satish nanaware Aug 4, 2016 |
my mobile theft phaltan city maharashtra Mobile detils given below Name : - Ankit satish nanaware. Email add :- [email protected] last sim use Bsnl 9423136263 ...
mian Aug 4, 2016 |
Can Any one tell me what is the issue.
i was attach my payoneer card with fiverr account and fiver disabled my account without any reason.
when i contact to CS they said i have already add this card with another account but i have not attach this with any other.
now they...
Greenpt Aug 4, 2016 |
My son bought me a box of Premium Saltines last weekend because I was sick and asked him to go to the store and get me some crackers. What happened to these crackers? The taste is just awful! I put them aside, thinking the terrible taste was because I was sick. Well, it's 3 days later...
kminamide Aug 4, 2016 |
Received a charge of 3.89 . Alternate long distance provider Triton Global 807-788-1246
Shaw reversed the charge but was told it would be reversed only once. Apparently the charge is for directory assistance which I did not use. Not sure how to prevent it from happening again. Will...
babygurl68 Aug 4, 2016 |
This gas station at Sheridan and 25th in Hollywood Florida, does not honor the coupons on the packs. They post a sign with cost of cigarettes then charge more. It states 4.83 if you by 3 or more Pall Mall and has 50 cents off. They TRIED to charge me 6.00 a pack if I wanted to use the 50 cents...
Esblimie Aug 4, 2016 |
Rude staff called Kim under supervisor Castro killed what would've been a repeat customer and left a sour taste afterward. This is serious! I had a $2000 consumer loan with Tidewater Financial that I just paid off. At first, Tidewater had decent, courteous and mature staff. It was a pleasure...
PieterK Aug 4, 2016 |
The above message has reference.
I have on numerous occasions phoned the number given in the above message to report to you
that you are wrongfully using my number; 083 777 0318, mentioning a person that I don’t even
know as well as I don’t even...
mez00bab Aug 4, 2016 |
I have bought HTC smart phone before 6 months from AWOK.com and when the battery got broken I sent it to HTC service center but got surprised that they could not accept to make the service as the mobile is not original and when I tried to call AWOK.com they could not give any reason for that...
Lyns Aug 4, 2016 |
Brought 20 sterling superkings I am aware they should only be 19 but I only got 17 I feel I've been ripped off...
RHOPEH Aug 4, 2016 |
BIPSolutions - signed up for 12 months. Their service did not work for us, so we cancelled at the end of the first year. Now we are told that we have to pay another full year because we hadn't cancelled within the specified time frame in the small print.
I have asked for...
Lawrence 2180 Aug 4, 2016 |
Posted AUGUST 3, 2016
Dear all,
I’ll like to add-on to my previous post of my king-sized bedframe and ‘RUCAS’ brand mattress ordered from Rozel Toh Guan Furniture. I feel so grateful to forum member mimirin for her advice to check the order carefully! I kept that...
zulhelman Aug 4, 2016 |
kenapa dekat antara gapi coverage celcom very2 slow?? ckp upgrade 4g, tp coverage slow?? nak dapat line pn ssh. kwsan prumahan sini kebanyakkan 2tingkat. klau dduk kt bwah lngsung xde line.. mcm mna you jaga ur customer??pdhl pnduduk kwsan kt sini ramai. xkn stiap kli nk call or bkak data kna...
Drell Aug 4, 2016 |
Viceland is promoting things it should'nt . I like most people don't have a big problem with pot, gays, lesbians, etc. However I don't think it should be promoted to young minds like that shit is the greatest ever or if you don't want to be around gays you're a bigot....
rebecca_ramirez Aug 4, 2016 |
AARP sends a bill saying that they have tried to contact me 3 times regarding my unpaid subscription. I have never been an AARP member....
jangu Aug 4, 2016 |
I feel so stupid that I have felt for the "free trial" except for US$1.99 shipping SCAM. When my usual cream ran out, I thought I try a new product when I saw an ad for the "free-trial". Stupidly, I supplied my credit card details to pay for the US$1.99 shipping. I saw...
bellala Aug 4, 2016 |
 DATE : 3 AUGUST 2016
Last night, i ordered a cup of small Milo. But, the cashier ( Ridzuan ) mistakenly press for the Regular Milo. Then, he asked the person in charge on that time to change the item that mistakenly press. And i found out that...
lgbright Aug 4, 2016 |
I'm so aggravated with pch bull crap, they cheat on games twice the claw has pick up money bag and dropped it, but never dropped tokens ever,they tell everyone same thing and I should have won mahjong highest score but wouldn't you know they acted as if I had not played that day I...
Shyma Aug 4, 2016 |
This company is still there : yesterday I saw two different ads in gulf news with contact numbers. So I called them. Immediately one lady named Sara asked me to come on King Faisal Road in Sharjah and asked me to give a call when reaches there to AL Moski Trading. She didn't asked my details...
TAKE IT BACK Aug 4, 2016 |
TAKE IT BACK! Nabisco along with many other company's are getting away with selling food products that taste bad. If everyone would TAKE IT BACK the manufactures would be forced to correct the problem.
We through away food that taste bad and company's keep making it bad because...
tshepo seme Aug 4, 2016 |
I was retrenched on the 31st of march and applied for my uif on the 29th of june, got a date for 27th of july and again on the 24th of august, then I received an sms that my claim Is being rejected, please help me because I was so dissapointed after I received the sms. I'm still a young...
redtopmain Aug 4, 2016 |
Your commercials are inappropriate for family TV. It's sad that Hardees has so little confidence in the food they sell that they have to try and get customers by enticing people with your nasty commercials. Which that in itself is insane. Grow up Hardees and hire mature, family oriented...
me2 Aug 4, 2016 |
I have not eaten at Hardee's since these commercials started. What makes you think we want to see sluts eating hamburgers? If you can't sell your food without them, then it must not be very good....
AngrywithSWG Aug 4, 2016 |
In a previous complaint Dr. P stated that Southwest Gas had illegally entered his property via scaling a block wall separating the property from the alley. on 8/3/2016 at approximately 11:00 am I experienced the same situation. I came home from running errands to find two men carrying a ladder...
lindiwe Aug 4, 2016 |
I applied for uif last year november and was told not to apply that time but in january , i did that in january nd they are now telling me one document is not scanned as always, frustrating, why should we wait so long ? Pease help 0738664520...
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