Sofia mazlan Feb 14, 2021 |
Barang saya masih stuck di ECPC SUBANG JAYA sudah hampir seminggu
no tracking MY217028419568G & MY2139851589780
Mohon kerjasama POS LAJU untuk menghantar barang secepatnya sampai .
Diharapkan pihak pos laju dapat menangani masalah penghantaran...
Sofia mazlan Feb 14, 2021 |
Barang saya masih stuck di ECPC SUBANG JAYA sudah hampir seminggu .
no tracking MY217028419568G & MY2139851589780
Mohon kerjasama POS LAJU untuk menghantar barang saya secepatnya .
Diharapkan pihak pos laju dapat menangani masalah penghantaran...
Bartneal Feb 14, 2021 |
Truck pulling trailer 811110 side swiped me damaging my mirror and cab, and poked a hole in the side of the trailer. The driver was driving with his flashers on for over two miles before side swiping me. I immediately stopped and he came over into my lane still with his flashers on. I drove...
B Blackmon Feb 13, 2021 |
I have used H&R Block software for years to prepare my taxes without problem until this year. After purchasing software and completing my returns I tried to e-file federal and state returns. I got an error message stating there was trouble connecting between my software and their server...
Dieudone Tuba Feb 13, 2021 |
There is one effective and 2 pending charges from my card ending 9649 that I DID NOT AUTHORIZE neither did I do any purchase. Please refund my money....
happivalli Feb 13, 2021 |
I never signed up for this. They are taking £10 per month from my bank account. They have been doing this for at least 4 years.
When I have asked them to stop they say they don't recognize my account details. They know my bank account number though so they must know who...
happivalli Feb 13, 2021 |
This company is taking £10 a month from my bank account. I am not signed up with this company. When I ask them to stop taking payments they say they do not recognise my name etc. If that is so then how do they know my bank account number etc.
This is a Scam and they have been...
Vivid Feb 13, 2021 |
 The service in this outlet is the worst. Customer paid the sufficient amount but received incomplete order. Last week order a burger with extra mix vege but the burger was not filled with vege. No vege at all. What's the use of u ppl charge us extra.. Bayar buta shj. Today ordered nasi...
Vivid Feb 13, 2021 |
The service in this outlet is the worst. Customer paid the sufficient amount but received incomplete order. Last week order a burger with extra mix vege but the burger was not filled with vege. No vege at all. What's the use of u ppl charge us extra.. Bayar buta shj. Today ordered nasi...
Dipersanbasnet Feb 13, 2021 |
 I got a message from instra I'd sylvia lopez her mail I'd is
[email protected] and she told about her fund which is in HSBC bank and request me to send money from India different bank in different account like United Bank, Sbi bank and corporate bank etc , I have...
Rosse Rosita Jol Feb 13, 2021 |
Tolong check tracking no PL331990097184 dan
PL924501255501 masih stuck kat Poslaju transit Office dari 03.02.2021...11 Hari dah stuck kat situ tak berganjak...Saya perlukan barang tu dengan segera terutama masa covit ni...Harap pihak encik pos barang Saya tu dengan segera dan cepat...Terima...
Brenda B.P Feb 13, 2021 |
I still haven’t received my order! But was charged for it in January, and ordered it in November 2020!...
Stewbop23 Feb 13, 2021 |
So I have a money network account with a debit/ credit card. My weekly payroll load is put on this card every week thru one of my 3 jobs. About a month ago I received a call from someone saying they are from the frauds dept and noticed somebody was trying to make a 150 charge using my card in...
jay45 Feb 12, 2021 |
I have noticed from time to time that they numbers don't add up and today i followed it to the end where they over charged me $150 on one trade! i wonder how many times this has happened? i am still waiting on phone over hour and a half later.
customer service is bad and hard to...
Checksum Feb 12, 2021 |
I rented a car on 2/11/21 to 2/12/21 from Enterprise location. 8395 pines Blvd. and she didnt even emailed me my receipt and charged my card. I ask her about my receipt she lied told me she sent it to my email but didnt any police saw that mississippi tag expired Dec2020 would have. stop me....
Kevin007 Feb 12, 2021 |
What a ### experience ever!!!!
According to my tracking record the parcel was received at my closest depot that being Pretoria early this morning.
Tried calling countless times with a reception not knowing the difference between day & night.
Keep transferring...
Kevin007 Feb 12, 2021 |
What a ### experience ever!!!!
According to my tracking record the parcel was received at my closest depot that being Pretoria early this morning.
Tried calling countless times with a reception not knowing the difference between day & night.
Keep transferring...
jmiller1385 Feb 12, 2021 |
This is not a complaint. It is a happy review.
On February 8, 2021 I received my Micro Touch Titanium with skeptical optimism. When I opened the box it looked impressive. With a positive attitude my wife of 52 years began to give me yet another Pandemic haircut. Very quickly I...
Lennox Feb 12, 2021 |
Dear sir or madam
I am writing this letter with a bleeding heart, I have working for this company for years now, I have never seen even one member of Mibco of which is our union.
In this company we have no shop steward, we have no where to go if we want to forward...
lindseymatt Feb 12, 2021 |
I have been with USAA for 22 years. I recently noted 5 fraudulent ACH transfers amounting to close to $8,000.00 spanning from OCT 2020 to JAN 2021. I have spoken with multiple representatives and they merely pass my information to the fraud department. I get notice from the fraud department...
Aisyah Feb 12, 2021 |
Hi, could you please check and deliver my parcel with the tracking number of PL117402040786 to me asap since i need it for my wedding day. Thank You ya 😊...
Shouston Feb 12, 2021 |
I never received any magazine and still being charged i want to cancel my order...
german Feb 12, 2021 |
I will share a similar experience than NoWayJack Wang
After being scammed by
Scammer site:
- https://www.edctmine.com/
I contacted many "recovery companies" having always the same result. Victims need to pay in advance from 3,000 to USD20,000...
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