ConcernedCritic Aug 2, 2016 |
I'm sick of seeing the pornographic Carl's Jr and Hardee's commercials. More importantly I'm sick of my impressionable young daughters seeing them. They need to be stopped. It's immoral and degrading. There's a time and place for such things, like for eyes 18 and...
tsaliunali Aug 2, 2016 |
This commercial comes on family television where there is no avoiding it. I am embarrassed in front of my father, my husband and my son as it demeans my gender. All people come from a womans womb, so treat your mothers and daughters with respect. Young girls who's eyes cannot hide from...
Morrisjane523 Aug 2, 2016 |
My 85 year old Aunt has been asking me to write to Home and Family on her behalf for many months now. Home and Family was her all time favorite show until Debbie began to be featured more and more on the show. My Aunt felt such a connection to Christina. She just can not believe that Christina...
Momof3 Aug 2, 2016 |
Building 40 apt 2F (34-55 12th st Astoria my 11106)is constantly playing loud music day and night the disabled woman has moved her adult son in who does nothing except get drunk and obnoxiously play music so loud my walls tremble! I have complained to 311 several times as have others only when...
Gailjohnson2012 Aug 2, 2016 |
Charles.harris53 Aug 2, 2016 |
I was told I had a case and took off time to meet a investigator. At the last minute I was told not to come in! Total lie they are for the people!...
sls63 Aug 2, 2016 |
At this time with all the misrepresentation and legal matters at hand I can't say a whole lot except people please investigate and do a background on any attorney before you hire them. I wish I had done just that and I wouldn't be where I am today. I can say that they represented me...
onemadVet Aug 2, 2016 |
I am a 100% disabled Navy Veteran filing for Social Security due to extensive injuries. I am filing a formal complaint and Vote of no confidence against Attorney Michael T Reese from Morgan & Morgan. He needs to be put on unpaid administrative leave immediately and disbarred preventing him...
Sam1234 Aug 2, 2016 |
I have just received a letter in the mail from these people the same letter that I see everyone else has posted I don't keep them out of there just in case someone to put up a lawsuit case because I want to be in it this is ridiculous please someone help us do a class lawsuit against these...
argeliav Aug 2, 2016 |
Received this letter in the mail, clearly a scam. Every time someone asks money in exchange for a "prize," it's a scam. It's sad that people fall for this and that there are people out there scamming hard working people and cashing in on this, shame in these people!!! Don't...
Estr.nel Aug 2, 2016 |
Tried to park this morning. The car could not reverse at all - no power. There is a lag of a few seconds when pulling away before the car starts moving. This puts your life in danger ! We have it fixed, but the problem always returns and it becomes sluggish. The aircon reacts in a very random...
Jason Wong Aug 2, 2016 |
I bought my prada struzzo wallet one year ago at Prada Selfridges store at London . I really regret getting it. After few days using it, the quills on the corner and edges of the wallet is starting to come off. It didn't totally comes off but it looks hanging and it's really annoying....
cherie2 zn Aug 2, 2016 |
On the 06/06/2016 I applied for maternity uif and submitted ID,BIRTH CERTIFICATE,DOCTORS YELLOW FORM,UI 2.7 & UI19. And they gave me a form say I must come to sign on 18/07/2016, and later on the 06th I received the message says they received my application and my claim will be assessed...
KNWMN Aug 2, 2016 |
[email protected]
My Walden story begins in 2008 and all went well until January 2012. I had just (in December 2011) been approved to begin the URR phase of my doctoral program. Walden dismissed my chair, assigned a new one, and I had to start all over. In 2015, after accruing 3...
Older and wiser Aug 2, 2016 |
I see that they have not changed since 1975. That's the year I had my first job, which was at Hardee's. I grew up in a small town, and jobs for teenagers were hard to come by. It was considered a perk if you worked for a national company, which had to pay the Federal minimum wage of...
SierraLL Aug 2, 2016 |
I purchased a GE Dryer a year ago (8/19) and about 3 weeks ago it stopped blowing hot air. I contacted Sears and then sent our a repair person. He determined the dryer was installed incorrectly and the connection had burnt out. I was told our Dryer was covered until 8/19 and that we would...
Josecastro1997 Aug 2, 2016 |
Hey I'm Jose I want her back on nightclub story her club name is πUltra π Violent π I'm Serious I want her back on nightclub story now already I'm not going to stop if you guys bring her back on nightclubstory before I will sew Teamlava of y'all don't bring...
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