shabab Aug 3, 2015 |
Sir,i have received an email about winning of 50000000 pounds &so on.I want to know was it real or fake?Please contact me on +91 9961206457...
Sonjaca32 Aug 3, 2015 |
What has this world come to? I can't even watch tv with my 11 year old son in the room. It's disgusting and degrading. When will this world change? I have a new baby boy and I feel selfish bringing my kids into a corrupt, sexualized, selfish world like this. Carl's jr get a...
JBT Aug 3, 2015 |
Yesterday I and my family went to Mcdonalds Drive thru at seremban Jalan labu, went to the wash room its such a disgrace Filthy smelly and Unhygienic at all.
what happen to your Cleanliness and safe for the patrons.
Food purchased is not of the quality 20 years ago condiments...
michaelleclair Aug 3, 2015 |
Dear WeblinkIndia, i must thank you for going out of the way to help me in my time of need. As you well know, i have hired a company to be distributing flyers to the whole suburb of Scarborough, for tomorrow, which is Saturday. Sunday. I was having a lot of trouble getting one critical aspect...
gloria adler Aug 3, 2015 |
I sent $1800. via Chase Visa Card to Jessica Perry only to find out she was selling sick and dying kittens. She sold me a "Calico Ragdoll" which I found out shortly afterwards is not even a breed..I cancelled my order and presently my complaint is in the dispute department of my charge...
Monitors Aug 2, 2015 |
I wish somebody from Hallmark with slight hearing loss try to hear actors talking with all the background music. I wish I had a way to SHUT OFF THE BACKGROUND MUSIC...
[email protected] Aug 2, 2015 |
I am writing you to let you know that I received a letter stating that I won 2,00000000 dollars and I had to send them 12.99 payable to the office of ANC....
gok marsh Aug 2, 2015 |
I purchased a jar of Nescafe instant coffee with the original red mug on the label. I did not look too closely but after getting home and tasting the bitter excuse for cofee I examined it closely. There was some foreign printing in the corner of the label and the name was...
[email protected] Aug 2, 2015 |
i would like to be apart of any class action lawsuit against SLS mortgage...
narayan kanakdar Aug 2, 2015 |
Dear sir/madam,
I lost my Moto g (2nd genration) mobile model-XT1068 at Kurudvadi date: 01.08.2015 .my name is Narayan Kanakdar contact no: 7083657180,9096436861,9975176338(1) IMEI NO 353326061043214.(2) IMEI NO:353326061043222 Please check& find it.
Thanks & Regards
Kbiddle16 Aug 2, 2015 |
I had a hard credit check on my credit report that Kredit Karma alerted me about on 8/2/2015. It occurred 7/3/2015. I never requested nor authorized a credit check through Paypal or CCB/PPC. Please help fix this. It dropped my scores by over 50 points!...
Ered1iw Aug 2, 2015 |
Okay I had never shopped at FYE until last Monday. After waiting fifteen minutes, I had to go to the back of the store to grab someone who was working the floor to help me check out. The man was nice and after he scanned my movie he asked me if I wanted the VIP backstage pass. He told me that...
Khyathi Aug 2, 2015 |
IMEI :355716066862287
IMEI 2:355716066862295...
paul194 Aug 2, 2015 |
After years of issues with service and multiple hours of phone calls I was finally informed by one of Comcasts representatives that the transmission line in my area had been installed underground in a very close proximity to an underground electrical transmission line and the interference with...
DAVID YOSHIOKA Aug 2, 2015 |
Anni Abraham Aug 2, 2015 |
Please help me and stop my vas charge for my number 0502346757...
Jaedmar Aug 2, 2015 |
I purchased a ticket with Trip Flex. I needed to reschedule flight and called multiple times (was disconnected twice after having been on hold for over an hour, reached someone one time but was told I had to make the change online which was inaccurate, then was on hold for over two hours before...
charlie2015 Aug 2, 2015 |
This company sent email generated replies to my claim and did not contact my vet like they said they had...I did all the communicating just to be declined. If you register on line they holdvthat against you......watch the finevprint its so fine its invisible....this company is a money grabbing...
ranainvis Aug 2, 2015 |
My Mobile Phone was missing today(2/08/2015)
My name : M.MD.ILEYAS
Mobile Number :9942235802
Address: 6/60 Nehruji Nagar,Munipal Complex,Dindigul-624001.
Imei No: 352116065177816...
emily williams Aug 1, 2015 |
Filing a complaint about an unsatisfactory delivery made by Casimiro Branch. Orders placed on Aug 1 about 12 noon. Per OR# 04000754 / alvin/ 12:11 pm/ 08/01/2015 wiyh the foLlowing items:
>1 porkchop lrt > 1 porkchop lrt d >1 soda to pj reg >1 bcf fpsio >2...
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