
I have cancelled my ticket on 10th August 2017. Cancellation id is 100000177215867. It is showing that the amount 1180 has been refunded to PAYTMAG. The same amount has not credited to my account till date. So you are kindly requested to do needful.
Id- [email protected]
VIXTAN Sep 5, 2017 |
 rude staff!
rude face and talk to customer!
chicken waiting 20 minit?
no ready for chicken?
and no change of money?
all the coin?...
VIXTAN Sep 5, 2017 |
 rude staff
give the rude face and talk rude!
chicken waiting 20 minit?
no change of money?...
Aseed Sep 5, 2017 |
 Makanan yang di order macam dah di goreng berkali2..tengok sendiri la gambar yang saya attach.. Tulis panjang2 pun bukan korang ambik tindakan pun.. @McDonalds Shell Jalan Cheras...
Noxolo Sep 5, 2017 |
I would like to know if do people at department of labour work if so what are they being paid of cause I as me applied for my maternity uif money by end of june 2017 and now its September i haven't recieved any money from them they keep on telling me to come back after...
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