LesegoMatsie Feb 7, 2021 |
Please assist with the cancellation of insurance cover and account. My mother has been trying to cancel/close her account, however staff at Truworths Keywest branch have not been helpful at all. They have given her numerous numbers to contact herself, using hundreds...
LesegoMatsie Feb 7, 2021 |
Please assist with the cancellation of insurance cover and account. My mother has been trying to cancel/close her account, however staff at Truworths Keywest branch have not been helpful at all. They have given her numerous numbers to contact herself, using hundreds...
hannah12390 Feb 7, 2021 |
I bought the Zerowater pitcher about three months ago. The water tasted great at the beginning, but the disgusting taste started to show about three weeks. I have searched online and found it a common problem with the product. This blog article I found online explains the problem quite well:...
Wishaun12 Feb 7, 2021 |
Nicholas Florence, owner of Mountain Couriers LLC in Boise, idaho is a fraudulent, and negligent business owner. He hires good people under false pretence to help him operate and expand his courier business. Nicholas Florence is an experienced conman, nothing more. He hires people, uses them...
Echa Alisya Feb 7, 2021 |
Please check barang stuck kat DC. dari 31st January. Tolong sangat sangat. Ni no. tracking from shopee; check takde data. MY210848694535L...
Echa Alisya Feb 7, 2021 |
 Please check my parcel. Stuck kat DC since 31st. patut harini dah boleh cuba deliver. What is happening. Please check; ni my tracking number from shopee; MY210848694535L cuba check tapi takde data. aduhai...
Stan Takis Feb 7, 2021 |
Dear Yahoo Small Business:
I would like to establish a dialogue to try to convince you not to disable Sitebuilder after March 31. I have been using Sitebuilder for 16 years. I began on geocities! I have spent thousands of hours carefully constructing my website www.newbyz.org....
reidlamphere Feb 7, 2021 |
I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am to discover all the homosexual promotion in this year's movie production. I used to be your champion and constantly tell people the joy that they can find in watching movies that promote family values - not to mention biblical values....
Gerardthecon Feb 7, 2021 |
A lot of money and tests only to be misdiagnosed. I was diagnosed with perilymph fistulas, but when I saw another surgeon who specialized in this condition he said he saw no evidence at all that I had one!
Doctor G made me so scared. And If I had followed through with treatment...
Jeanine elizabeth Feb 7, 2021 |
I love all of the hosts, except for the following:
1) Heidi is EXTREMELY dull and boring.
2) Wendy has a very annoying accent and drawl. Whenever she talks, I have to turn the volume off.
3) Dawn is irritating because she is so absent minded, constantly having...
Madz63 Feb 7, 2021 |
I hope that this matter as I wanted to raise a complaint and dispute of payment to the charges which I am not aware of against ADCB Bank.
Sometimes on 2017, I was planning to take a bank loan ftom ADCB by a certain agent. All of the necessary documents for the processing was then submitted...
Nickel Feb 7, 2021 |
Being charged 19.00 a month and received nothing. How do I cancel?...
Maxedwell Feb 6, 2021 |
There are literally 5 channels on cable that cater to the LGBQTA community - not to mention the big networks now on all new shows. Hallmark was one of the last bastions of conservative heterosexuals - and they caved in to Ellen and crowd. We don’t hate LGBQTA people - we just prefer traditional...
lady leah Feb 6, 2021 |
It is very annoying to be involved in a show and see advertisements flash onto the screen. If I never see Martha Stewart again I will be very happy. We get enough of the discovery ads after every show that is is not necessary to air them during a program. I am ready to give up cable and view...
Norfaezah Abas Feb 6, 2021 |
 Saya telah membuat pesanan pada 9.22pm 06/02/2021 dengan bayaran penuh tetapi makanan tidak sampai ..apabila kita jejak pesanan no oder tidak sah. Pleae refund....
royalengineering06 Feb 6, 2021 |
emi after no objection certificate issued by themselves....
royalengineering06 Feb 6, 2021 |
Kate VTM Feb 6, 2021 |
Greyhatzhackers is a SCAM. (I have everything I say with proves)
The new updates:
After I paid the final funds to complete my project in November 2020, they claimed they sent the BTC to wrong address by mistake, which would need 12 days for reversal. If not reversed, they...
Kate VTM Feb 6, 2021 |
Greyhatzhackers is a SCAM. (I have everything I say with proves)
The new updates:
After I paid the final funds to complete my project in November 2020, they claimed they sent the BTC to wrong address by mistake, which would need 12 days for reversal. If not reversed, they...
Kate VTM Feb 6, 2021 |
Greyhatzhackers is a SCAM. (I have everything I say with proves)
The new updates:
After I paid the final funds to complete my project in November 2020, they claimed they sent the BTC to wrong address by mistake, which would need 12 days for reversal. If not reversed, they...
Coondog Feb 6, 2021 |
Hallmark fired Lori Laughlin because of her college involvement yet they permit Catherine Bell to be on their network with all her nude pictures and explicit sex online. What an example for our young ones....
David Bruneau Feb 6, 2021 |
Haven't received my tac pens and the address they had was marked wrong on the order,the correct address is 2412 63rd st Kenosha wi 53143.now the company is trying to charge me for a third time on an order that I have not yet received....
soyful Feb 6, 2021 |
I purchased this plan for a sectional sofa under accidental coverage. I accidentally dropped a scissor and punctured a small hole. They are denying the claims. I also had discoloration, the sofa turned blue, but that is also not covered. Then I read the fine print and it said you are f'd....
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