[New Complaint]
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE open Cash Casino! Do you ever read these complaints? It's for PCH and there's No Way into it! PLEASE fix it so people ...
[New Complaint]
I'm asking again WHY have Cash Casino if you can't get into it????...
[New Complaint]
Why do you have Cash Casino if you can't get into it? I'm asking you please open it!...
[New Complaint]
Here I am again, asking you to please fix Cash Casino so I can get into it! Please!!!...
[New Complaint]
I keep trying to get into Cash Casino, I keep seeing how people are winning 5K or whatever, how are they even getting into the game? It hasn't ev...
[New Complaint]
I know I was complaining about the in between loading between getting extra balls; but now I even get into the game. I really like this app and would ...
[New Complaint]
I really do hate to complain all the time, but the loading between getting extra balls continues to get stuck. Please fix it. I can't play any ot...
[New Complaint]
Here I am again complaining about the loading between getting more balls and the videos. I really wish you could fix that problem so it won't get...
[New Complaint]
I love playing bingo, but lately every time it goes into getting more balls it just gets stuck in the loading. That's where it just keeps loading...
[New Complaint]
I just want you to know I keep trying to play the games, but I'm having trouble getting past, or should I say I can't play the I don't ...
[New Complaint]
I wasn't going to write again, but you have to know that I can't get through all the games, and I'm trying, everyday, but MiojohnnMoola...
[New Complaint]
I know you're getting tired of hearing from me, but I just wanted you to know if I don't finish the pch instant games, it's because the...
[New Complaint]
This isn't a complaint, I just want to thank you for taking the pch instant games off while fixing them! Thank you so much! It was nice to be abl...
[New Complaint]
I'm now begging you to fix the pch instant games! There's not much time left before you choose someone to win the $5000 a week for life. I h...
[New Complaint]
The night before last I thought you finally fixed the instant gams, as in Sunken Treasures,and Mah Jongg Moolah. But last night and this morning the S...