catgirl Sep 14, 2020 |
Two fraudulent charges of $98.96 and $29.99 on my account from use of my debit card from this company. Calling them does no good as you are just put on an indefinite hold. I had to file a complaint with my bank, who are crediting me the funds but I have to have a new card issued....
catgirl Sep 14, 2020 |
Found on my account two fraudulent charges from MVW Match.com for $98.96 and $29.99. Tried calling them and all I got was a recording that their representatives are busy and will get back to you shortly.
I contacted my bank and they are canceling my debit card and also going...
PI Sep 14, 2020 |
Hi, To whom,
I used to love Lara Spencer, but the dog's have ruined it for me and I love dogs. For a brief time, fine, but to be constant is so annoying and distracting. Pease get rid of dog's as a constant on air!
Bravo, love George Stephanopoulos.
edwardclinton26 Sep 14, 2020 |
Sir please proceed my item quickly. My item no. Is PL757702516971. It has been stuck for 3 days now. Please proceed it. I need it as soon as possible. I hope you will take more attention to this kind of thing. Tq....
Zie Zie Sep 14, 2020 |
 parcel saya stuck di klia hub 1september sampai sekarang tak sampai2..please check PL964282602662.,,...
Daronxt Sep 14, 2020 |
 UI19 Form Submitted March 2020 due to retrenchment and still no payment or correspondence!!!
The last communication online states that 27/03/2020 the claim was completed by the assessor, it's now 14 September 2020 and I've been out of work from end March 2020 due to...
Farha Sep 14, 2020 |
Assalam Poslaju Stuff.
My customer's parcel stuck at KLIA HUB (to Limbang, Sarawak). Kindly, please check the parcel tracking no: PL975376747973.
I hope you can update the status of delivery and send the parcel as soon as possible. Thank you in advance....
NUR AFIQAH Sep 14, 2020 |
Kenapa parcel customer saya masih berada di KLIA HUB dari 3 Julai 2020 sehingga sekarang? Customer asyik complain dan bising sekarang ni. Masalahnya bukan berada di pihak kami tapi POS LAJU. Kami cuba utk hubungi dan mengetahui status. Pihak HQ juga menunggu sekiranya parcel ini dikembalikan....
NUR AFIQAH Sep 14, 2020 |
Why has my customer parcel been at KLIA HUB for almost 2 months? This is tracking number EN286443437MY. Kindly, deliver it. My customer keeps on the text and complains about it to me. Please, check it....
wick337 Sep 14, 2020 |
I watch the Hallmark movies with my wife and we did enjoy them but it seems that the music in the back ground is so bad and loud that I told her I was going to take up drinking just to tolerate that obnoxious sound....
Ccleo Sep 14, 2020 |
I order the free dashcam it's a piece of#?&()/*"$ 2 weeks ago all of a sudden they took 82.35 from my account without my permission how can they be doing this I don't know if I m getting back my money but they got to be stopped...
Mohd Idris Sep 14, 2020 |
Barang saya tolong hantar keluar tanggal berapa sudah ni.. Nama ja pos laju tapi lambat dn lembab system macam taik tak upgrade ni bukan zaman nenek moyang lalu sungai bodoh.. Ni zaman 2020 zaman online.. Di Byr bukan percuma.. Tkkan nak tggu org pickup sendri..bodoh!! Pos lembab macam babi.....
Farha Sep 14, 2020 |
Assalam Poslaju Stuff,
My customer parcel stuck in KLIA HUB to Limbang, Sarawak since 5/9/2020. Please check the parcel:
I hope you can update the status of delivery and send it as soon as possible. Thank you in advance....
MHOLT Sep 13, 2020 |
This is my email complaint to the former Manager who is now Sun Communities Business Affairs President or VP now.
Stopped my Sale of #628 by Manager
Mashell Holt < [email protected]>
11:41 AM (1 hour ago)
to nhigley
Hi Natalie,
MHOLT Sep 13, 2020 |
Here is my Complaint email sent to the former Manager who is now President of Business Affairs' for Sun Communities. Please read what is currently happening to me:
Stopped my Sale of #628 by Manager
11:41 AM (1 hour ago)
to nhigley
lennygiangiulio Sep 13, 2020 |
STOP the the music while people are talking. What happened to sound again....
vksharma99 Sep 13, 2020 |
I was recharging the mobile but the mobile was not recharged and the money was deducted from my account, please check and give me the grace to return the money....
vksharma99 Sep 13, 2020 |
I was recharging the mobile but the mobile was not recharged and the money was deducted from my account, please check and give me the grace to return the money....
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