Eliza Aug 3, 2016 |
The phone number goes nowhere; puts you in a dead zone.
Drive close to 25 miles just to hand in paperwork that is vital to sustaining the case, only to find out I cannot speak with anyone.
Try the fax numbers and ALL OF THEM come back as 'failed'. (Cannot...
Pravin Wakchaure Aug 3, 2016 |
Dear Sir,
I lost my HTC E9 ONE PLUS ON 28/06/2016.
IMEI NO. is 357709066470738 / 357709066510731.
Please help me find my mobile or track who use my mobile.
My email id is pankaj5wak@gmail.com & my cell no. is 9167771728...
AlvinTM Aug 3, 2016 |
My mobily sim card is always deducting my load balance in my account. Im not using to call or text still deducting and i don't have any subscription. Please deactivate the deduction. Please help my number is 0562004934.
Thanks in advance....
Kaztaz56 Aug 3, 2016 |
I am a loyal AT&T customer, been with AT&T as long as I had DSL. Last week I have purchased an upgrade on my Uverse internet which the representative at that time gave me really good deal and a technicuan scheduled in timely manner. The following Saturday July30,2016 technicuan strives...
praveenlpatil Aug 3, 2016 |
My moblie (Micromax Juice 2 Model No AQ5001 was stollen at Goodluck Bus stop Deccan Area Pune 411005 on 31-03-2016 IMEI No 911417754234122 Police complaint alredy given at Deccan Police station on 31-03-2016 at 8.00 pm....
den Aug 3, 2016 |
August 2, 2016
PO BOX 2905
Kansas City, Kansas 66110-2905
United States
I received today a letter from Larry Hourd, commissioner of judging division award notification commission with PO Box...
Codye951 Aug 3, 2016 |
How do we sue me and my girlfriend attended their San Bernadino campus ( which is closed now).. pharmacology and compounding class both graduated with over 97% in the course and got jobs before our externships were complete we are having major problems with the loans and the amounts are way...
lisman Aug 3, 2016 |
 had this hard inquiry show up on my credit report from "CCB/PPC" on May 22, 2015 says it would be removed by
Jun 2017 ...says the type is for National Credit Card Cos....i have no idea what this is, do not have credit cards, have not applied for credit cards, or anything pertaining...
Angie24 Aug 3, 2016 |
This is not what we need to see to eat at Carl's Jr.
It doesn't matter what age the audience is. It's just inappropriate for the type of commercial.
Please stop them....
brendawhalen88 Aug 3, 2016 |
I would like a refund u done nothing for me accept take my money. And change attorneys 5 times thank you please give my monem back from both cases family 4000andbankrupt 1400 brendawhalen 8133101603...
Edandkeitha Aug 3, 2016 |
Your commercials are about as tasteless as they come. What exactly are you trying to sell? I guess you hope that men are so stupid that they will eat your food just because you put slutty near naked women on tv. Guess what? You fail. There is no telling how many men I have overheard state...
pastor Aug 3, 2016 |
Hardees 3 way burger commercial is vulgar, disgusting, and offensive. I can't believe it's aired on prime time television where impressionable children can view it.
Suso Aug 3, 2016 |
Love this club. Have had no problems and have been to many places very cost effective. If we don't use it in that year we don't pay a dime. We have been to Kauai beachfront, St Marten another beautiful beachfront property....
Spoofemskibs Aug 3, 2016 |
Posing as owners of nice newer vehicles advertising through Craigslist they want to sell by wanting to use 'eBay services for the safety of both of us so if you’re interested in purchasing this vehicle just email me with your full name, address including the zip code and phone number,...
ALI49 Aug 3, 2016 |
I have been with Alarm force for almost 10 years paying each and every month. Not once during that time did they call to see if my system was in need of an update (not wireless). I have not had an landline for almost 2 years and not once did they call to check, BUT each and every month they...
tbarrett77 Aug 3, 2016 |
There have been countless complaints about the lack of diversity in Hallmark movies, especially on the Christmas movies, which I love. Since nothing seems to change, it means you have no desire to show diversity in your movies and have more or less said that people of color don't matter....
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