Please arrange your service wisely. My parcel was stuck at KLIA HUB for more than 10 days. Please dispatch out. Everyone is waiting and we paid for the service. Please.....
Wanted to use click and collect, but eGift card is not a payment option (although it has a unique ID). Rang Melton and was put through to Click and Collect. Girl told she could not complete transaction for same reason as above. So I will have to shop there - which is precisely what I hoped to...
My item wont budge or reach my areaβs post office yet.Itβs an urgent matter. That item was shipped out on april yet still not updated anything on the tracking system....
My item ERB811478080MY has been stuck with status "Item process at KLIA hub" since 5 May 2020. Today is 14th May. No updates whatsoever, I have written to care@pos but no response....
Sir please telecast madan senki ryukendo.this is all favourite show so please telecast ryukendo.( hindi dubber ryukendo nachicket dighe)πππ thankyou...
dari 11 mei barang tak gerak2 lagi.. hrap2 blboleh laa bergerak dengam cepat ye.. brg nak sebelum raya.. ERB884047372MY this is the tracking number please alert.. thank you for your attention...
barang saya stuck dekat klia hub dari 10 may haritu:(mintak tolong sangat sangat pos laju dapat hantar dekat saya sebelum 19 may ni:(saya mintak tolong sangat:(
barang saya dari 9 may haritu belum sampai sampai lagi sampai sekarang;saya mintak sangat poslaju dapat hantar barang tu kat saya sebelum 19 may ni;(mintak tolong sangat sangat:(