ikram hussain Aug 3, 2014 |
pleas deactive vas charge from my mobail no 050468107 5sr per week has been deducted from my balance thank you...
SHarward Aug 3, 2014 |
I want you to know that an extremely sleazy commercial of yours just came on while watching the 9 p.m. news. I hardly watch television and can't believe that I can't even watch the news without seeing such sleaze. I didn't realize until now that your company is famous for such...
annabarrett Aug 2, 2014 |
my 6 year old grand daughter could have argued a better case. We were shocked as we sat in the court room and listened as our lawyer allowed the other lawyer rail road our son who is in the military based in Ramstien Germany. The opposing lawyers lied about our sons not ever living in the...
meleke macox Aug 2, 2014 |
Dear Sir/Madam,
Are you desperately in need of a loan help? Have you be denied of a
loan from your bank or any financial firm? Do you need financial
assistance? Do you need a loan to pay off your bills or buy a home? Do
you want to have a business of your...
Sadday Aug 2, 2014 |
Received a delivery of four appliances which appeared to be in good condition.It was 30 days before I was unable to install the Kitchenaid dishwasher when I noticed that the bottom of the unit was slightly bent, preventing proper installation.
I corresponded very nicely with the...
shonac Aug 2, 2014 |
I signed up to pay $0.49 for 7 day free membership trial. On the same night I was charged 29.95 with out being informed until I received an email after the transaction was made!!!!! How is a 7 day free membership for $0.49, $29.95!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And also all of the phone...
Richvanc Aug 2, 2014 |
Purchased this card at Best Buy. BIG MISTAKE! I loaded 150 dollars on it, then when called the 1-800 number to activate the card the agent wanted very personal identification details. Gave those details, agent said unable to activate card...try again starting from scratch in 24 hours. THIS IS...
jernmim Aug 2, 2014 |
Why are only a select few able to get 100,000 or more tokens each day.
I have been playing PCH Games for many years and I usually get only 100 or 250 tokens from each game.
In addition, after I have played the first one or two scratcher games I am sent to a servey which dumps me...
Seabeeyoung Aug 2, 2014 |
My husband & I got our "free trial" with Experian. The "free trial" ended while my husband was in the hospital & I was unable to get time to call & cancel. 2 days later when I had a moment to breath & look at my banking account I see Experian had taken out...
greenma Aug 2, 2014 |
After spending a pleasant afternoon shopping in the local area, visiting Leigh, Worsely, my partner and I called at the Bulls Head, buy passing several pups in the area offering two meals for a £10, opting for what we thought a better standard of meal/service and ordered a meal along with drinks.
Help us please Aug 2, 2014 |
A few months ago, we fell on hard times, like many others. We began receiving Medicaid and food stamps. A few months back, my fiancé suddenly lost his Medicaid because I wasn't complying with child support. That was funny considering we live together and always have. After numerous...
d822hayward Aug 2, 2014 |
I have had a pay pal account for years. All of a sudden this Ccb/Bml hard inquiry shows up on my Equifax report. This has lowered my credit score. I am cancelling my pay pal account and will never use them again. Since this credit score determines how much I pay for car insurance, loans,...
Ramnarayan2014 Aug 2, 2014 |
Lavisa Infrastructures Limited is a big fraud company. As they launched their township project in Name of "Lakvinsar city" at Mysore road,bangalore and Lavisa Planet at New Airport Road, bangalore, and after 5-6 years of launching they didnot even create the basic facilities there,...
laverne mcafee Aug 2, 2014 |
Lady from Just Energy came to my door banging on it as if it was a police raid! Scared me; When I got to the door she didn't say I represent a company that can save you money, she demanded GO GET YOUR GAS BILL! Which immediately put me on defense cuz if you're talking to ME this way,...
sanman49 Aug 2, 2014 |
i was charged 10.69 on my account today with out my knowledge at t9:36 AM 8/2/14...
yvonne dorothy Aug 2, 2014 |
I have purchased over $600.00 worth of jewellery from them, who do I go to for my purchase and or refund??
[email protected] Aug 2, 2014 |
IMEI NO : 352868059494462
IMEI NO : 352868059494472
MAIL ID : [email protected]...
zhouweivi Aug 2, 2014 |
i found 10 pounds was deduted from my bank account last month . i didnt buy anything from u and i dont even know who you are! pls return my money back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Person123 Aug 2, 2014 |
Yesterday I placed an order around 11:25pm, I was waiting for a long period of time...we called them 2 times and they never phoned back let alone listen to our acquirements, finally 1 hour and a half later it arrived I don't blame the person who delivered it but I do fully blame whoever...
stap-est Aug 1, 2014 |
some people eat after eight at night....
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