risu Aug 15, 2014 |
Please remove vas charges for my no 0551774331...
Con Aug 15, 2014 |
Hi, can someone please get back to me. I have placed an order with Modnique and to this date have not received my item. I now find out that they have closed and without any notice....
brian7588 Aug 15, 2014 |
Broken contract, no phone contact and cannot contact them...
maniva Aug 15, 2014 |
IMEI NO; *359548/04/784719/4*
SIM NO;9524553287 ,CONTACT NO; 9585541238...
meme11 Aug 15, 2014 |
I've had several issues with the local office but each was annoying and not a huge deal so I let them slide. The office was close to work and had good hours and I'm very much a "don't sweat the small stuff" person and don't believe in being rude to someone who just...
bigtruck Aug 15, 2014 |
EMS contacted me in October 2013 with regards to building me a web sight to work on both desk top and pc for £450 thus far I have paid EMS close to £2000 and up to this date have got nothing I have posted 2 letters of complaint recorded delivery and had no response in my opinion there just...
Manisha Kumari Aug 15, 2014 |
Please help in finding stole mobile.
Name :Manisha Kumari
Address: Manifit Market Mandir Line,Q.No-1,Telco,Jamshedpur-831004,East Singbhum,Jharkhand.
Make/Model:Sony Xperia L
Last used number:8084090507
Email for communication : [email protected]
toxic.savior Aug 15, 2014 |
Seriously Smallworlds you have so many issues and Im fed up dealing with them, I had a problem on an account I emailed [email protected] my problem and they sent me a whole load of stuff I didn't need I emailed them saying I forgot my email and password and I wondered if I could get...
Ganes Chandra Jana Aug 15, 2014 |
Price money winning
I am Ganes Chandra Jana . I got an e-mail from RBI bank. They told me that I am the prize winner of Apple iPod Company Lottery Department UK. The winning prize money is 500000 GBP. For the remittance of this cash to my account, I had deposited RS.18500/-...
FrankRP Aug 15, 2014 |
I was not aware of all the complaints against them. I taught a course for them in Kuala Lumpur back in April and have yet to get paid (August 15, 2014).
One of their competitors is helping me file a claim with the Small Claims Tribunal to recover fees and expenses.
Darpan Aug 15, 2014 |
I lost my sony xperiac in amritsar . Imei no. Is 35809505340439-6...
Darpan Aug 15, 2014 |
Lost my Xperia c in amritsar plz help me...
jeevan99 Aug 15, 2014 |
stolen my mobile .samsung7562...
Anjaneyulu Aug 15, 2014 |
Hi.i lost my mobile by pickpocketer.imei number is 357089059634198,357090059634196...
carplson Aug 14, 2014 |
When you pay more than the amount due, Nelnet automatically moves your next month's payment due date and does NOT apply the extra to the principal. I was told you must click "Do Not Advance Due Date" when making a payment, but this option did NOT appear when making an extra lump...
MrsWileci Berbana Aug 14, 2014 |
What an incredible story in my life, I am Mrs Wilecia Berbana,currently living in New York City, USA. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation. Last two months i needed to refinance and pay my bills and some others serious debt. I was looking for a...
j1u2d3 Aug 14, 2014 |
It is such a shame that we can not sit in our own living rooms to enjoy a show of TV without being subjected to some obscene commercial with two scantily clad women supposedly advertising hamburgers. I can assure you we will not be eating Carl's Jr. Burgers!!! The commercial makes us...
patbrooks Aug 14, 2014 |
To begin with Apria delivered equipment that was not prescribed, I do not use. My prescription was for oxygen use at night only. I do not need refill equipment.. Then Apria billed and collected 10 months on my son's credit card, despite my phone calls and letter written to the billing...
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